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2.Read the text and agree or disagree with the statements, highlighting the peculiarities of the Russians.


Most Russians are not very different from most westerners in the way they perceive things or in their desired lifestyle. However, there are certain peculiarities.

We are a free nation. Here we despise all the rules. It’s an honor for our drivers to move on the red light or to bother other drivers and pedestrians.

It’s cool to do nothing and to just lie on the sofa thinking about how great you are. Really, Russia is such an amazing country and we have given the world so much that we can rest a bit.

We value generosity. We can give you the last piece of bread we have if we believe you really need it. And we expect the same in return. If you're invited for a meal, expect that the hosts will feed you until you feel completely full and not capable of moving.

Most of us are very proud. Don't talk to us about our vices, we won't listen anyway. And don't dare to criticize the way our country is - Russia is the best place and we will prove it to the whole world very soon.

Some of us are quite emotional, but somehow it’s all kept inside most of the time. We may seem a bit cold and too much to ourselves at first, but when you get to know us better, we're like a volcano.

We don't feel easy about talking to strangers on the street, but if you start conversation saying that you're from another country or ask for some help, there's a good chance we will be very open, because we are naturally curious about foreigners.

Women and old women are very respected here. It’s considered polite if while being in the metro and seeing a woman or an old woman coming in and there’re no free seats, man offers her his seat.

Russians are hooligans. It's not because we're bad - we just like everything extraordinary. But too often we don't express this feeling enough, so when it comes out, it's like a volcano. That's why you hear our tourists singing folk songs at 3am and that's why we make a revolution every 80 years.

Many people have a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle and have a daily morning exercise routine or run in the park.

3.Work in pairs. Translate the sentences in turn from Russian into English, using the information from the text.

1.Русский характер – это доброта, честность и лень.

2.Многие россияне положительно относятся к спорту, делают по утрам зарядку и бегают в парке.

3.Многие из нас могут говорить по-английски, но стесняются, так как практики общения с иностранцами немного.

4.Русские люди не сильно отличаются от европейцев по образу жизни.

5.Мы – нация свободных людей и уверены, что законы написаны для того, чтобы их нарушать.


6.Россия – удивительная страна, она дала миру так много, что сейчас самое время для нас полежать на диване и отдохнуть от великих дел.

7.Русские люди – гостеприимные. Будете готовы, что в гостях вас будут кормить досыта, да так что и двинуться уже не сможете.

8.Многие из нас люди щедрые.

9.Тактичными людьми нас назвать трудно, мы не стесняемся высказывать

свое мнение громко и открыто.

10.Русские не будут придумывать красивые слова, чтобы скрыть свои истинные чувства.

11.По природе мы очень любопытная нация.

12.Держитесь подальше от русских бабушек – они люди очень активные и агрессивные.

13.Мужчины должны быть сильными и уверенными в себе, а женщины умными и красивыми.

14.Русские люди любят все необычное, незаурядное. Вот почему мы устраиваем революции каждые 80 лет.

4.Read the joke and try to explain in your own words the meaning of the word “hypocrisy.”


If you want to be really and truly British, you must become a hypocrite. How to be a hypocrite? As some people say that an example explains things better than the best theory, let me try this way.

I had a drink with an English friend of mine in a pub. We were sitting on the high chairs in front of the counter when a flying bomb exploded about a hundred yards away. I was truly and honestly frightened, and when a few seconds later I looked around, I could not see my friend anywhere. At last I noticed that he was lying on the floor, flat as a pancake. When he realized that nothing particular had happened in the pub he got up a little embarrassed, flicked the dust off his suit, and turned to me with a superior and sarcastic smile.

'Good Heavens! Were you so frightened that you couldn't move?'

George Mikes

Communication: What’s your sign?

1. Work with your partner. Find out your partner’s sign. Then read your partner’s description in the horoscope. See if your partner agrees with the description of his or her personality. Make up your own dialog.

A:When’s your birthday?

B:November 9.

A:Then you’re Scorpio. You always keep on working until a job is finished.

B:I guess that’s true. I am determined to finish everything I start.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Creative and idealistic, loves daydreaming about making a better world.


Pisces (February 19 – March 21)

Sensitive and gentle, enjoys meeting people and making new friends.

Aries (March 22 – April 21)

Active and adventurous, can’t help getting excited about new projects, enjoys traveling.

Taurus (April 22 – May 21)

Generous and good at saving money, enjoys investing in the stock market.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Cultured and clever, prefers reading good books to watching TV.

Cancer (June 22 – July 21)

Home-loving and conservative, dislikes traveling and tries to avoid making changes.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Confident and organized, not afraid of making mistakes, often insists on being the leader.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Organized and precise, can’t stand having a messy house, always finishes doing what he or she started.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

Peace-loving and charming, always tries to avoid arguing with people, enjoys telling jokes.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

Determined and intelligent, keeps on doing a job until it is finished.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sincere and careful, loves talking to people and making them laugh.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Reliable and careful, insists on doing a good job, often avoids listening to other people’s opinions.

