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8.Fill in the gaps with the modal verb must or its equivalents have to, be to.

1.We ______ wait for some minutes because we missed the train.

2.I _____ meet my sister at the station today at 7.

3.There is no ice-cream. According to the schedule it ____ be delivered at twelve.

4.I _____ leave early because I was not feeling quite well.

5.The inn was small and we ____ share the room.

6.She ______ come to work in time or I’ll fire her!

7.To know English you _____ read more books in the original.

8.The game ______ begin at 6 according to the programme.

9.You ____ study well or you will not enter the university.

10. I ____ be at the meeting. My boss ordered me to be there. Hewillacceptnoexcuses.

9.Finish the sentences using should or shouldn’t.

1.Students ______ come to class every day.

2.We _______ waste our money on things we don’t need.

3.Life is short. We _________ waste it.

4.It’s raining. You _________ take your umbrella when you leave.

5.People ________ be cruel to animals.

6.Your plane leaves at 8.00. You _______ get to the airport by 7.00.

7.You _______ smoke in a crowded room because the smoke bothers other people.

8.When you go to New York, you _______ see play on Broadway.

9.You _________ walk alone on city streets after midnight. It’s dangerous.

10.When you go to San Francisco, you _______ ride on the cable cars.

10.Use mustn’t or needn’t to fill the gaps.

1.You ______ give Freddy any more sweets or he won’t eat any tea.

2.The doctor said I ______ go back to the hospital; my leg is all right.

3.You _____ make any sandwiches for me. I’m not hungry.

4.She _____ fill in a new application form, we have the other one.

5.You _____ mention this to Kate, or she’ll get upset.

6.She _____ bring a doctor’s certificate, she was only away for one day.

7.You _____ take any more aspirins, you’ve had four already.

8.Tell her she _____ open any letters marked “personal”.

11.Choose the right variant.

1.You may/ mustn’t run the corridors. It’s dangerous.

2.Can/Should I ask you a question?

3.Will/Shall we go out for lunch today?

4.You should/must see a doctor as soon as possible. You’ve got high temperature.

5.Tom can/may play tennis very well.

6.I have no choice. I have to/must wait for him until he comes.

7.Today a have a date with Tom. I am to be/have to be at the cafe at 10.

8.Tony was able to/could enter the University.

9.You shouldn’t/mustn’t lie in court.



1. Read and translate the text. Enumerate its main ideas.


Our society was designed to give individuals the chance to make choices based on their own needs and wants. Certainly the needs of the society as a whole must be taken into account but the foundation remains the individual. People must have the ability to recognize their own needs and the needs of the overall society. In order to participate properly they must understand the rules of the game. Such sophistication does not come naturally; it must be taught. This cannot be done without proper education.

What is the value of higher education for the individual?

Sometimes it is difficult to see the exact value of your education. However finishing university is an asset that everyone with the opportunity should take full advantage of. Just finishing higher school alone opens up thousands more opportunities for individuals. When entering a specific field within the job market, it is often required that the applicant has a higher school diploma. Therefore, many times without the higher school diploma, a person is restricted to a smaller number of occupations for which they are qualified for. Higher school teaches students to learn. It gives them a background in many different subjects and methods of learning. An understanding of how the world works is a very important skill for a person who is living in our world today.

A higher school education gives student the experience and the confidence that they will be able to use in many life situations. Attending higher school gives students opportunities to express themselves and to learn about other people and their ideas. Having the knowledge obtained in higher school often gives people confidence later in life when they are dealing with the public. It can give a person confidence in the way that they view their abilities later in life.

In order for society to advance our society must be educated. As a higher school education is free, people should take advantage of the wonderful opportunity that they are and try to gather all the knowledge that they possibly can.

Years ago I saw a poster that depicted a mansion situated on a cliff overlooking the ocean. There were several expensive automobiles in the garages. At the bottom was a phrase stating “The Value of Education”. This simple statement is wonderfully ambiguous: does it mean that an education is valuable because it will enable one to get such luxury, or that an education will help one to understand that life is not really about such material possessions?

My view is that the value of education is best measured by what graduates do with their lives.

