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Отчетный материал (4 семестр, летняя сессия).

В качестве отчетного материала за 4 семестр должны представить:

  • словарную тетрадь с лексикой учебника (уроки 5, 6, 8, 9);

  • тетрадь с упражнениями (уроки 5, 6, 8, 9) и по грамматике;

  • рабочие тетради с упражнениями по домашнему чтению;

  • тетрадь с написанными монологами по пройденным темам.

  • словарную тетрадь с лексикой по домашнему чтению, в которую слова выписываются в порядке их следования с указанием страниц;

  • краткий письменный пересказ прочитанного по домашнему чтению.

Темы монологов:

Тема 5.

Higher education in Russia. Teachers’ training in Great Britain and Russia. Pros and cons of getting higher education. An English university (Oxford, Cambridge).

Тема 6.

Sport in our life. Popular sports and games in Great Britain. My favourite sport / game. Pros and cons of going in for sport.

Тема 7.

Means of travelling / transport (by train, by air, by car, on foot). My last journey / trip. What attracts people in the idea of travelling?

Тема 8.

Theatres in Great Britain. My last visit to the theatre. (My last visit to the cinema). What is the romantic side of the theatre / cinema? What is the educational role of the theatre?

Домашнее чтение проверяется путем выборочного перевода, кратного изложения содержания (в письменной и / или устной форме), опроса слов.

Контрольная работа № 6. Words and vocabulary

Ex. I. Write the English equivalents to the following idioms.


Ex. I. Put in the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

  1. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it ..... (stay) like this they ..... (be) dry in two hours.

  2. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they ..... (not know) French they ..... (not understand) half the caller.

  3. – How did you do in the car rally? – We came in last actually; but only because we got lost. If we ..... (not got) lost we ..... (come) in somewhere in the middle. We certainly ..... (not be) last. I wasn’t really surprised that we got lost because I knew that the navigator couldn’t map-read. – But if you ..... (know) that why did you ..... (take) him as navigator?

  4. This flat would be all right if the people above us ..... (not be) so noisy.

  5. A group of spectators, including myself, left the stand just before the end of the game. When we were half way down the stairs a goal was scored and there was a great cheer from the spectators. It there ..... (not be) a goal the crowd ..... (not cheer). If the crowd ..... (not cheer) we ..... (not run) back up the stairs to see what had happened. If we ..... (not run) back we ..... (not crash) into the rest of the spectators on their way down, and there ..... (not be) that frightful accident.

  6. If the pain ..... (return) you’d better take another pill.

  7. If you aren’t going to live in the house why you ..... (not sell) it? If I ..... (have) a house I couldn’t use I ..... (sell) it at once.

  8. – No, I didn’t know any Russian at that time. – But if you ..... (not know) Russian why you ..... (offer) to give him Russian lessons? – Because I knew that he ..... (refuse). He always rejected my offers.

  9. Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If he ..... (leave) it outside someone ..... (steal) it.

  10. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians ..... (wear) light coloured clothes drivers ..... (see) them much more easily.

  11. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for 15 years. If she ..... (not love) him she ..... (not wait) so long.

  12. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he ..... (look) strong he ..... (be) expected to dig all day like everyone else.

  13. – The government are talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport. – If they ..... (start) doing it in the village people ..... (resist)?

  14. If you are catching an early train tomorrow you ..... (like) to have breakfast at 7.00?

  15. We’ll have to break the ice on the pond; otherwise the ducks ..... (not be able) to swim. And if they ..... (not be able) to swim they ..... (not be able) to get food. ..... (Use can / could forms where possible)

  16. When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They ..... (be) much happier if he ..... (become) a greengrocer like his father. They still say that if he ..... (go) into the greengrocery business when he left school he ..... (be) comfortably off now instead of being poor. But he says that if he ..... (have) his life again he ..... (make) the same choice.

  17. So many parcels and no baskets! If I ..... (know) that we were going to buy so much I ..... (bring) a basket.

  18. No one bathes here. the water is heavily polluted. If you ..... (bathe) in it you ..... (be) ill for a fortnight.

  19. I can hear the speaker all right but I wish I could see him too. If he ..... (stand) on a barrel we all ..... (see) him and that ..... (be) much better.

  20. Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I ..... (be) Tom I ..... (get) a new battery.

  21. I expect you’ll see Jack at the lecture. If you ..... (do) you please ..... (remind) him about tomorrow’s meeting?

  22. – The headmaster decided that Peter was the thief. And expelled him from the school. A more intelligent man ..... (realise) that Peter couldn’t have been guilty. ..... (If the headmaster had been more intelligent ... .) – But I blame the real thief even more. If he ..... (admit) his guilt Peter ..... (not be) expelled.

  23. The only thing I have got is a balcony. If I ..... (had) a balcony I ..... (grow) plants in pots. Then my flat ..... (be) perfect!

  24. – Jack rang while you were out. – Oh dear! If I ..... (know) he was going to ring I ..... (stay) at home.

  25. My unmarried friends are always telling me how to bring up my children. I sometimes think they if they ..... (have) children they ..... (make) just as many mistakes as I do.

  26. (At the cinema) Ann: Don’t worry. They got married in the end. Mary: Then you’ve seen it before! If you ..... (tell) me that we ..... (go) to something else!

  27. Be careful about the time. if you ..... (spend) too long on the first question you ..... (not have) enough time to do the others properly.

  28. We had a lot of trouble putting the tent up. If it ..... (not be) so windy perhaps it ..... (not be) quite so difficult.

