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тесты по грамматике.doc
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2. Fill in the with articles wherever necessary, ask different types of questions.


…patient was once complaining to…doctor that as…result of…nervous strain he had grown quite indifferent to everything around him.

“…Doctor,” he said, “ I would very much appreciate it if you could prescribe…medicine that would shake me, something that would put…new strength into me,…will to live,…desire to argue! Is there anything like that in…prescription?”

“ No,” …doctor replied calmly, “but you’ll find it in…bill”.

3. Translate into Russian the following:

1. Им пришлось вчера подписать контракт на менее выгодных условиях, чем ожидалось.

2. Представителю той фирмы следует купить какое-нибудь горно-шахтное оборудование и разместить больший заказ у некоторых из вышеупомянутых немецких фирм.

3. Чем больше станков вы закажете, тем больше скидку мы представим вам.

4. Менеджер по продаже не назначал встречу ни с одним из вас уже 2 недели, т.к. весь прошлый год ваши грузчики разгружали товар не надлежащим образом, тем самым оборудование поступало к заказчикам с дефектами.

Tenses 8

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct mood and tense-forms. After checking the exercise retell the story in indirect speech.

A Railway Incident

An American lady travelling in England (to get) into a compartment in a smoking carriage where an Englishman (to smoke) a pipe. For a short time she (to sit) quietly, expecting that the Englishman (to stop) smoking. But when the train (to be) under way for half an hour, she (to begin) to cough and sneeze, trying in this way to show him that she (to object) to the smoke. At last, seeing that all her efforts to attract his attention (to fail), she (to address) him impatiently:

“If you (to be) a gentleman, you (to stop) smoking when a lady (to get) into the carriage.”

“If you (to be) a lady,” (to reply) the Englishman, “you (not to get) into a smoking carriage.”

“If you (to be) my husband,” (to say) the American lady angrily, “I (to give) you poison.”

The Englishman (to look) at her for a moment or two.

“Well,” he (to say) at last, “if I (to be) your husband, I (to take) it.”

2. Fill in the blanks with articles wherever necessary, ask different types of questions:

An Urgent Call

At about two o’clock on…cold winter morning,…doctor drove seven miles in answer to…telephone call. When he reached…place,…man who had called him in said:

“…Doctor, I must have strained myself. I haven’t got…sore throat, I’m not running…temperature, but I’m suffering from…terrible feeling that…death is near.”

…doctor felt…man’s pulse, examined him and took his temperature.

“Have you made your will?” he asked at last.

“Why no, doctor,”…man looked frightened. “Oh, doctor, it can’t be true, can it? You must prescribe…medicine for me.”

“Have you got any children? Send for them at once. Your father, too, should be called, your…”

“I say, doctor, do you really think I’m going to die?”

…doctor looked at him carefully.

“No, I don’t,” he replied. “You are as fit as anything. But I hate to be…only man you’ve made a fool of on…night like this.”