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Глава 6 Неспецифические (“универсальные”) элементы теории экстремального состояния сложных биологических систем


6.1. Биоэкономический подход к изучению проблемы экстремального состояния организма человека

6.2. Конструктивность физиологических параллелей в исследовании проблем социальной безопасности и социальных катастроф



Preface (A.D. Nozdrachev)


Chapter 1. Clinico-phisiological aspects of the extreme state of organism (I.A.Eryukhin).

1.1. Clinical substantiation of the problem of the extreme stale of organism

1.1.1. Conception of the extreme state of organism

1.1.2. Conditions limiting the sphere of discussing the problem of the extreme state of organism in the interests of clinic

1.1.3. Main forms of the extreme state of organism

1.1.4. After-effects of the endured extreme state

1.2. The extreme state of organism and the general adaptation syndrome

1.2.1. The cellular and molecular factors of realization of the general adaptation syndrome .

1.2.2. The informative-regulatory systems responsible for the dominant principle in stress . Neurogenous regulation . Humoral regulation

1.2.3. Stress-limiting factors

1.2.4. Stress and different adaptation regimens .

1.3. The clinico-physiological conception of the extreme state

Chapter 2. Severe combined trauma as a form of the extreme state of organism (I.A.Eryukhin)

2.1. Clinical substantiation of the idea and certain terminological specifications

2.2. The estimation of severity of combined traumas

2.3. The phenomenon of mutual aggravation of injuries in a severe combined trauma

2.4. Conception of traumatic disease as applied to severe combined trauma

2.4.1. Traumatic disease as the clinical and general pathological category

2.4.2. The biochemistry of traumatic disease (N.S.Nemchenko, I.A.Eryukhin) Metabolism and posttraumatic adaptation The biochemistry of general inflammatory reaction in severe combined trauma. . Blood coagulation and fihrinolysis in traumatic disease

2.4.3. Oxygen transport and metabolism in traumatic disease (A.B.Singuevsky, I.A.Eryukhin).

2.5. Specific features of traumatic disease in military field surgery and medicine of catastrophes .

2.6. General principles of diagnostics and treatment of a severe combined trauma on the basis of the conception of traumatic disease

2.7. The severe combined trauma as an object of a general scientific systemic research.

Chapter 3. The extreme state of organism and thermodynamics of dissipative systems (I.A.Eryukhin)

3.1. Some information of thermodynamics and synergetics of non-linear processes in dissipative systems

3.2. Human organism as a complex dissipative system

3.3. Clinico-thermodynamic parallels in the theory of the extreme state of organism

Chapter 4. The system of functional computed monitoring in severe mechanical trauma (S.A.Shlyupnikov).

4.1. An objective assessment of severity of the state of a patient with the syndrome of systemic inflammatory reaction and sepsis. .

4.2. Substantiation of the selected approach to elaboration of functional computed monitoring .

4.3. A method of eleboration of the functional computed monitoring system (S.A.Shlyupnikov, E.V.Pashkovsky) .

4.4. Characteristics of the clusters obtained. .

4.4.1. The pathophysiological structure of the first sluster

4.4.2. The pathophysiological structure of the second cluster

4.4.3. The pathophysiological structure of the third cluster

4.4.4. The pathophysiological structure of the fourth cluster

4.5. Principles of work of the functional computed monitoring system .

Chapter 5. Tlie systemic inflammatory reaction and sepsis in patients with a severe mechanical trauma (as an after-effect of the endured extreme state) (S.A.Shlyapnikov).

5.1. Tlie functional computed monitoring system in noncomplicated early postshock period. .

5.2. Tlie functional computed monitoring system in diagnostics of states “menacing” by the development of the syndrome of a systemic inflammatory reaction. .

5.3. Functional computed monitoring in the syndrome of a systemic inflammatory reaction

5.4. The functional computed monitoring system m diagnostics of sepsis

Chapter 6. Nonspecific (“universal”) elements of the theory of the extreme state of complex biological systems (I.A.Eryukhin)

6.1. Bioeconomical approach to investigating the problem of the extreme state of human organism.

6.2. Consiructivity of physiological parallels in investigating the problems of social safety and social catastrophes


Игорь Александрович ЕРЮХИН

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ

начальник кафедры военно-полевой хирургии Военно-медицинской академии

Сергей Алексеевич ШЛЯПНИКОВ

доктор медицинских наук.

преподаватель кафедры военно-полевой хирургии Военно-медицинской академии


Экстремальное состояние организма. Элементы теории и практические проблемы на клинической модели тяжелой сочетанной травмы

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