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Module 3 unit 3

Text: The United States Police System.

Grammar: Participle I. Participle II.

The united states police system

In the United States each political unit may have its own police. Therefore, police agencies of various types, and having general or specialised functions, exist at all levels of govern­ment. One should mention about some of the most important agencies at the various levels.

At the federal level, several departments have their own investigative units, which are charged with the enforce­ment of the particular laws over which its department has jurisdiction.

The state police forces of America differ considerably in functions and origin. The majority of state police forces have full law enforcement powers. Other states have state-wide organisations that are charged with the patrol of the highways. They are restricted to the enforcement of traffic laws and may only deal with crimes committed on the state highways.

Some states have established state bureaus of identification which operate at the state level as clearing houses for crimi­nal identification and investigation. In all states various departments have minor investigative units, each of which is charged with the enforcement of the particular laws with which its department deals.

In some states detective forces operate separately from the state police and, in some cases, special investigating police are attached directly to the office of the governor.

At the local level almost every particular unit has some kind of police. The county has a sheriff with as many deputies as he may appoint. Some counties have their own police forces, which either duplicate the sheriff’s jurisdiction or actually displace it. The township has a constable; the village or town - a marshal or a very small police force; and the city a munici­pal police department.

A recruit, when accepted, undergoes rigorous and intensive training before he is permitted to perform the duties of a constable. Many state police academies are considered to be among the best of their kind, offering not only recruit and specialist training but also promotion courses.


political unit


політична одиниця

police agency


поліцейський орган


Intelligence Agency


Центральне розвідувальне управління




investigative unit


слідчий орган

to investigate


розслідувати, вивчати







to charge with murder


звинувачувати у вбивстві

to be charged with


бути відповідальним (за)

to be responsible for


бути відповідальним (за)



1) детальний; 2) особливий



правосуддя; юрисдикція




law enforcement powers


уповноваження у сфері




l) патруль, варта; 2) патрулювання



магістраль, шосе

to be restricted


бути обмеженим



транспорт; рух

traffic officer (cop)



traffic laws


правила дорожнього руху

traffic light



to identify


встановлювати особистість



1) розпізнавання, пізнавання;

2) ідентифікація

clearing houses


база даних

to detect (crime)


розкрити злочин



виявлення, розкриття злочину



детектив; агент розшуку

detective force


підрозділ розшуку

office of the governor


офіс правителя, губернатора



містечко; район



маршал, начальник поліцейської дільниці

munici­pal police



муніципальний поліцейський департамент



рекрут, новобранець

to undergo rigorous

and intensive training


проходити сувору та

напружену підготовку

promotion courses


курси підвищення кваліфікації

Ex. 1. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian.

Political unit, police agencies, investigative units, full law enforcement powers, patrol of the highways, traffic laws, bureaus of identification, clearing houses, detective forces, recruit training, specialist training, promotion courses, sheriff’s jurisdiction.

Ex. 2. Change the verb phrases to the noun phrases.

To enforce the law, to establish the clearing houses, to identify а person, to operate within its own territory, to organise the patrol of the highways, to investigate the crime, to perform the duties of a constable, to offer promotion courses.

Ex. 3. Put the necessary words into the sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. In the USA each political unit may have its own …

  2. … of various types exist at all levels of government.

  3. The state police forces of America vary in …

  4. … are charged with the enforce­ment of the particular laws over which its department has jurisdiction.

  5. State bureaus of identification operate as …

  6. The county has …; the township …; the village or town …; and the city…

  7. A recruit undergoes…

  8. Police academies offer …

Ex. 4. Give the proper definition for:

police a) someone, especially a police officer, whose

job is to discover information about a crime

identification b) a set of red, green, and yellow lights that is

used to stop and start traffic

detective c) the official organisation that makes people obey the law and

that protects people and places agaist crime, or the people

who work for this organization

traffic lightd) when you recognize and can name someone or something

investigatee) a main road, especially between two towns or cities

highway f) to try to discover all the factsabout something,

especially a crime or accident

Ex 5. Find the English equivalents in the text:

  • Центральне розвідувальне управління

  • курси підвищення кваліфікації

  • розкрити злочин

  • база даних

  • слідчий орган

  • встановлювати особистість

  • звинувачувати у вбивстві

  • автоінспектор

  • патрулювання шосе

  • поліцейський орган

  • уповноваження у сфері правозастосування

Ex 6. Fill in the gaps in these questions with a suitable word from the box. Answer the questions:

punishment spray fight carry allowed defence

  1. Do you think the police should … guns?

  2. Do you agree with the capital … for certain crimes such as murder?

  3. Do you think the police should be … to stop and question people without special reason?

  4. Do you think it should be legal for people to carry a …?

  5. Do you think people should be allowed to use a gun or knife in self-… .

  6. Do you think tougher punishment will help to … crime.

Ex. 7. Find the wrong statements.

  1. The duties of the police forces are:

  1. to protect life and property;

  2. to impose sentence;

  3. to prevent crime;

  4. to detect offenders;

  5. to decide guilt or innocence;

  6. to preserve public order;

  7. to enforce the law;

  8. to arrest suspects.

Ex. 8. Translate the words in the box into Ukrainian an put them with the following incidents. Some of them can be used twice.

accident electricity steal victim kill dangerous passport shock ambulance wallet fire flood injured package gas ground floor gun burn mugger drown driving licence bomb explode witness burglar

a) an emergency at home

b) a road accident

c) a bomb alert

d) a mugging

e) a flood

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of police agencies exist in the USA?

  2. What kind of forces are there at the federal level? What are they responsible for?

  3. What is state bureau of identification concerned with?

  4. What are investigative units charged with?

  5. What kind of police is there at the local level?

  6. What kind of training should a recruit undergo?

  7. What do police academies deal with?

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the usage of Participle I, Participle II. Underline them.

1.Runnung into the road, the young man stopped a taxi. 2. She went out, leaving the door open. 3. Coming to the cinema, she saw the movie had already begun. 4. Looking out of the window, he saw the detective questioning the witnesses. 5. The man standing near the bank is a former criminal. 6. Hearing the coming steps, she stopped talking. 7. Everyone looked at the dancing lady. 8. Patrolling the highways, the constable detained the suspect. 9. She watched the children playing in the yard. 10. Looking for evidence, the policeman found the fingerprints of a murder. 11. The Queen is the living symbol of the unity of the nation. 12. The suspect confessed in committing the crime, when questioned closely. 13. Having found а pack of documents, Jack brought it to the police station.

Ex. 11. Open the brackets, choosing the proper Participle.

  1. The boy (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best student.

  2. Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.

  3. Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more.

  4. When we came nearer, we saw two stranges (coming, came) towards us.

  5. The (losing, lost) child was found at last.

  6. Here is the letter (receiving, receives) by a Chief Constable yesterday.

  7. (Taking, taken) the girl by the hand, Mary helped her to cross the street.

  8. I picked up the pistol (lying, lain) on the ground.

  9. Name some places (visiting, visited) by you last year.

  10. She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before yesterday.

Ex. 12. Find the Participle, the Gerund and the Infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1. I was pleased to have the opportunity to do something for my friends. 2. Not knowing what to do, he applied to me for advice. 3. To start with, I forgot what the conversation was about. 4. It was too cold to hold the conference outside. 5. What I would like to do is to see him and convince to start the job of investigating this crime. 6. He waited for a moment before answering this question. 7. Not having found my key in its usual place, I went on searching for it around the flat.

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