2.Answer the questions using the information in the text.

1.What is important to take into account while choosing the occupation?

2.What are the advantages of having a higher school diploma?

3.What is the main function of any higher school?

4.What skills and opportunities does the higher school give to students?


5.What does the society need educated individuals for?

3.Can you comment the last sentence of the text? What does it imply?

Vocabulary practice

1.Fill in the correct word from the list below: proper, wants, value, to pursue, possessions, ambiguous, properly, job, to make, life. Consult the text if necessary.

1.an ______ statement

2.material ______

3._____ situation

4._____ gathering knowledge

5._____ choices

6.exact _____

7._____ market

8.needs and ______

9.to participate ______

10.______ education

2.Insert the prepositions where necessary.

1. to take _____ account

2. to be based _____

3. value ____ education

4. to take full advantage ____

5. to open ____

6. to be restricted ____

7. to be qualified ____

8. to deal _____

9. to express _____ themselves

3.Make up 15 sentences with the word combinations from Exercises 1 and 2.


1.What are the things among the enumerated below that will be difficult for you to live without? Make up a list of things in the order of importance and

explain your choice. Compare it with your partner’s list.

Health Happiness of your relatives

Well–paid job A good family Safety Self–realization

Usefulness for the society you live in Wealth

Spiritual wealth Fame


Start your explanations with the following:

In the first place of my preference list I placed …. . I have chosen it because I think that ….

Then use the following logical connectors of order.

Secondly, in the third place, the fourth in the list is, further I placed, then, after that, finally.

2.Make up a dialog.

Student A You have a sister/brother who doesn’t want to get a higher education.

What arguments will you use to persuade him/her that higher education is essential nowadays?

Student B You don’t want to get a higher education, as you don’t want to spend 5 years of your life studying at some higher institution. You strongly believe that it is impossible to acquire the necessary practical skills by writing lectures and working at seminars.


1.Read the statement. What does it imply? Try to explain its meaning in your own words.

“The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values”. William Inge

2.Prepare a talk about the prevalence of values over the actions we perform and things we do in our life.

3.Choose one of the expressions below and write an Argumentative Essay where you are to express your agreement or disagreement with the chosen statement about the purpose of education.

1.“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it”. Marian Wright

2.“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance”. Will Durant

3.“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to

think – rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men”. Bill Beattie

Communication: making small talk.

1.Answer the following questions to find out what small talk is.

1.Have you ever been in a situation where you want to say something to someone and don't know what to say or how to start?

2.What can be said in a situation like that to start the conversation?

3.Who uses small talk?

4.Why is it important to be able to make small talk?

2.Practice the following dialog.

Kim: It's hot in here, isn't it?


Jill: Yes, it certainly is. I wish they'd open a window or two. Kim: That would be nice. By the way, my name is Kim. Jill: Hi, I'm Jill.

Kim: Do you like classes here?

Jill: Yes. I'm in English 10. What class are you in? Kim: English 20.

Jill: Is it an interesting class? Kim: It's OK. The teacher is great!

Jill: Is it easy to get home from where you live?

Kim: Yes, it takes me 40 minutes by bus. How long does it take you to get to school? Jill: About the same. Oh, I have to rush. I'm going to be late for class. Nice meeting


Kim: Bye now.

3.What topics are safe to talk about? Discuss these questions with your partner before you see the list of safe topics.

Impersonal topics:

the weather: yesterday's weather, tomorrow's weather, today's weather travel: problems encountered at airports, subways, customs

news: local, world, national

entertainment: movies, concerts, theaters, dances sports: hockey, football, soccer

tourist attractions: Kirov street, drama theatre

4.With a partner choose one or two topics from Task 3 making small talk with him or her.


1. Match synonyms and make up sentences with the word expressions from column B.

Column A

Column B


to take into account

a. to take part


to recognize

b. to achieve


to participate

c. to realize



d. to develop


to make choice

e. not clear


to advance

f. to have to do with


to deal with

g. to choose



h. to seize the opportunity


to take advantage of

j. to pay attention to

10. to pursue

i. profession


2.Translate from Russian into English.

1.Когда человек выбирает профессию ему необходимо учитывать интересы общества, в котором он живет.

