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тесты по грамматике.doc
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1.Прокомментируйте употребление модальных глаголов.

1. We needn’t that new computer. We already had enough.    

2. You may go home if your work is finished.

3. You were to bring me the book two days ago. Where is it?

4. Sarah should do well on her driving test. She's been practicing for six months now.

5. Jason may be at the library, but I'm not sure.

6. It is forbidden. You must not do that.

7. You have to ask my permission. You can’t do what you want

2.Что вы сказали бы в данных ситуациях?

1. Andrew needs to speak German by the end of the year.

2. Do you think I should take up this job offer in New Zealand?

3. I tried to phone you but there was no answer.

4. I can't find my wallet.

5. Nobody told me that the report had to be in by today

6. We'll never be able to deliver the goods on time. What shall we do?

3.Соотнесите предложения с подходящими по смыслу глаголами.

1. You …not ask a woman her age it’s not polite. Should

2. She asked me if she … use my dictionary. Have to

3. You … not drive fast; there is speed limit here. Ought to

4. The windows are very dirty. I … clean them. Would

5. I don’t believe you, he … not say so! Must

6. Flight 3595 Rome-Paris … land at 14.35. Can

7. Jean did very badly on the exam. She … study harder. May

8. No wonder the house is cold. You … go out and leave the doors open. Be to

4.Переведите на английский язык. Поставьте все типы вопросов к одному из предложений.

1. Вам непременно нужно побывать там.

2. Секретарю следует отвечать на телефонные звонки и принимать почту.

3. Вам не надо было так рано вставать сегодня.

4. Не могли бы Вы помочь мне перевести эту статью.

5.Он сказал мне, что я могу приходить сюда в любое время.

6. По всей вероятности они не придут.

7. Ей придется позвонить родителям и предупредить, что она может опоздать.

Тест №9.

  1. Перефразируйте предложения, используя модальный глагол.

  1. Quite naturally, you’re upset about what’s happened.

  2. It isn’t necessary for us to leave so soon. The show doesn’t start till eight.

  3. You apologize, which was not necessary.

  4. I saw them in the street, but they didn’t stop to speak to me. It’s possible they were in a hurry.

  5. It isn’t necessary for you to decide immediately. You can let me know tomorrow.

  1. В каких предложениях глагол использован неверно? Почему?

  1. The steamer must leave the port in an hour.

  2. You needn’t have bought any bread we’ve got enough.

  3. We may hurry or we’ll be late.

  4. Thomas receives a warning for speeding. He shouldn’t have driven so fast.

  5. He knows a lot about flying planes. He can be a pilot when he was young.

  6. The fire alarm went off and we had to be out of the building in 2 minutes.

  1. Подберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.

  1. You be learning your lessons and not talking to Mary.

  2. You not be nervous about it. Everything will be settled.

  3. We not wait in his office because he was free.

  4. Is she still waiting? – She have been waiting for an hour.

  5. I sat there wishing there was something I do.

  6. – Excuse me, ..... you tell me the way to the Opera House?

  7. The work ... have been done yesterday, but we were short of time.

  8. –... I come in? – Yes, but you... have come a bit earlier.

  9. – Go and buy some newspapers. – Why... I?

  10. I... like to invite you to my birthday party.

  11. It..... have been love though I am not sure.

  12. I... cope with this kind of work easily as I have proper education.

  1. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Не могу же я уйти и оставить Вас одну.

  2. Вам следует выполнять свой долг.

  3. Студентам непременно нужно прочитать эту книгу.

  4. Не могли бы Вы сказать мне, который час!

  5. Вы могли бы предложить свою помощь, когда он попал в беду.

  6. Мы договорились встретиться в 3 часа, а сейчас уже 5.30 должно быть что-то случилось.

Тест №10.