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События, в кото-



Настоящее Дли-

рых мы не уверены

в которых мы



He will probably be





He is going to




be promoted.


(в значении буду-


(The boss said










о делах, встречах




и т. д.




Sue is seeing her




doctor this week.

Tomorrow, tonight,




next week/ month,




in two/ three




days, the day after




tomorrow, soon,




in a week/month








1. Определите форму глагола:

1)I think I'll take the job.

2)My plane leaves at 6 o'clock tomorrow.

3)I am seeing my dentist on Friday.

4)She is going to be a manager of human resources.

5)We'll be having a test this time tomorrow.

6)By May we will have been living here for a year.

7)Perhaps we will see each other at the conference.

8)Will you be staying with us this weekend?

9)They will have made a decision by next Monday.

10)I'll be having a lecture at 9 o'clock as ususal.

2. Раскройте скобки:

1)We (go) on holiday next Friday.

2)As soon as you (arrive), send us a telegram.

3)The bus (leave) at 9 p.m.

4)I (meet) you at the airport.

5)We (sail) around the islands this time next month.

6)The men (deliver) the furniture tomorrow.

7)Look at the clouds! It (rain).

8)I am sure you (have) a lovely holiday.


9)By the time you have received this letter I (finish) my final exams.

10)Even though I (study) English for four years by the time the exams are over, I feel I have still got a lot to learn

3. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму:

1)If you are seen stealing the car the police will be after you.

2)I will have written my essay by tomorrow.

3)They will have finished painting the room by next week.

4)I will get a taxi.

5)The old man is sleeping.

6)She is going to take this job.

7)They will probably win the match.

8)I am seeing a bank manager tomorrow.

9)He is going to learn to drive.

10)I am sure he will pass the test.

4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму:

1)I'll be flying to Morocco this time tomorrow.

2)By 11 o'clock we will have been waiting for the manager for two hours.

3)When I am older I'm going to live in the country.

4)The Moscow train arrives at 8 a.m.

5)I think I'll take an umbrella.

6)They will have finished the exam by 3 o'clock.

7)He will probably come to the o ce early.

8)If you don't practice, you will never pass the exam.

9)They are holding the meeting on Tuesday.

10)She will have saved enough money to buy the car by summer.

5. Заполните пропуски:

1)She 'll call us as soon as she ... London.

2)I don't know when he ... .

3)What ... you ... on Sunday?

4)Turn the light o before you ... to bed.

5)I ... to you as soon as I ...

6)I ... tomorrow so I ... you in the morning.

7)Watch out! You ... that vase over!

8)Would you like a drink? Yes, I think I ... a glass of beer.

9)... you ... to the supermarket? Can you buy me some tea?

10)He ... to be promoted.


6. Выберите нужную форму:

1)I really need a drink. — Ok. I'll buy/ am buying you one. What would you like?

2)You look dreadful. I know. I'm seeing/ will see the doctor tomorrow at 4 o'clock.

3)I've already told you why I can't see you tomorrow. I am having/ will have guests.

4)I'm sorry. I promise I will stay/ will be staying out of trouble in the future.

5)I am sure he will understand/ is going to understand if you explain everything to him clearly.

6)I will have finished/ will finish my translation by 4 o'clock.

7)I've burnt the dinner. — Never mind. I will go / am going to the restaurant and get a takeaway pizza.

8)If we go/ will go to Greece in summer, we will visit the islands.

9)We can't get into the o ce until Jane arrives/ will arrive with the key.

10)I doubt if they are/ will be on time.

7. Переведите с английского на русский:

1)Demography, the science of population composition and change, can help us to predict what our world will be like.

2)Working adults and the elderly will make up a larger part of the population and the young will be a smaller part.

3)If a child receives little attention, he or she will become physically, mentally, emotionally and socially impaired.

4)In 30 years time the urban population will have doubled.

5)We are afraid that soon there will be no resources for anybody to use.

6)Some people think that we will know better how to control our environment.

7)By this time next week they will have completed their work on the project.

8)I hope you won't have forgotten my words by tomorrow.

9)By next Sunday she will have been staying with us for two weeks.

10)They hope that by this time they will have discovered some other e ective sources of energy.

8. Переведите с русского на английский:

1)Я надеюсь, что к концу переговоров мы придем к соглашению.

2)Мы думаем, что к середине мая занятия уже закончатся.

3)Если думать о хорошем, все будет нормально.

4)Что вы делаете во вторник? Каковы ваши планы?


5)В это время во вторник я буду разговаривать с нашими партнерами в Норильске.

6)Они собираются сократить рабочие места.

7)Правительство обещает, что скоро мы преодолеем этот кризис.

8)Когда отбывает ваш пароход?

9)Как только я закончу работу, я отошлю вам перевод по электронной почте.

