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2. Предлоги и время

Who found the tail? "At a quarter to two "I," said Pooh, (Only it was quarter to eleven really), I found the tail!"

A. A. Milne, Winnie- The-Pooh

a) когда мы говорим, в каком часу что-то произойдет, следует употреблять предлог at (а не in!):

The band begins at ten to six when Mr K. performs his tricks without a sound.1

Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins.2

Well, I stood stonelike at midnight suspended in my masquerade.3

b) когда речь идет о днях, ставится предлог on (опять-таки не in!):

The celebrated Mr K. performs his feat on Saturday At Bishopsgate,4

кроме тех случаев, когда к названиям дней приделаны слова morning, evening, afternoon или night. В этом случае никаких предлогов ставить не нужно:

Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away.5

____________________ 1. Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite by The Beatles. 2. She's Leaving Home by The Beatles. 3. Growin' Up by Brace Springsteen. 4. Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite by The Beatles. 5. She's Leaving Home by The Beatles.

Thursday night your stockings needed mending.1

To же самое, естественно, происходит, если дни фигурируют не как дни недели, а как числа или просто в виде слова "день":

On the I st on January.

On the day of their wedding.

I married Isis on the fifth day of May.2

Driving into Darlington County Me and Wayne on the Fourth of July.

Driving into Darlington County lookin' for some work on the county line.3

c) а вот к году, месяцу и времени года полагается ставить предлог in:

in summer, in 1968, in May. etc.

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes A four of fish and finger pies in summer Meanwhile back.4

They let him out in '79, he'd lost a little weight.5

And then one day in April, I wasn't even there, For there were many things 1 didn't know. A son was born to me.

Mama held his hand, sayin' someday you'll understand.6

d) Когда перед словами, обозначающими нечто календарное (неделя, месяц, год, _________________ 1. Lady Madonna by The Beatles. 2. Isis by Bob Dylan. 3. Darlington Country by Bruce Springsteen. 4. Penny Lane by The Beatles. 5. Joey by Bob Dylan. 6. Someday Never Comes by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

202 Глава 4. Предлоги

лето, зима, осень, понедельник, вторник и т. д.) стоят слова next, last или this, никаких предлогов ставить не нужно:

Last summer.

Next Sunday.

This week.

Last night the wife said. Oh boy when you're dead You don't take nothing with you but your soul.1

e) постоянная проблема возникает со словом "через" (через две недели, через месяц, через три года). Это вовсе не through и не after, как многие считают. Это in:

See you in a week.

Увидимся через неделю.

I am going to LA in two months.

Через два месяца я поеду в Лос-Анджелес.

It's a thousand pages give or take a few I'll be writing more in a week or two.2

Тогда как слово after означает не "через", а "после":

после войны - after the war;

после уроков - after the classes.

_______________ 1. The Ballad of John and Joko by Thе Beatles. 2. Paperback Writer byThe Beatles.