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5)When I saw ... in the mirror this morning, I was shocked.

6)Did you hurt ... ?

7)Speak louder! Make ... heard!

8)She lives by ... .

9)Behave ... !

10)Enjoy ... at the party!

11)Help ... to this cake!

12)She is so upset! She doesn't look ... these days!

13) Our children like being by ... .

14) We didn't go to a travel agent's to organise out trip. We organised it ... .

15) He is so proud of ... .

16) He looked behind ... .

17)He got up and shaved ... Then he dressed ... .

18)The baby is growing so fast. She can already dress ... .

19)We have made the whole repair ... .

20)You should count on no one but ... .

This/ these — that/those

This/ these

That/ those

Когда лицо или предмет

Когда лицо или предмет

находится рядом: This message

находятся на расстоянии: That

here is for you.

man over there is our manager.

Когда речь идет о настоящем

Когда речь идет о прошлом: That

или будущем: We’re having three

week was the busiest for us.

tests this week.


Когда человек находится рядом

В ответ на предыдущую реплику:

с тем местом, о котором идет

“I’m going to be promoted!” —

речь: This building was constructed

“That’s great!”

two years ago.


В телефонном разговоре, когда

В телефонном разговоре, когда

человек представляется: This is

человек хочет узнать, с кем он

Ellen speaking. May I speak to the

разговаривает: Hello! Who’s that

manager, please?


Может стоять отдельно: This is all

Может стоять отдельно: That’s

I can say on the subject.

how we got acquainted.

3. Вставьте this, that, these, those.

1)Hello! ... is Nick speaking.

2)She is visiting us ... weekend.

3)... man over there is our professor.


4)He died ... year.

5)— I've lost my purse. — ... is too bad.

6)Who is ... speaking?

7)... is all that I wanted to say.

8)... is too good to be true.

9)— ... is my sister Sue. — Please to meet you, Sue.

10)— I won the contest! — ... is great!

11)Can you see ... aeroplane in the sky?

12)My friend is getting married ... week.

13)... is my new car. Do you like it?

14)Can you pass me ... book on the shelf behind you, please.

15)— Grandad! Do you remember 1941? — Yes, ... was the year the war broke out.

16)... people over there must be waiting for the train.

17)Good evening! ... is the Queen speaking to the nation.

18)I bought ... shoes today.

19)Are you going down to the country ... weekend?

20)— I hear he’s going to be promoted. — ... is right. He'll be our new manager.

It или there?



It + be — для уточнения: There’s a man

There +be — когда впервые

on the phone. It’s the manager.

упоминается предмет или


лицо: There are some some


messages for you on your desk

It + be +to V (that-clause) — в начале


предложения: It’s a shame that they


didn’t keep their promise.


В некоторых выражениях: it seems


that, it appears that, it looks like, it is said


that, it doesn’t matter: It appears they are


going to accept our o er.


4. Вставьте it или there.

1)... isn't much time left.

2)I'm sure you are going to like...

3)... are a lot of things to take into consideration.

4)... is not so easy to choose a holiday.

5)Saransk? Where is ... ?


6)... seem to be so many choices and we’ve got a limited amount of money.

7)Is... any milk left in the fridge?

8)... is someone at the door.

9)... is hard to believe this news!

10)What's the weather like? — ... is raining.

11)Is.. your mother's birthday tomorrow?

12)... is Christmas Day and everyone is happy.

13)... is no need to worry about me.

14)... is no light in the house — something must be wrong.

15)Will ... matter if I am a bit late for the class?

Some — any — no
















ные предложе-


























No/ not

No one/ not






Not anything

Not any-



Nobody/ not








В утвердитель-





ной, вопро-





сительной или















5. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

1)– Have we got ... milk? — No, I wanted to get... yesterday but I forgot about it. — Shall I buy...?

2)Does ... else want a lift? — I'd like one if you’ve got... space in your car.

3)— Shall we buy her ... flowers? — I don't know. ... practical might be better.

4)— Do you want ... vegetables with your steak? — Well, I wouldn't mind ... chips if you've got ... .


5)— Can ... give me a hand with these books? — I can help if there is ...

else free at the moment.

6)— Does ... want to go to the theatre tonight? I've got .. free tickets.

7)— Is there... on TV tonight? — Yes, there is.. film with Elizabeth Taylor.

8)I've put... handkerchiefs into your suitcase.

9)If you need.. help, just ask me.

10)There is ... I want to ask you. Could I have...towels, please?

11)Do you want to invite ... special for dinner?

12)Could I ask you ... questions?

13)— Shall I put... music on? — Well, have you got... relaxing?

14)I'd like to get ... interesting to read on the bus.

15)Do you have ... ideas?

16)— Did you go ... this summer? — Well, I wanted to go... but unfortunately I broke my arm and had to stay at home.

17)Do you have ... problems?

18)In case you have... problems you should go to the Embassy.

19).... told me that it is possible to go... in Britain by train.

20)I doubt if... can answer this question.

21)There is hardly ... time left

6. Выберите нужное:

1)There is no one/ anyone at home.

2)There are some/ any books on my desk.