10)В следующем году будет 50 лет, как он работает в нашей компании.






ный глагол



1) способность

I can speak English

I could speak




German when I was




a child


2) разрешение

You can use my

He was allowed to




cross the border


3) просьба

Can I borrow your







4) невероят-

This can’t be true

He can’t have done


ность, вероят-

You can do it!



ность (90%








5) запрет

You can’t smoke

We couldn’t smoke








We weren’t allowed




to smoke there


1) способность


I could run very fast


в прошлом


when I was young


2) просьба

Could I take your




pen, please?



3) предложе-

We could discuss it







4) вероятность

Where is Jane?

You could have been


(менее 50%

She could be in the

killed in the car







5) невероят-

That couldn’t be true

He couldn’t have




been at work





Be able to


She is able to help

She was able to




help you (single






1) просьба

May I ask you a







2) разрешение

You may go out







3) вероятность

Where is Jane? She

She may have been


(менее 50%

may be working in

working in the



the library.





You may have seen




him already.


1) просьба

Might I talk to the



(очень офиц.)




2) вероятность

Where is the

He might have


(менее 50%

manager? He might

forgotten about your



be talking to the







1) необходи-

I must

I had to read more


мость (реше-

the matter

on the matter


ние человека)




2) запрет

You must not use the

We couldn’t use the



dictionary at the test



3) уверенность

John isn’t at work.

He must have been



He must be ill.

working — so he




didn’t hear the call.

Have to

1) необходи-

We have to attend

I had to go to work



the meeting











2) отсутствие

I don’t have to go to

He didn’t have to



work tomorrow

refer to them


1) совет, кри-

You should see the

You should have




seen the doctor


2) вероятность

You should pass the

They should have


(90% уверен-

exam well

landed by now.










Ought to

1) совет, дол-

You ought to obey

You ought to have



the rules

seen the doctor






2) вероятность

He ought to

He ought to have



understand the

received our letter






1) предложе-

Shall I help you with



ние (вежливое)

the books?



2) обязанность

You shall be paid



1) готовность

Somebody’s ringing




up. — I’ll answer




the phone.



2) просьба

Will you please




answer the phone?



3) уверенность

The manager will be




here at 11.



1) просьба

Would you please




send these letters?



2) предпочте-

I would rather stay

It would have been



at home than go out

better if you had



in this weather

finished your report






3) повторяю-


When I was a child


щиеся дей-


I would go to see my


ствия в про-


grandparents every






1) отсутствие

1) You needn’t do

1) She needn’t have



it. I have already

sent these letters.


(отриц. только)

done it.

(But she did)



2) You don’t need

2) She needn’t have



to take a jacket. It’s

sent these letters. (I



rather warm.

don’t know if she




did it)


2) необходи-

Your report needs




editing (to be edited)



1)Словосочетания it is likely, it is possible часто используются в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной форме для выражения вероятности. Is it likely that he will win the contest?


2)Словосочетания to be due to, to be supposed to, to be to

используются для выражения долженствования: I am to be at the airport at 8. You are supposed to attend the meeting. The President is due to arrive on Monday.

3)Выражение Would you mind ... ? используется для выражения просьбы: Would you mind lending me a hand?

4)Словосочетания Let’s … , How about … , Why don’t we … , What about… используются для выражения предложения:

Why don’t we talk about it openly?

5)Словосочетание Would you like me to… используется, когда мы предлагаем свою помощь: Would you like me to do the job?

1. Вставьте can или be able to:

1)I’ve been looking for your glasses but I ________ to find them yet.

2)By the time Phillis was ten she ________ speak three languages.

3)If you don’t tell me what your problem is, I ________ help you.

4)I got home early last night, so I ________ watch my favorite program on TV.

5)I ________ eat anything when I was younger, but now I have to be more careful.

6)He ________ pass the exam because he had studied hard.

7)I ________ to go on a trip round the city last week.

8)She ________ play the violin when she was four.

9)He ________ pass his driving test on Friday.

10)________ get to work yesterday?

2. Измените глагол, сохранив смысл предложения:

1)You may be wrong.

2)It’s likely that he will lend you the money.

3)I don’t think he will forget your birthday.

4)It might snow.

5)Can I use your telephone?

6)Rubbish may not be left here.

7)I’m afraid you mustn’t enter the room.

8)Where is the manager? — He could be in his o ce.

9)She ought to pass her exams.

10)I don’t think he is rich.

11)I am sure he is angry.

12)Members of the club can use the swimming pool free of charge.


13)No man is allowed to enter the country without a visa.

14)Can you help me, please?

15)I’ll do the shopping if you like.

16)Shall I help you with your luggage?

17)Shall we go to the cinema?

18)How about going to the park?

1 9) You should stop smoking.

20) I must lose some weight.

