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TOPICS part 1.doc
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18. Tell your friend about the way you (your family members) do shopping.

19. Read the following dialogues and make your own dialogues by analogy

a) - Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Central Book Store?

- You should take bus number 100 at the station on the opposite side of the street and get out at the third stop.

City Central Department store




the underground, any tram, trolley bus, mini bus

get off at the next (the last, …) station

b) - Excuse, where is the men’s clothes department?

- It’s on the third floor. You may take the escalator. It is to the right of the exit.

Sports wear department

Footwear department

Stationery department

Domestic appliances department


on the ….. floor

in the basement

opposite the …. department

c) - Excuse me, where can I buy shoe polish?

- At the shoe department. It’s to the right of the men’s clothes department on the 2nd floor.

A watch, , a digital photo-camera, gloves, a kerchief, socks, a suitcase, a microwave oven , a block of paper

At the watcher’s, at the stationery, at the haberdashery, at the Radios and TV sets department

20. Make up short dialogues using the words prompted.

a) - I think the coat is a little loose on you.

- I quite agree with you. I’ll take another one.

shirt, raincoat, jacket, sweater, coat

b) - I don’t like this suit. It is rather tight. Give me a size larger, please

- Here you are, sir.

trousers, cap, sport shoes, T-shirt, jeans

21. You will find here the sentences with omitted arguments. Try to complete them choosing the match from the box

a) Yes, the coat is quite up-to-date but …..

are very practical

b) The shoes are beautiful, but I don’t really think they ….

look quite well. I don’t care that they have a little bit fringed.

c) It is worth choosing a good cloth for a suit as it

need a jacket for everyday wear

d) I have been wearing this jeans for one year, but they still ….

don’t like the colour. Have you anything darker?

e) I would prefer that pair of shoes as they ….

wears well and keeps its shape

f) The coat is made of thick cloth. It will

fit well and are much cheaper.

g) This jacket is suitable for formal occasions and I

match my dress

h) Jeans may seem too casual in some situations but ….

be suitable for wearing in winter, as well.

i) The style is quite suitable, but I …

it is too loose on me.

22. Here are some phrases we often use in shops. Match each one to the correct assistant’s reply on the right

a) Can 1 try this jacket on?

b) Does this jacket suit me?

c) Does this jacket fit me?

d) Can I pay by cheque?

e) I'm afraid I only have a $ 10 note.

f) Can I exchange this?

g) Can I have my money back?

h) Shall I help you, sir?

i) What colour would you prefer?

j) What size do you wear?

1.Of course, if you have some kind of

bank card. Size 50, please.

3. I am afraid we don't give refunds.

4. Certainly, there is a fitting room over there.

5. Red ones, size 22.

6. It's a little too long. Try a smaller size.

7. If you have a receipt.

8. Yes, I'm trying to choose a suit.

9. That's all right. I can change it.

10.Yes, it's just the right colour and the

style for you.

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