  29. Ann ..... (sitting beside her open fire): I love open fires; if I ..... (have) nothing but a radiator to sit beside I ..... (get) quite depressed.

Ex. II. Choose the suitable modal verb to fill in the gaps to complete these sentences.

  1. Peter has a computer that ..... fit into his jacket pocket.

  2. I had some free time yesterday, so I ..... write a few letters.

  3. From where we’re standing, this land belongs to me for as far as you ..... see.

  4. My teacher has given me a translation for homework, but I ..... understand it.

  5. Watch this, Mum; I ..... stand on one leg.

  6. The plans were destroyed before they ..... be read by the invading army.

  7. Until you ... repay some of your present debt, we ..... lend you any more money.

  8. He ..... stay the night with us because he has missed the last bus.

  9. I ..... start on my new job on Monday.

  10. You ..... take the dog away. I won’t have it here any longer.

  11. She ..... learn to do things for herself. I refuse to help her in the future.

  12. He ..... stay the night with us and tomorrow he sets off on his tour to Europe.

  13. You ..... do your clothes now, and she ... do hers when she comes in.

  14. He ..... stay the night with us. I won’t let him drive to the country in this rain.

  15. My mother says that I ..... (negative) be out after eleven o'clock, but I (negative) hurry home because she herself is out playing bridge.

  16. He told me that I ..... (negative) use words I didn't know.

  17. I ..... say it again and again.

  18. You ..... have gone to the concert. Why ..... you miss the music?

  19. Shut the door, ... you?

  20. You ..... have no cause to complain of me. There ..... be no difficulty about money.

  21. The toilet in this room ..... stop running

  22. ..... you really do it for me?

  23. It is late. You ..... go to bed.

  24. ..... I get you some fresh coffee, Ed?

  25. He had a wound that ..... heal.

  26. I don't see why I ..... not discuss the matter with my chief.

  27. I ..... like going to pop concerts when I was a teenager.

  28. The country now known as Myanmar ..... be called Burma.

  29. Accidents ..... happen in the home, however safe we try to make them.

  30. When the weather was good, we ..... go walking in the hills every weekend.

Ex. III. Choose between MUST + perfect and SHOULD + perfect in the sentences.

  1. Henry was deported for having an expired visa. He ..... (have) his visa renewed.

  2. Julia was absent for the first time yesterday. She ..... (be) sick.

  3. The photos are black. The X-rays at the airport..... (damage) them.

  4. Sarah got a parking ticket. She ..... (park; negative) in a reserved spot, since she had no permit.

  5. Mary did very well on the exam. She ..... (study) very hard.

  6. Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She ..... (study) harder.

  7. German called us as soon as his wife had her baby. He ..... (be) very proud.

  8. Eve had to pay $5.00 because she wrote a bad check. She ..... (deposit) her money before she wrote a check.

  9. John isn't here yet. He ..... (forget) about our meeting.

  10. Alexis failed the exam. He ..... (study; negative) enough.

Ex. IV. Translate into English using the suitable means of expressing reality and suitable modal verbs.

  1. Было решено, что дети пойдут в зоопарк после обеда.

  2. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты поменьше курил.

  3. Он потребовал, чтобы с ним немедленно расплатились.

  4. Жаль, что я не сказала правды.

  5. Необходимо, чтобы ты взял отпуск на время.

  6. Немного найдётся людей, которые бы так спокойно отнеслись ко всему этому.

  7. Теперь он не сделал бы такой ошибки.

  8. Если бы кто-нибудь поверил мне!

  9. Кто-то предложил послать за доктором.

  10. Нам пора принять за работу.

  11. Мы боялись, как бы он не заболел.

  12. О ней всегда говорили так, в третьем лице, как будто её там не было.

  13. Ты бы не понял, как было трудно, даже если бы я рассказал об этом.

  14. Он оставил распоряжение, чтобы нам показали город.

  15. Если бы я когда-нибудь встретила его, я бы знала, что делать.

  16. Он боялся, что произведёт плохое впечатление.

  17. Они любили друг друга и поженились бы сразу, если бы она была свободна.

  18. Будь осторожнее с ключом. Если мы его потеряем, то никогда не откроем дверь.

  19. Если бы не её улыбка, я ничего бы не заподозрила.

  20. Мне можно идти?

  21. О, наверное, не сказал им об этом, и они, возможно, не придут.

  22. Зачем тебе откладывать на завтра то, что ты можешь (мог бы) сделать сегодня?

  23. Мне, возможно, придётся поехать туда на такси.

  24. Странно, что он ушёл, не сказав нам, куда пошёл.

  25. Тебе не надо было звонить ей так поздно.

  26. Он сказал, что должен спешить, и ушёл, не дождавшись ответа.

  27. – Рассказать тебе, как это случилось? – Не стоит, я всё знаю.

  28. Она знала, что ей не надо присутствовать при их разговоре.

  29. – Я сказал твоему дяде, что поговорю с тобой. – Ты напрасно беспокоился. Я пообещал своим родителям побыть здесь ещё немного.

  30. Дети всё и всегда ломают. Мне нет нужды говорить тебе об этом.

  31. Зачем мне идти туда пешком?

  32. Уж он-то должен знать об этом.

  33. Я никуда не выходил в тот вечер, так как после работы ко мне должен был зайти Джордж.

  34. Новость может напугать её.

  35. Тебе не следует винить его за это. В этом есть и твоя вина.

  36. Возможно, он им ничего не сказал.

  37. Я не знаю, почему она не хочет поговорить с ним сама.

  38. Пожалуйста, расскажи мне, что случилось.