3. Вставьте may, might или be allowed to:

1)You ______go home if you like.

2)As soon as the boy ______ leave the room, he ran out to join his friends outside.

3)The doctor says I am better. I ______ get up for a few hours every day.

4)________ I bring my sister to the party?

5)He asked if he _______ bring his sister to the party.

6)After they had finished their homework, the children _______ watch TV.

7)He __ join the sports section as soon as he is through his medical examination.

8)Becky’s mother said that everybody ______ take part in the party.

9)If you pass your examinations, you ______ go to the south.

10)_____ I borrow your car, please?

4. Вставьте may или can:

1)______ you see anything in the darkness like this?

2)You ___ go when you have finished your compositions.

3)What shall we do if the train is late? It_______ be late, after the terrible snowstorms we’ve had.

4)When _______ you come and see me? Let me see: I ______ not come tomorrow. But you _______ expect me to come on Sunday.

5)Be careful: you ______ spill the milk if you carry it like that.

6)______ I come in?

7)Let me look at your notes, I ____ be able to help you.

8)I ______ come and see you tomorrow if I have time.

9)Take your umbrella: it ______ rain today.

10)I ______ finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more.

5. Вставьте can, may или must:

1)You …. smoke here.

2)…. I take your book? — I’m afraid not: I need it.

3)He …. not speak English fluently yet.


4)I have very little time: I … go.

5)They … go to the party tonight as they are very busy.

6)You … read this text. It’s easy enough.

7)At what time … you come to the university?

8)What … you see on this map?

9)He looks happy. He …. Enjoy life.

10)You … practice regularly if you want to speak English well.

6. Вставьте to have to или to be to:

1)As we had agreed before, we … to meet at two o’clock at the bus stop.

2)If I don’t ring up at before six o’clock, then you … to go to the concert hall alone and wait for me at the entrance.

3)You … to do it alone, without your friends’ help.

4)The meeting … to begin at five o’clock.

5)I … to help my friends with the project, so I cannot go with you.

6)I … to ask him about it tomorrow — he has already gone.

7)Why didn’t you tell me that I … to get the book from the library?

8)I … to wear glasses as my eyesight is very poor.

9)She … to send the telegram — it was too late to send the letter.

10)Where … the lecture to take place?

7. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя to be to:

1)The lecture is supposed to begin at 9 o’clock.

2)What am I supposed to do if they come too early?

3)We expect you show the place to them.

4)It was planned that we should wait for them at the entrance.

5)And who will do the task?

6)It was arranged that the cup final would be played tomorrow.

7)It was arranged that the meeting would last for about two hours.

9)Who will meet you at the airport?

10)Where am I supposed to be taken?

8. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя глагол need:

1)It is not necessary to go there.

2)Why do you want to do it today?

3)It is not necessary to take the six-thirty bus. We are not in a hurry.

4)There is no reason for you to worry about me.

5)Is it any use our going into all these details now?

6)Why do you want to see it yourself?

7)You don’t have to read the whole book.

8)There is no necessity for calling them: we can send them an e-mail.


9)You don’t have to buy bread — we’ve got enough.

10)It’s no use writing the whole sentence. Just fill in the gap.

9. Вставьте may, must или need:

1)…. I take this book for a little while?

2)Ann … practice this sound specially but the other students …. not: they pronounce it properly.

3)… I go right now? — Yes, you…

4)… we hand our projects next time? — No, you … not, you … hand them in the end of the term.

5)… John really do this today? — No, he… not, he… do it tomorrow if he likes.

6)You … come at any time, but you …. not come if you don’t want to.

7)You… let this cup fall: it … break.

8)You … park your car only at the parking lot.

9)You … return the book to the library immediately.

10)…. we do the translation at once? — Yes, you … do it once.

10. Дайте совет, используя глаголы should или ought to:

1)I have gained a lot of weight recently.

2)She can’t speak English.

3)He can’t find the book in the bookshops.

4)She is afraid to fail her exam in political science.

5)He has been working hard and now he’s absolutely worn out.

6)I’ve got a terrible toothache.

7)He’s lost his job.

8)They do not earn much money.

9)The manager cannot come to terms with his employees.

10)My son doesn’t read much.

11.Используйте глаголы may, might, could, should, ought to, can’t, couldn’t в следующих предложениях.

1)You … pass the test this time. You’ve been working hard.

2)Where is Jane? She … be at school, but I am not sure.

3)She … be so old. She ‘s got a small child.

4)The child … be her grandson.

5)Her face is red. She … be hot.

6)He … be at work — he never works on Sundays.

7)He … be at his cottage in the country. He is not at home.

8)She … to win the match. She’s the best tennis player in our country.

9)Where is Mary? She … be here by now!

10)Speak to your mother: she … give you some advice.