2.Социальный заказ общества это потребность в подготовке специалистов в определенной области знаний.

3.Выбор человека должен основываться на его личных интересах.

4.Не все выпускники школы готовы сделать сознательный выбор.

5.В чем же ценность высшего образования для человека?

6.Ценность высшего образования заключается не в количестве полученных знаний, а в умении думать и анализировать.

7.Высшее учебное заведение дает человеку знания, опыт профессиональной деятельности и уверенность в том, что эти опыт и знания пригодятся ему в реальных жизненных ситуациях.

8.Образование может помочь человеку понять себя и выразить себя в выбранной профессии.

9.Люди должны воспользоваться возможностью получения высшего образования, хотя поступить в вуз становиться тяжелее с каждым годом.

10.Ценность образования измеряется тем, помогло ли оно человеку найти свою дорогу в жизни.

3.Ask all the possible questions to the following sentences.

Example: He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old.

1.Did he choose his occupation when he was 12 years old? (Yes/No question)

2.He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old, didn’t he? (Tag question)

3.Did he choose his occupation or hobby when he was 12 years old? (Alternative question)

4.Who chose the occupation at the age of 12? (Wh-question)

5.What did he do when he was 12 years old? (Wh-question)

6.What did he choose when he was 12 years old? (Wh-question)

7.When did he choose his occupation? (Wh-question)

4.Ask questions starting with the following question–words.







7.How much

8.How long

5.Open the brackets choosing one of the modal verbs: can, may, must.

1.In any research on order to introduce something new you ____ know the history of the question.


2.Students are our future scientists. To be in the know of the modern technological advances they ____ read a lot.

3.You ____ do this work tomorrow for me. I don’t need it to be done now.

4.Any student ____ improve his abilities if he studies hard.

5.Education ____ serve the needs of human society.

6.I know that you ____ solve this problem alone. You are clever enough to do it.

7.You ____ always keep in mind that your life depends on you, in particular, on the decisions you take.

9.You ____ take my dictionary. I don’t need it at the moment.

10.You ____ always remember that innovation is the engine of educational development.

12.Teachers ____ deliver ready–made knowledge but they ____ also make students think and exercise their mind constantly which is more effective but more difficult to provide.


Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

How is it like being a student?

Active Vocabulary

Listen and repeat the word expressions after the speaker.


“Applicant” center

– центр «Абитуриент»


a dreadful ordeal

– ужасное испытание


account for

– объяснять, являться причиной


assistant professor

– доцент


be keen on

– страстно увлекаться


be noted for

– быть известным за


branch (n)

– филиал


code gram set

– набор кодаграм


digital control language laboratory– лингафонный кабинет


e-subscription (n)

– электронная подписка на журналы


exploit (v)

– использовать


exposition (n)

– изложение


gifted child center

– центр одаренного ребенка


introduce (v)

– внедрять


linguistic center

– лингвистический центр


multimedia information




– мультимедийные информационные





open access

– открытый доступ


Open Institute

– Институт Открытого образования


personal teaching

– индивидуальное обучение





postgraduate education

– аспирантура


prolong (v)

– продлять


regional campus

– областное отделение


to a large extent

– в большой степени


to assemble (v)

– собираться


to attract (v)

– привлекать внимание


to be idle

– бездействовать


to emerge (v)

– появляться


to stagger (v)

– идти шатаясь


torture (n)

– пытка


1.Look at the reasons of choosing the university to study at and select the five most important ones from your point of view.

1.It must be highly competitive.

2.It must give a high quality of education.

3.It must be well–known abroad.

4.It must have well–equipped laboratories.

5.It must use effective teaching methods.

6.It must be not far from my home.

7.It must suggest the flexibility of curriculum.

8.It must provide students with textbooks and additional information resources.

2.If you had the possibility to choose the university what university would you

choose among the suggested ones? Give reasons for your choice.

South Ural State University

Moscow State University Novosibirsk State University Stanford University (the USA) Oxford University (Great Britain)

3.Answer the questions using your background knowledge about the SUSU University.

1.Why did you decide to enter the South Ural State University?

