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Иностранный язык № 2.doc
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4. Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. People were …. and …. when they saw the first film.

2. The first films were without … and …. .

3. People could see the first films in … or …. .

4. «The great train robbery» was the first … .

5. At that time people had to pay …. if they wanted to see a film.

6. People invented …. for silent films.

7. California was a …. Place for shooting films.

8. Shooting films was a good way to make …. .

9. The film industry created a new …. which called the international star.

10. Marilyn Monroe was an example of a …. ….. .

5. Answer the questions to the text:

1. How did the first film look like?

2. Why was the cinema popular among workers?

3. Who was the first director who made a story film?

4. How long was the first story film?

5. Who accompanied silent films?

6. Where was the first film studio opened?

7. Why did Hollywood become the film-making capital?

8. What phenomenon could Hollywood create?

6. A) Complete the diagram:

b) Retell the text on the bases of the diagram.




  1. Tell about the Krasnoyarsk territory. What do you know about its history, culture and interesting places?

  1. Read and translate the text about the Krasnoyarsk territory:


The Krasnoyarsk territory is situated in the East Siberian Region of Russia. The Krasnoyarsk territory is 6.5 times larger than Germany and 4 times larger than France. The length of the territory from the North to the mountains of Southern Siberia is about 3000 km. In the North the Region borders Karskoe Sea and Laptev Sea. In the East the Region borders the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk region, in the South – the Republic of Tuva and Khakassia Republic, in the West – the Republic of Altai, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

Since 2006, the Krasnoyarsk territory includes the Evenki and Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Regions.

The Region includes three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and moderate. The ecology of the territory is extraordinary diverse. Arctic deserts, tundra, tundra forest, the steppe and forest steppe. The climate of the Krasnoyarsk territory is continental and characterised by long winters, short spring and short summers.

The main river of the territory is Yenisei.

The fauna of the territory consists of 342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals. Polar foxes, wolves inhabit the tundra. The brown bears, maral, deer, squirrels are found in the taiga. The rivers and lakes of the territory are rich in fish.

Tourism in the Krasnoyarsk region can be divided into several categories: sport tourism, hunting, fishing, cultural and historical tourism. The most popular tourist routes across the Krasnoyarsk territory are boating, foot tourism, ski tourism, mountaineering and speleo-turizm.

The Krasnoyarsk territory is one of Russia’s richest raw material areas. The most important natural resources are oil, gas, hydro-energy, forests, iron, ore, coal, gold and so on. Today Krasnoyarsk territory is an independent member of Russian Federation.