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Иностранный язык № 2.doc
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25. Answer the questions to the text:

  • Is it true that there is too much violence on TV? Why? Give examples of the films or programmes.

  • Do you agree that the children shouldn’t watch films and programmes for adults?

  • Is it really, that TV influences us? How?

26. Fill in the gaps. Use the words given below:








to get








Some people believe that effects of TV on our life are negative. They say that television is ____ dangerous for children. Many children watch it for more hours ____ day than they do ____ else. Some children begin ___ unreal ideas of reality from the violence on many ____. They may believe that there is nothing strange about fights and killings. In some countries a child ____ several thousand murders on TV before he or she is twelve years old.

Another serious problem is addiction to television. It similar to drug or alcohol ____. Many people begin to feel closer to actors on the ___ than to real people in their lives. To some people television ___ more real than reality and ___ their own lives seem boring.

27. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Телевидение, без всяких сомнений, является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни, так как оно имеет сильное влияние на людей, особенно на молодежь.

  2. За последние несколько лет подростки очень сильно изменились вследствие его влияния.

  3. Новое поколение не может представить свою жизнь без телевизионных программ.

  4. По моему мнению, подростки подвержены отрицательному влиянию телевидения.

  5. Молодое поколение не просто смотрит телевизор, а предпочитает совмещать это с другими видами деятельности, включая общение с друзьями в социальных сетях, глядя то на монитор, то на телевизионный экран, или чтение журналов.

  6. Просмотр неподходящих программ приводит к детской жестокости, потому что им трудно осознавать разницу между реальностью и фантазией.

  7. Некоторые, однако, утверждают, что телевидение может так же быть полезным.

  8. Некоторые программы на самом деле познавательные, они расширяют кругозор молодых людей и их знания.

  9. Таким образом, телевидение негативно влияет на подростков: они становятся зависимыми от него.

28. Organize a discussion «tv in our life». You have different roles; tell about yourselves and your attitude to tv.

29. Make up a topic «TV in our life».


1. What do you know about the history of cinema? Match the words on the bases of their logical connection:

first films






silent films



first cinemas

film stars

Warner Brothers

talking films


film-making capital

«Lights of New York»


Beverly Hills



2. Try to reconstruct the history of cinema:







The talking films appeared

The first studio was organised

Films began to tell stories

The first colour film was made

The sound came to films

The first film was created

Hollywood created international stars

Development of film industry

3. Read the text and check if your chronology correct. Choose the heading to each paragraph:

  • Talkies

  • Is it art?

  • Hollywood

  • The birth of the seventh art

  • Films began to tell stories

  • Movie stars

1) Can you imagine life without our television? Today we can watch TV 24 hours a day; we can go to the cinema or put a cassette into our video when we want. We can even make video films ourselves.

But imagine the surprise and the shock that people felt when they saw the first films in 1895. There was no sound, no colour and the films were very short. They did not tell a story. They were glimpses of real life: a running horse, the ocean… One of the first films showed a train coming towards the camera. The people were very frightened. The early films were shown in music halls, cafes, even shops.

2) The cinema was very popular entertainment. It was not expensive and the audience consisted mainly of workers. The rich classes ignored it. They did not think it was art.

3) Gradually films became longer and started to tell stories. Edwin S Porter was one of the first directors who made such a film in 1903. It was «The great train robbery», the first Western in the history of the cinema. This 11-minute film became a sensational hit.

In the United States, «nickelodeons» began to appear. «Nickelodeons» were cinemas where people paid a nickel (5 cents) to see several short films. It was much cheaper than the other entertainments.

Silent films had orchestras, organists or pianists. Later, people invented printed titles.

4) In 1911, the first studio was opened in Hollywood, Los Angeles. Film-makers soon realised that California’s climate was perfect for shooting films all the year round. That area had mountains, desert and ocean. Soon nearly all important American studios were in Hollywood and it became the film-making capital of the world. The men who ran Hollywood studios were businessmen and their main aim was to make money. By the 1920s, 80 percent of films were produced in Hollywood.

Today, Hollywood is not what it was. Many studios have moved to other places. The film stars have also moved to areas like Beverly Hills and Malibu. But visitors to Hollywood can go to the famous Chinese Theatre and see the footprints and autographs of famous film stars. They can go down the Walk of Fame and see the golden stars on the pavement.

5) As the industry developed, it created a new phenomenon: the international star. World travel was still slow and difficult in those days, but millions of people in different countries could see the same actors at the cinema. All over the world, from New York to Tokyo, from London to Paris, millions of people stood in long queues to see their favourite stars. A famous star could make any film a certain success. The studios made the stars. They gave an image, and often a name. They dictated the clothes the stars wore, where they lived.

Marilyn Monroe was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. Her great beauty made her a world-famous sex symbol. But in spite of her success in films she had a tragic life. She died at the age of 36 from an overdose of sleeping pills.

6) The era of the talking film began in 1927 with the enormous success of Warner Brothers «The Jazz Singer». The film had titles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. There were long queues in New York… The silent film was dead within a year. The first 100% sound film, «Lights of New York», appeared in 1928.

The first colour films were made in the 1930.