2.How many faculties does it have?

3.What do you know about the university you study at?

4.What youth organizations does it have?

5.How is the process of study organized?

6.What is it famous for?

Grammar: Conditionals.

1.Look at what Jenny and Mark hope will happen in the future. Make sentences using If I, …… I will…..


Example: If I don’t go out so much, I will do more work.



If I do more work

If I stop smoking

– pass my exams

– have more money

– go to university

– save some money every week

– study how to run a business

– rich when I am thirty

– become a businesswomen

– have my own business

– earn a large sum of money

– make a lot of money

– travel all over the world

– retire when I am forty

2.What will you do in the following situations? Complete the sentences.

1.If I study hard I will ……

2.If I get a well-paid job I will ….

3.If I miss the classes I will ….

4.If I have a holiday abroad I will ….

5.If I graduate from the university I will ….

6.If I fall ill I will ….

7.If I see my friend has problems I will ….

8.If I have some free time I will ….

9.If I see the book I like I will ….

10.If the weather is fine tomorrow I will ….

11.It I finish my homework early this evening I will ….

3.One of you is going for a holiday to an exotic country. The other sees all the problems. Use the prompts to discuss the problems.

Example: A – What will you do if the weather is bad? B – I will read books and go to discos.


you don’t like the food?

there is nowhere to go in the evening?

you lose your money?

you don’t understand the language?

you don’t know anyone?

you feel homesick?

you lose your passport?

4.Make up 2 Chain stories. Look at the situations, and then continue these people thoughts.

Situation 1

If I don’t finish this work in time, I will not get a promotion.

Situation 2

If I don’t write my essay I will not get a credit in the major.

Situation 3

If I enter Oxford University, I will be the most diligent student. 59


1. Read the text and do the tasks after it.


SUSU is one of the largest universities of Russia. It was founded in 1943. SUSU has 33 faculties, 13 branches and 8 regional campuses. There is a linguistic center where you can get a second higher education in the field of linguistics, a gifted child center whose purpose is to develop creativity in children, School of Physics and Mathematics for the schoolchildren keen on math and physics, the “Applicant” center that prepares school graduates to enter our university, and specialized preparation courses on different subjects.

The postgraduate education offers courses in 70 specializations.

Over 50,000 students are enrolled at the University full-time. The teaching staff includes 1900 teachers: 265 Doctors of Sciences, Professors; 857 Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors, over 90 members of foreign and Russian academies. Our lecturers successfully use new teaching methods.

In 2004 on the basis of SUSU the Open Institute was established. It opens its doors for all the people wishing to get a higher education regardless of their age and place of living. This is a new way to deliver education called Distance study that incorporates different kinds of modern technologies and methods of teaching.

The SUSU scientific library is the largest one in Chelyabinsk. It has more than 2,5million volumes, journals, periodicals, e-subscriptions. One of these years the library plans to organize the reading hall similar to that in Western universities. It will be a reading hall with open access. Open access means that the students do not need to stand in a line for hours to take a book they need, but they will be able to go around the reading hall with lots of bookshelves, choose the book they like, read it sitting at a comfortable study and put it back into special baskets after they finish reading. Moreover the SUSU scientific library successfully exploits modern technologies and introduces the new electronic system that will allow students to order and prolong books electronically using their home computers.

SUSU is a basic educational institution of Russian Ministry of Education on developing new teaching methods, and introduction of new study equipment. The novelties, introduced in teaching process are multimedia information complexes for lecture theaters, digital control language laboratories, study-laboratory complexes and code gram sets on various disciplines.

South Ural State University is noted for its students and the teaching staff, democratic in their composition and views. To a large extent it is exactly that fact that accounts for the popularity among the undergraduates, the teachers and the tutors of progressive scientific and social ideas. The University has trained 115,000 specialists, 2,100 Candidates of Sciences and 440 Doctors of Sciences. Many graduates are members of governing body of Russia and Chelyabinsk region, among them V. Khristenko, Prime Minister of Russia; A. Pochinok, Minister on Labour and Social politics; P. Sumin, Chelyabinsk region Governer; V. Tarasov, Chelyabinsk mayor and others.


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