3)There is any/ no ice-cream left.

4)Did she tell you nothing/ anything?

5)There is hardly no/ any milk left.

6)She won't lend you no/ any money.

7)I need any/ some time alone.

8)I get up at 8.00 any/ every morning.

9)If anybody/ nobody wants to leave, say so now.

10)Nobody/ anybody phoned this morning.

11)I haven't seen nothing/ anything yet.

12)There is anything/ nothing good on TV tonight.

13)Some/ Every day he will be famous.

14)No one/ anyone was at home this morning.

15)Somebody/ everybody who went camping had a good time.

16)Nobody/ anybody told me that it was Ann's birthday.

17)Is there everything/ anything I can do to help?

18)There is something/ everything wrong with the xerox machine.

19)Are you going nowhere/ anywhere this summer?

20)This has nothing/ anything to do with you.


7. Вставьте each, every, everyone, everything, all или whole.

1)..... needs to relax and I am no di erent.

2)I have worked .... year without a break.

3)... is planned — we are going to spend a week in the country.

4)The... family have gathered together to discuss the plans.

5)... year we have talked about the holiday.

6)We have planned a di erent outing for... day of the week.

7)There will be something for....

8)The weather was so nice that we spent... day in the fresh air.

9)Four people live in our flat. ... of us has his own room.

10)She has three daughters..... of them look like her.

11)We've got the... summer free to do whatever we want.

12)You should go to bed at 11... night.

8.Измените предложения, используя both ... and, either ... or, neither ...

nor, not only ... but also.

1)Trace and Stella watched the program.

2)Christine wants to enter the university; so does her friend.

3)I haven't been to Greece and my husband hasn't been either.

4)The teachers thought the exam results were fair and so did the students.

5)James will pick up the parcel, or else Jane will.

6)James and David are not Muslims.

7)Mother wasn't born in January, neither was Father.

8)Cathy is going to the meeting, nor is Paul.

9. Вставьте else, or else, else's.

1)Behave yourself... you will be expelled.

2)Nothing... but stricter punishment will discourage criminals.

3)This can't be your book; I am sure it is someone...

4)I should really be going now.... I'll be late for my appointment.

5)My passport was checked by the o cials and so was everyone ....

6)Let's try somewhere ...; this cafe is rather dull.

7)I am desperate; I don't know what ... to do.

8)Place this file somewhere safe.... you might lose it.

9)Nowhere... have I been treated with such kindness and understanding.

10)Do you know who ... has been asked to attend the meeting?

11)I can't think of anyone...career that has been so brilliant as yours.

12)How.. should I do it?

13)Was anything ... said at the meeting?

14)We'd better ring them up... they will be worried.


15)Apart from mine, nobody.... presence was required at the staff meeting.

16)Is there anything... that you need to know?

17)No one … but you can help us organize the sales team.

18)We must hurry ... we will never catch the train.

19)I wasn't sitting at that desk. Someone … was working there.

20)I'm bored by answering the calls. I want to do something ...

10.Заполните пропуски выражениями of one's own, on ones's own, one's own.

1)Can you help me with these suitcases. I can't lift them ... .

2)He always does what other people tell him. He hasn't got a mind ... .

3)Why do you always drink my co ee? Don't you get any ... .

4)They need a place … since they have two small children and her parents' house is very small.

5)Is this all ... work, or did someone help you?

6)The country has had ... government since it became independent.

7)She is very stubborn, she likes having ... place.

8)Exactly how long have you been running ... business?

9)The boss seems to have left us ... again.

10)You are expected to do a lot of work in ... time.

11. Вставьте whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however.

1)Please call me ... you want.

2)He does ... he thinks is best.

3)We can go to the shops ... you want.

4)I told him he should do ... seems best about the situation.

5)There are five trains going to Moscow. We cant take ... fits in with your plans.

6)It's not a formal party. You can dress ... you please.

7)I don't mind driving far. I can take you ... you want to go.

8)He's got tickets for everyone ... wants to come is welcome.

9)She's such a spoilt child. She gets ... she wants.

10)It's true that ... she goes, she's always at the centre of attention.

12. Вставьте another, (the) other(s), each other, every other.

1)Let's help ... .

2)My sister has ... year to go before she finishes her university course.

3)Mr and Mrs White are arriving this evening but ... guests won’t be here until tomorrow.


4)Now that my friend is working in Moscow we don't get to see.. very often.

5)I don't have time to read a newspaper every day, so I buy one.... day.

6)Two new students started today. One is from Saratov and... is from Perm.

7)I've got one of the four books I ordered but ... haven't arrived yet.

8)In... decade I'll be running my own business.

9)One of the most environmentally-friendly means of transport is the bicycle; … are the train and the tram.

10)Some people liked the film while... were shocked by it.

13. Переведите с английского на русский.

1)It's no good for you to study all day. You should get some fresh air.

2)Neither Kate nor Lucy came to the class.

3)I hope everyone is ready to leave.

4)You have to check each one of these contracts separately.

5)I don't like these biscuits. I prefer the ones Mum made.

6)Give me all information on the matter.

