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12. Your friend became redundant. What should he start job-hunting with? Advise him how to write a resume. What services do employment agencies offer?

There are several traditional ways of looking for a job. A civilized and active means of looking for a Job is studying the market of the vacancies offered to get an idea of necessary demands and assess and size up your own chances. The best way of doing this is to use the help of employment agencies or to independently study the ads of job opportunities being published.

Many agencies specialize in certain types of work, within certain sectors or in particular geographical areas.  The employer pays the agency to assist them in filling a particular job.  You should not be asked to pay the agency for finding you work.  On filling the post, the employer will pay the agency a fee (normally a percentage of the first year's salary). Frequently, the advert will not name the employer. When registering with agencies remember that the employer is the agency's primary client and not you.

Online recruitment agencies - These online agencies enable you to post your application form on the site for employers to view. You need to check the security of the site, as you are supplying personal information.

If your employment agency provides services which are charged for, you must be given full written details of the services.

1/ Before you begin constructing a resume, take the time to think about your experience and what type of job you're looking for.

Take a look at some sample resumes online. Boston College, the Wall Street Journal have some good examples.

Determine if there's a style of resume often used in your desired field. Next, look at sample resumes from other people in your industry. Is there a section or format they're using?

The general layout is as follows: 

Header with personal information (name, address, phone numbers, email).

Objective statement (optional).

Career and skills summary (optional).

Reverse chronological career listings (include employer names and locations).

Educational background (school name, location, graduation date and GPA).

2/ Tailor your resume. Do not use a "one size resume fits all" model. Remove extraneous information. Do not detail every job experience you have had if it does not relate to the job you're pursuing.

3/ Polish Your Resume. Always check for typos and grammatical errors. These types of mistakes make a big difference in whether or not an employer will consider you for a job. Do not use "I" or "me"—the reader already knows the resume is about your accomplishments.

Only include college and graduate school when listing your education. The fact that you won a spelling bee in first grade will not help you land a job interview. Do not include your height, weight or age; this information is not necessary and will only irritate potential employers. Remove out-of-date terms and technology. Being able to change typewriter ribbons won't help you in most employment sectors.

13. Is it possible to have a happy family life and a successful career? What are the advantages of a work-life balance scheme? Give the foundations for your choice. Paraphrase the quotation: “It doesn’t matter what job you do, it’s how you do it”.

The key is to keep a right balance between your work and your private life.

In case you are an aspiring, responsible, creative, optimistic, reliable person, who is ready to learn and be laborious, who is not afraid of any difficulties of the future and ready to solve any problem with a smile, the world of jobs and careers will be open to you. But do not forget about your private life. To have a really good marriage, you need to work at it.

Here are some things you can do to help build a strong marriage.

1. Watch Your Relationships. To preserve your determination to make your marriage succeed, don’t get too close flirt with members of the opposite sex. If you do, in the back of your mind, you might begin to view them as alternatives in the event that your marriage doesn’t work out. This will weaken your resolve. After all, why work so hard when you have an escape route? Also, these types of close relationships are likely to make your spouse feel threatened.

2. Pay Full Attention. Listen to your spouse when he or she talks to you. It’s a sign of respect. Try to give him or her your undivided attention. Also, nod in agreement occasionally—it tells your partner you’re listening. If your spouse talks to you when you’re in the middle of something important, say so, and suggest a time when you’ll be able to pay full attention.

3. Share Enjoyable Activities. Do fun things with your spouse. Exercise together, take leisurely walks. Such activities strengthen your relationship and make it easier for the two of you to endure the hard times that come in every marriage.

4. Learn from Your Experiences. Learn from the past. For example, if you find that you’re often tense when you’re very hungry, minimize your conversation with your spouse during those times. Similarly, if you see that your spouse gets worked up whenever you mention the name of a certain relative, don’t mention that person’s name unless absolutely necessary. Try to learn from the past.

5. Be Polite. Be courteous to your spouse. When speaking with him or her, use phrases such as “please,” “thank you,” “would you mind if I….,” and so forth. It will make your spouse feel appreciated and respected.

6. Never Say “I Told You So.” Remove the phrase “I told you so” from your lexicon. Saying these words only causes ill will between you and your spouse.

People say this phrase for two reasons:

-To show off that they were right,

-To get their mates to listen to them in the future.

What they don’t realize is that the message that comes across is, “Aren’t I smarter than you?” which is insulting. If you are right after an argument, your spouse will realize this on his or her own. There is no need to point it out.

7. Don’t Keep Score. Don’t walk around with a watchful eye making sure your partner carries his or her share of the workload. Instead, take the view that it doesn’t matter if you end up doing more than half of what has to be done. So unless your spouse is very lazy or a real responsibility shirker, don’t keep track of who does more.

8. Watch Out for the Little Things. A family court judge once commented that in 99 percent of the divorce cases he presided over, the couples were upset about very small matters like:

1/-“She never lets me leave the window open at night.” 2/-“She never replaces the toilet roll when it’s finished.” 3/-“He always leaves his socks on the floor.”

These small matters can be very detrimental to a relationship, so watch out for them.

Women in particular often need small but frequent gestures of love.

9. Greet Your Partner Happily. Smile at your mate when you greet him or her. It will make your spouse feel appreciated and loved. Even if you’re in a bad mood, be sure to flash that grin. It’s a small investment that can go a long way. 10. Respect Your Spouse’s Privacy. Privacy is a fundamental need all humans have, so be sure to respect it.