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TOPICS part 1.doc
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31. Work in pairs. Imagine you have bought a faulty jacket (jeans, sweater, sport shoes etc) that you would like to exchange. Act out the situation.

32. Look through the following complaint and try to describe some case that has happened to you.

“Remember Me”

1021 Russell Boulevard

Saint Louis, MO 63104

(314) 773-1930

On April 21, 2005 I went to Remember Me to rent two costumes for my husband and I. After choosing both, I prepaid $118.25 for a week’s rental of both. On April 26, 2005, just five days later, a clerk from said store called my phone four times, leaving one rude message that she was charging me $150.00 to purchase them as they had not been returned. On April 27, (six days after the initial day of rental) my husband returned the costumes and asked that the $150.00 be credited as he was returning them within the rental period.

She refused, and stated that she would also be charging an additional $118.25 for another week’s rental. My husband tried to resolve the issue with her amicably while at the store, but she was quick to become hot-headed then called the police to arrest my husband. Furthermore, after my husband left the store, she charged another $118.25. As far as I am concerned, this constitutes fraud. In summary, I was charged $504.75 for six days of rental of two costumes, which by the look of them probably cost $50.

I have two reasons for submitting this claim – to receive full credit of the entire $504.75 and to receive a sincere apology. That clerk had no right to fraudulently charge us 4 different times for 1 rental. Furthermore, she had no grounds to contact the police. My husband is very level-headed.

I have since contacted my bank to dispute the false charges. I have also closed that account as a preventative measure as her actions are irrational. In addition, I am contacting the Better Business Bureau, my attorney, Complaints.com, Consumer Affairs, Tattletale Consumer Hotline, and anyone else who will listen.

Remember Me is the name of business. I think that suits them well as I WILL remember the distasteful customer service and the swindling measures they take to make money.

Final discussion

  1. Do you like shopping? Who does shopping in your family?

  2. Do you like window-shopping? Do you prefer department stores or corner shops? What shops do you prefer for shopping?

  3. Imagine you are talking to a visitor who does not know Minsk. Give him general information about Minsk shops and markets and where they are situated.

  4. In Britain you can never bargain in shops, and only very occasionally in the markets. The prices are usually fixed. Do you have to bargain in your country? Talk about a bargaining experience.

  5. Have you ever borrowed money from anyone? Who from? How much? Have you ever lent money to anyone? Who to? How much? Are you in debt at the moment? (i.e. Do you owe anyone any money?). Does anyone owe you any money? What would you advise the others concerning borrowing and lending the money?

  6. Do you save money? Are you saving for anything at the moment? Do you keep your money a) in the bank? b) in a safe? c) in a money-box? d) under the bed? Give arguments in favour of your preference.

  7. Have you (your parents, friends) bought anything on hire purchase? What? Did you pay a deposit? Do you think it's a good idea? Have you got a credit card? Which one? (Visa? American Express? Diner's Club? Access?) When you pay cash, do you ask for a discount? Do you usually get it?

  8. Do you have a budget for your money? Do you keep a record of your expenses? Do you think we should restrain ourselves and be more rational?

  9. Have you bought anything this week? What is it? What did it cost? Was is worth it? Was it new or second-hand? Was it a bargain? Did you get a receipt? Do you always keep receipts?

  10. Do you agree with the following sayings? What do they mean?

    1. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. (W. Shakespeare)

    2. Look after the pennies & the pounds will look after themselves.

    3. Live now - pay later.

    4. A fool & his money are soon parted.

    5. A customer is always right.

  11. They say, "Men are better shoppers than women". Do you agree with it? Why?

  12. What's that "a good shopper"?

  13. What Shopping ABC rules do you keep to and would recommend the others?

  14. Prepare a report on the Internet shopping. use the text in the section “Supplementary Material”

  15. You stay in London is coming to the end and you decide to spend this day shopping to buy some souvenirs and presents for your friends and parents. Discus with your partner what you will buy and where.

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