2.The following statements are all incorrect. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to find out what’s wrong.

Example: A: Do Aquarians dislike thinking about changing the world?

B:No, Aquarians love thinking about making the world better.

1.Aries rarely feel like starting new projects.

2.Cancers can’t stand staying at home.

3.Capricorns seldom worry about doing a good job.

4.Gemini love watching TV.

5.Leos insists on following a leader.

6.Libras enjoy arguing.

7.Pisces avoid making new friends.

8.Sagittarians prefer having serious conversations.

9.Scorpios rarely finish a project.

10.Tauruses enjoy spending a lot of money.

11.Virgos don’t mind having a messy house.


3.Develop the ideas given. Discuss them in groups of three.

1.“Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Abraham Lincoln

2.“Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

3.“Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.” H. Jackson Brown.


1.Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Прочитав теоретический материал, Том решил применить полученные знания на практике.

2.Кто этот приятный молодой человек, стоящий у окна?

3.О человеке можно много сказать, проанализировав его поведение.

4.Какими чертами характера должен обладать преподаватель, пришедший работать в университет, чтобы понравиться студентам.

5.Приехав на станцию, она сразу же позвонила ему по телефону.

6.Он ни во что не ставит Ваши знания и профессионализм. Почему Вы скрываете Ваши чувства, и не скажите ему об этом.

7.Выполнив работу, они всей семьей поехали отдыхать в Сочи.

8.Оноченьскромныйчеловек. Выоченьобрадовалиего, сказав, чтоонпомогВам.

9.Взглянув на его лицо, Сэм заметил, что этот молодой паренек кого-то ему


10.Она либо очень несчастный человек, либо это ее стиль жизни – всем жаловаться.

2.Read the text and summarize the main ideas.


People try to find out more about their personalities in different ways. One way to discover personality traits is through color analysis.

Psychologists say that the color we prefer can tell a lot about, our personalities. According to studies carried out in North America, people who prefer the red color usually have strong personalities. They like expressing their opinions. They insist on saying what they think and feel, even if it is sometimes negative. They're confident people who enjoy meeting others and being in social situations.

In contrast to the “reds,” people who choose blue are generally quiet and gentle. They don't like showing strong emotions. “Blues” feel they should control what they say and do very carefully. They like spending time by themselves and they like analyzing themselves.

Still different are the people who prefer yellow. They are normally cheerful, friendly people who prefer looking at the positive side of things. They don't like thinking about problems or serious subjects very much. Often “yellows” prefer hiding strong emotions like fear or anger.


The analysis of colors is just another system that people have created to understand personalities.

3.Match the color with the personality trait.

1._________ quiet

2._________ enjoy meeting people

3._________ look at the good sides of things

4._________ don't often show anger

5 _________ control what they say___

6.________ confident

7._________ easily express their opinions

8. _______ like to be alone_________ .

9.________ don't think much about problems

10._______ gentle

4.Read the text and find out what your coffee says about you.


What kind of coffee do you drink? Cappuccino? Irish coffee? Black coffee? A recent psychological study claims that there is a connection between the type of coffee you drink and your personality. Learn what different coffees mean, and use this information to analyze your friends, family and neighbors.

Decaf Coffee (decaffeinated coffee).Decaf coffee drinkers have a strong need to have some control of their lives, and they need to be in the driving seat at all times. They also hate feeling any form of dependence - especially on drugs, such as caffeine.

Instant Coffee. Instant coffee drinkers are pathologically lazy. They cannot abide hard work and will do anything to avoid messing around with complicated instruments and machines such as coffee percolators. They love the fact that making a coffee consists of merely throwing in a spoon of coffee and chucking some hot water over it.

A White Coffee. Coffee drinkers who succumb to the temptation of the “white liquid”

(milk) are often weak-willed people who suffer from self-destructive tendencies.

Black Coffee. Black coffee drinkers care little for fads and are more concerned about integrity and honesty. They like a challenge, and they are fast thinkers, fast movers and fast talkers.

Espresso. This is the classic, dark Italian coffee that has a rich flavour and smoky aroma. Drink it Italian-style by knocking it back in one or two gulps, giving yourself third-degree burns to the tongue. Espresso coffee drinkers are traditionally stubborn, although the modern tend to be more open to argument and disagreement.

Cappuccino. This drink is made from one-third coffee, one-third milk and onethird froth (пена). Make your own froth by heating milk in a pan and then whisking briskly with a fork. Pour the frothy milk onto your hot black coffee. Sprinkle chocolate powder or cinnamon on top for added colour. Cappuccino drinkers are authentic people who enjoy all the ups and downs life tosses their way.

So now you know!



Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

What do you understand under the term “communication”?

