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Module 3 unit 2

Text: British Police System.

Grammar: Infinitive. Gerund.


There are 155 different police forces in Britain. Each of these forces is a separate body, independent of the others, and each operates only within its own area, under the command of its Chief Constable, and is administrated by its own local police authority.

Police is an agency of a community or government that is responsible for maintaining public order and preventing and detecting crime.

Police forces are composed of police officers. Police officers have the same rates of pay and the same conditions of service, and all are subject to the same code of discipline. Each of them takes the same personal oath of loyalty to the Crown and has the same power and authority under the law. Regular police officers usually serve for 25 years or more and then retire.

There is a hierarchy of ranks with regular grades of subordination – chief constables, superintendents, inspectors, sergeants and constables.

A constable has many powers and duties: he alone can arrest persons found committing certain offences and he can arrest on suspicion in certain circumstances, then he must under certain statutes accept an offender and bring him before a magistrate.

In matters of organisation and operation there is a little difference between one police force and another. Each police force has its own headquarters, in which the Chief Constable, his deputy and his staff work. All Chief Constables have common background of police work and a practical knowledge of police matters and problems.

Outside the headquarters, the police area is usually divided into territorial divisions, each under a senior officer. Namely here the performance of duties is arranged and reports of the offices on duty are received and considered. Below the divisional headquarters are the police stations, which form the first point of contact with the public.


police force


поліція, поліцейський підрозділ

police officer


офіцер поліції; поліцейський



констебль, поліцейський, полісмен



сержант поліціі



старший поліцейський офіцер

chief constable


начальник поліції (у місті чи графстві)




to maintain public



підтримувати громадський


to detect crime


виявляти злочин

rates of pay


плата, платня

conditions of service


умови служби

code of discipline


дисциплінарний статут (кодекс)

oath of loyalty


клятва на вірність

to serve



to retire


піти у відставку

hierarchy of ranks


ієрархія звання





to commit a crime

(an offence)


учинити злочин


to arrest on suspicion


заарештувати за підозрою




to accept


приймати, прийняти



магістрат, мировий суддя



штаб-квартира; головне

поліцейське управління



заступник, помічник



склад службовців, особовий склад

background of police work


стаж роботи в поліції

territorial division


теріторіальний підрозділ

senior officer


старший офіцер




police station


поліцейська ділянка

Ex. 1. Form nouns from the verbs.

To operate, to serve, to prevent, to differ, to divide, to enforce, to arrest, to perform, to preserve, to detect, to maintain, to form, to commit, to surbordinate.

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following of- phrases.

Rates of pay, conditions of service, code of discipline, enforcement of the law, preservation of life and property, oath of loyalty to the Crown, hierarchy of ranks, grades of subordination, powers of the constable, performance of duties, knowledge of police matters, background of police work, headquarters of police, matters of organisation.

Ex. 3. Change the verb phrases to noun phrases.

To enforce the law, to preserve the life and property, to prevent the crime, to arrest an offender, to divide the police area, to serve in police, to perform the duties, to know the police work, to suspect a person.

Ex. 4. Add the necessary words into the sentences.

  1. There are 155 different … in Britain.

  2. Police is an agency of a community or government that is responsible for …

  3. Police officers have the same …

  4. Each police officer takes … to the Crown.

  5. Regular police officers usually serve for …

  6. The powers and duties of the police officers are …

  7. Each police force has its …

  8. The police area is usually divided into …

Ex 5. Find the English equivalents in the text:

  • заарештувати за підозрою

  • ієрархія звань

  • виявляти злочин

  • учинити злочин

  • субординація

  • обставини

  • піти у відставку

  • клятва на вірність Короні

  • підтримувати громадський порядок

  • умови служби

  • дисциплінарний статут

Ex. 6. Write what the officer made your friend do when he was apprehended. Start with: The officer made me…

  1. to show my pockets;

  2. to sit by the wall;

  3. to answer the officer’s questions;

  4. to call mother;

  5. to tell about the circumstances;

  6. to tell the truth;

  7. to put signature.

Ex. 7. Translate the word-combinations using the following key-word.

Police ► підрозділ, офіцер, ділянка,

влада, орган

Hierarchy of ranks ► констебль, сержант, інспектор,

старший поліцейський офіцер,

начальник поліції

Police divisions ► штаб-квартира, теріторіальний

підрозділ, поліцейська ділянка

Ex. 8. Answer the following questions.

  1. How many police forces are there in Britain?

  2. Where do they operate?

  3. What is police responsible for?

  4. Whom are police forces composed of?

  5. Do all police officers have the same conditions of service?

  6. What oath does each constable take?

  7. What powers and duties has a constable?

  8. Who is at the head of the police force?

  9. Who works in the headquarters?

  10. What kind of work is performed in the territorial divisions?

  11. What are below the divisional headquarters? What do constables do there?

Ex.9. Translate the sentences and define the forms of Infinitive.

  1. It is necessary to help him.

  2. He was the first to have come here.

  3. I know him to have done this work.

  4. Police forces operate within its own area to prevent crimes.

  5. The constable intended to have arrested the offender.

  6. You could have searched his house alone.

  7. They must be doing their home task now.

  8. I would like to see the witness again.

Ex. 10. Write your plans for future:

Model: to work as a solicitor -

My plan for future is to work as a solicitor.

As a judge, as a prosecutor, as an attorney, as a lawmaker, as an investigator, as a criminalist, as an expert, as a criminal psychologist, as a law-enforcement officer.

Ex. 11. Fill in the gaps with the particle to if necessary:

1. Let him…help you with your work at the case. 2. He would rather die than…betray his friends. 3. Have you ever heard him…break the law? 4. She seems…know a great deal about public law. 5. Let them …come as soon as possible. 6. Have you enough information …tell the police about the accident?

Ex. 12. State the functions of the Gerund.

  1. I remember telling you about their engagement.

  2. He hated the thought of spending summer in town.

  3. Smoking is forbidden here.

  4. He hesitated for a moment before replying.

  5. I had no idea you would mind answering my question.

  6. They accuse him of having committed murder.

  7. Upon graduating from the Academy students are commissioned lieutenants of militia.

  8. Thank you for being so kind to me.

  9. The police must fight crime by preventing it.

  10. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

  11. She went out of the room without looking back.

  12. Do you really prefer watching this horror film?

Ex. 13. Change the form of the Infinitive into Gerund.

Model: I began to write this exercise.

I began writing the exercise.

  1. It started to rain in the evening.

  2. I don’t like to interrupt you.

  3. They were happy to bring good news.

  4. She was proud to answer all the questions.

  5. I thought to visit my colleague.

Ex. 14. Translate into English:

1. Я почув, як суддя говорив латиною. 2. Здається, вона багато знає з цивільного права. 3. Припиніть хвилюватися. 4. Вона заперечувала, що працює барістером. 5. Ви колись чули, щоб він порушував закон? 6. Вважали, що дівчині потрібна допомога. 7. Припиніть звинувачувати усіх. 8. Я не заперечую, що я був там учора. 9. Я не очікував, що мене зупинять. 10. Він звинувачує його в тому, що він йому не допоміг.

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