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2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1)the wing-sandaled messenger; 6) the canny policies;

2) a different body; 7) renewed sense;

3) a gap in the market; 8) rapid expansion;

4) market necessity; 9) four and six-cylinder engines;

5) powerful confederation; 10) establish a factory.

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1)широко распространенная практика; 6) производство

новых дорогих машин;

2) не такая роскошная и дорогая; 7)автомобили были

его судьбой;

3) в начале сороковых годов; 8)занял деньги;

4) единственная компания; 9)растущие знания;

5) чувство стиля и направления; 10)намерение стать


4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

Engineer, though, manufacture, develop, ever, clean, play, wide, slight, along.

5. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему; б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: причастие I и II (Participle I & II), независимый причастный оборот, герундий, конверсия:

1. They survived by working in the machine shops of Detroit and Windsor (in Canada).

2. The brothers moving back to Detroit, they established some of the best machine shops in town.

3. They were soon churning out components for the fledgling automobile industry.

4. At the 1905 Chicago Show, he ordered a $5000 Locomobile, having borrowed some money from a banker friend, and never looked back.

5. Although few would have guessed it at the time, the third of America's "Big Three" auto manufacturers had arrived.

6. Hence, Mercury was born out of market necessity and averaged about 80,000 cars a year in the early 1940s, a performance that placed it usually 12th or 13th in the industry sales league.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What did Mercury bring Ford?

2. When and where was the Pontiac Buggy Company founded?

3. What has always been an important element of Pontiac?

4. Who started the Chevrolet story?

5. What did a press release dated May 30, 1911 write?

6 What was Walter Percy Chrysler?

7 What was the first product of the Evans and Dodge Bicycle Company?

8. Составьте аннотацию на текст (2-3 предложения).

9. Составьте реферат на текст (10-15 предложений).

10. Составьте план текста и перескажите текст.


I.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Buses Show Highest Safety in Traffic

Bus accidents often receive a great amount of publicity, most likely because many people are riding buses and the vehicles are operated by professional drivers who are supposed to be able to drive. Statistics show that only 0.3 bus passengers are killed per billion passenger kilometres. Sixteen times as many people are killed in car accidents. Statistically, one can ride 75,000 times round the world by bus without experiencing an accident.

A passenger in a bus is very safe. Accidents happen, instead, outside the bus. A detailed study for the year 1994 shows that of the 747 people killed in vehicle accidents none died in a bus. During 1994, eight people died in accidents in which buses were involved, none of the fatalities rode in the buses. The same year, 215 people were injured in bus accidents, 50 of whom were riding in buses.

For eight out of ten accidents, there was only a bus and another vehicle involved, and five of a hundred accidents were single-vehicle accidents. Bus accidents can occur between passenger cars and unprotected pedestrians. Often, this happens on the way to or from a bus stop, perhaps due to icy roads, and such an accident is recorded as a bus accident. What is needed, therefore, is increased safety at bus stops.

The number of accidents between cars and buses fell during the 10-year period of Ingvar Holmberg's study, whereas the number of accidents between unprotected pedestrians and buses remained unchanged during the same period.

A Bit of Diesel History

It was 1895 when Rudolf Diesel first revealed his invention to the world: the compression-ignition engine. Compared to the already familiar Otto (gasoline) engine, Diesel's powerplant used less (and less expensive) fuel, and it was suitable for much greater power outputs. It caught on; soon there was no other alternative for stationary and ship engines.

But the Diesel engine had one major drawback: it was not capable of high rotational speeds. All the same, the more its inherent advantages were recognized, the greater the interest in overcoming this hindrance to its wider use.

The main reason the Diesel engine could not be made to run fast was its fuel-feed system. Up till then, the only known method was to "blow" fuel into the cylinders using compressed air, and this was an inherently slow process. In addition, the air pump required was a large, heavy and expensive ancillary unit that precluded making the engine compact or light enough for a motor vehicle.

In late 1922, Robert Bosch decided to overcome the problem by developing a fuel-injection system for Diesel engines.

Conditions were right for Bosch. He already had a great deal of experience with internal-combustion engines. Production techniques were highly developed. And experience gained in the production of lubrication pumps would be useful.

By early 1923, Bosch had about a dozen basic designs for injection pumps. And by the middle of that same year, he was testing the first hardware on an engine.

In summer 1925, the pump design was final, and in 1927 the first' production pumps left the Bosch factory.

Bosch's fuel-injection pump brought the Diesel up to speed. It was a breakthrough of major proportions, helping the compression-ignition engine master an ever-increasing variety of applications - especially in motor vehicles. Evolution of the Diesel engine now proceeded at a faster pace than ever. 'Not long ago, a Diesel-powered car with Bosch fuel injection set a very fast pace indeed: a new land speed record of more than 360 km/h, or 224 mph. That's impressive enough, but its fuel consumption while setting the record - something one seldom hears about - was if anything even more impressive. At that speed, the record car consumed just 13.6 liters per 100 kilometers, or 17.3 miles per U.S. gallon. And at the "modest" speed of 250 km/h (155 mph), it got along on a mere 6 1/100 km, or 39.2 mpg!

Diesel passenger cars continue to demonstrate just how adaptable and capable of further development the Diesel engine is; despite recent local setbacks, their worldwide market share increases every year. In fact, today almost every auto manufacturer in Europe, America and Japan has at least one Diesel model either in production or under development.

The first domestic automobiles with the engine of internal combustion.

The invention of the petrol engine of internal combustion is fairly considered as one of major events in development of engineering, including automobile. lt essentially has facilitated creation mechanical automatically driven of crew and has opened a way of perfection without rail transport.

Under the items of information of some researchers, the first Russian automobile with the engine of internal combustion working on liquid fuel, was constructed in 1882 by group of the Russian engineers led by Putilov and Khlobov in small town on Volga. However, sufficient documentary acknowledgement (confirmations) it yet is not received.

It is traditionally considered, that the first domestic double automobile with the engine of internal combustion was created in St.-Petersburg in May, 1896. Yakovlev, the speech about which already went above, and owner carriage workshops Freze. May 27, 1896 in the Petersburg newspaper" the New time " has appeared the advertisement" of the Yakovlev's First Russian factory kerosene and gas engines", in which was informed, that in the beginning of month in vicinities of St. Petersburg the first Russian automobile was tested.

In July the automobile "of quite Russian manufacture" with capacity of the engine in 2 was h.p. submitted as an exhibit at the All-Russia industrial - art exhibition in Nizhni Novgorod, where it made demonstration trips. To the automobile even the price -1500 roubles was nominated. (For comparison it is possible to tell, that the horse on those times cost 50 roubles .). The price of the Yakovlev's Freze's machine was half cheaper, than those automobiles, which were sold in Russia Benz's firm , but anybody from the domestic industrialist it has not interested.

After Yakovlev's death his factory has passed in hands of other owner, but his business on creation of the Russian automobiles has continued Freze. His enterprise since 1890 has adjusted assembly of individual copies of automobiles, using mechanisms of the French firm " De Dion Buton ". In 1902 at this enterprise the first domestic automobile with a forward arrangement of the engine, with the motor in 8 h.p. and pneumatic trunks was constructed. In 1899 the Riga businessman Leitner tried to collect automobiles in Riga. He issued only 7 automobiles, but because of a competition of foreign firms the assembly has stopped.

So it is possible to tell, that already by the end of XIX century basically the prospects of development of a domestic vehicle were defined.