7)No license is required to produce or sell the new first aid kits.

8)Take care of yourself when you go canoeing.

9)They haven't spoken to each other for days.

10)I've looked everywhere for my keys but I could not find them anywhere.

11)Her score is better than mine.

12)Can we have your suggestion first and then we'll hear his?

13)Our flight was delayed but theirs took o on time.

14)She likes being by herself.

15)They are always arguing with each other.

16)I hope my parents will enjoy themselves at the party tomorrow.

17)Where else can I look for help?

18)Hurry up or else you'll be late for the interview.

19)We must get one more assistant. Can you think of anyone else?

20)There were two applicants for the job and I gave a form to each one.

21)Neither of us is rich.

22)All the passengers went ashore.

23)Which applicant did you like most? — The first one.

25)Tenants have to pay the rent every month.

26)All my clothes are dark and none of them are very nice. I'm fed up with them.

27)Every time I call her she says she is busy.


14. Переведите с русского на английский.

1)Знать все невозможно. Знать все — это значит не знать ничего.

2)Что-то неладно в датском королевстве.

3)Богатство — ничто без здоровья.

4)Не хотите кофе?

5)Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

6)Дайте мне немного молока, пожалуйста.

7)Положите немного сметаны в салат — и он готов.

8)Он выслал какие-то предложения по электронной почте.

9)Вчера в пять часов утра кто-то шумел в соседней квартире.

10)Я не слышал ничего — я спал.

11)Моя история долгая и печальная.

12)Ты, он, я, она — вместе дружная семья.

13)Еще уйма времени — мы все успеем.

14)Вы не поздоровались. Нехорошо быть невежливым.

15)Сегодня выходной. Можно спать дольше.


Используйте следующие выражения, помня о том, является ли существительное, с которым они используются, исчисляемым или неисчисляемым. В качестве примера можно использовать следующие существительные: knowledge, advice, information, article, people, employer, company, business, control-point, industry, country, law, cooperation, evidence, e ort, border, peace, treaty, argument, paper, understanding, etc.

1)A lot of/ lots of

2)a large/ small amount/ quantity of

3)a large/ great/ good number of

4)a great/ good deal of

5)(a) few

6)(a) little


8)plenty of








15)a couple of

16)no/ not any



1.Выберите нужное:

1)I have several/ many/ a little homework to do.

2)I did a couple of/ much/ a little exercises in the morning.

3)They didn't have a lot of/ any/ many luck this season.

4)Let's plant one/ a little/ lots of trees.

5)Read both/ a couple of/ every page.

6)She eats a number of/ a great deal of/ each meat.

7)You'll need much/ a little/ a few tomatoes.

8)She is rather lonely. She has a few/ a lot /few friends.

9)He has visited whole/ every/ most countries in Europe.

10)I have got a few/ several/ a little time.

11)He wants to earn some/ each/ a few money.

12)They put a great deal of/ many/ a few e ort into the project.

13)This car uses many/ much/ a lot of petrol.

14)Much/ many/ every people disagree with his decision.

2.Вставьте several, a great deal of, all, a lot of, much, many, a small amount of, a little, plenty of, a large number of.

1).... people were killed and ... were left homeless as a result of the earthquake.

2).... damage occurred in the area of the flood.

3)The dam cracked in.... places.

4).... the houses in the area were flooded with water.

5).... the inhabitants complained of the noise they had heard before.

6).... refugees have to work illegally.

7)There remain..... people who refuse to leave.

8).... countries took part in the economic forum that was held in our city.

9)There's... work at the o ce at the moment.

10).... more attention should be paid to the personnel influence.

11)How.... hours are you doing each day? — Ten, which is far too.....

12)She looks tired. She must be under.... of stress.

13)Thanks for your o er, I guess we'll need... help later.

14)There are so... things I want to tell you!

15)I had... interest in anything but ending the journey.


3. Вставьте a few, few, a little, little.

1) He has made ... enemies already because he has ... praise for any of his colleagues.

2) I eat ... fatty foods these days as I'm trying to lose... weight.

3) Desert areas receive ... rain. That's why ... animals can live there. 4) He feels ... depressed because he has had quite ... problems lately.

5) ... people realize what a nice person he is as he has ... to say to anyone. 6) After spending ... time with him, I got to know him quite well.

7) Henry puts ... money aside each month so he can buy himself ... luxuries every now and then.

8) I met ... friends in town so we went to the cafe and had ... cups of co ee and ... chat.

9) We've experienced ... storms here over the spring, but, fortunately, they caused ... damage.

10) Would you like ... sugar in your co ee? And, please, have ... biscuits, too.


Прилагательные. Степени сравнения прилагательных









Один слог +


colder than

the coldest of/ in

(e)r/ — (e)st


sharper than

the sharpest of/ in



safer than

the safest of/ in

Два слога, за-


busier than

The busiest of/ in



earlier than

the earliest of/ in

на — ly; -y; -w +




er/ -








Два слога:


cleverer /more clever

the cleverest/ the

1) + -er/ -est



most clever

2) more/ the



of/ in

most + Adj
