Active vocabulary

Listen and practice the active vocabulary of the lesson after the speaker.


arise (v)

– возникать, появляться


audience (v)

– публика, зрители


be sensitive to

– быть чувствительным к


communication apprehension

– боязнь общения


communication competence

– коммуникативная компетенция


communication skills

– коммуникативные способности


communication technologies

– коммуникационные технологии



– участник процесса общения


convince (v)

– убеждать


dyad (n)

– диада


give a speech

– произносить речь


group dynamics

– динамика (развитие) группы


groupthink (n)

– групповое мышление


ignore (v)

– игнорировать


interpersonal communication

– межличностное общение


message (n)

– сообщение, послание


organizational communication

– общение в организации



– убеждение


reach consensus

– прийти к согласию


reluctance (n)

– нежелание, неохота


respond to (v)

– реагировать, отзываться


share information

– обмениваться информацией


small-group interaction

– взаимодействие в малой группе


take turns

– говорить по очереди


1.Divide into groups of three. Work in a team. Make a list of as many means of communication as you can.

2.Look through the definitions of communication and choose the most appropriate one from your point of view.

1.Communication is a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several methods.

2.Communication is the articulation of sending a message, whether it be verbal or nonverbal, so long as a being transmits a thought provoking idea, gesture, action, etc.


3.Communication can be defined as the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. It is the act of passing information and the process by which meanings are exchanged so as to produce understanding.

4.Communication is the process by which any message is given or received through talking, writing, or making gestures.

5.Communication is any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.

3.Express your agreement or disagreement with the following quotes:

1.Anne Morrow Lindbergh: “Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”

2.Jonathan Swift: “Argument is the worst sort of conversation.”

3.Rudyard Kipling: “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

4.Prepare a two-minute speech, where you express your opinion to the following: “Pluses and minuses of modern means of communication.”

Grammar: Infinitive constructions.

1.Compare the forms of the infinitive and elicit the difference in meaning.

1.She had nobody to help her.

2.You ought to have asked my opinion.

3.It’s pleasant to be listening to you.

4.Children like to be told fairy tales.

5.The telegram was to have been sent two days earlier.

2.Find infinitives in the following sentences and define their functions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.To predict a person’s behavior one must take into consideration sociological factors as well.

2.Hungry rats were first trained to press a bar to receive these drugs.

3.The aim of this lecture is to determine the ties of psychology with other disciplines.

4.Psychologists begin to view man as an active creature.

5.To have a good memory is a great advantage.

6.To know what the person thinks about himself is of great importance.

7.We have some right to suppose that in this case we are dealing with specific aspects of transformation of cognitive abilities.

8.The work has not progressed far enough to give a complete account of the system.

9.To understand the method, one must know something about the problem.

10.He continued to be influenced by his past experience.


3.Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Define its function.

1.Attempts ________ (to form, to be formed) conditional reflexes in children of several days or weeks of age lead to contradictory remarks.

2.The conclusion ________ (to draw, to be drawn) from such a result is somewhat ambiguous.

3.The third problem _________ (to be considered, to be considering) is concerned with depth perception.

4.Rats which did not receive electric shocks did not learn __________ (to press, to have pressed) a bar to receive the drugs.

5.You ought___________ (to be punished, to have been punished) for what you did.

6.It was nice _________ (to be sitting, to have sit) there with you.

7.I’m sorry _________ (not to be telephoning, not to have telephoned) earlier.

8.I did not expect _________ (to have been invited, to be invited).

9.I opened the door ________ (to let, to have been let) her in.

10.I want ________ (to buy, to be bought) a bicycle.

4.Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the infinitive.

1.Чем больше мы знаем о людях, которые нуждаются в помощи, тем больше наши шансы на успех.

2.Необходимо помнить о том, что каждый поступок определяется более, чем одной переменной.

3.Что более приятно: любить или быть любимым?

4.Некоторым людям не дают достаточного времени обдумать ситуацию, для того чтобы принять решение.

5.Важно, чтобы студенты умели мыслить, чтобы потом справляться с проблемами в жизни.

5.Transform the sentences using the complex object construction.

1.Many of the audience considered that the speaker had overstated his case.

2.Everyone knew that he was a man of good communication skills.

3.The majority of psychologists thought that his book was highly original.

4.Researches have found that the suggested method of group observation is invaluable as a method of research.

5.Scientific experiment showed that people’s shyness was a reason for making the communication difficult.

6.No one had expected that he would become a leader of the group.

7.I could see how the conflict was developing.

8.She said to the children that they had to behave well.

9.At a very early age, a boy revealed that he was a master of persuasion.

10.I believe that it would be useful if you agreed to share the information about your scientific research paper with your colleagues.


6.Translate the sentences using the complex object construction.

1.Не заставляйте меня лгать.

2.Дайте мне подумать.

3.Мы заставили его прекратить этот глупый спор.

4.Я слышал, как профессор упомянул об этих фактах в своей лекции.

5.Я хотел, чтобы вы объяснили мне эту задачу.

6.Я видел, что она не понимает меня.

7.Вы слышали, как он выступал вчера на собрании?

8.Мы не хотим, чтобы нас прерывали.

9.Мы считаем его большим специалистом в области социальной психологии.

10.Она не ожидала, что обсуждение ее доклада будет таким продолжительным.

7.Rewrite the sentences according to the models using the complex subject construction.

Model 1: It seemed that he knew the subject well. He seemed to know the subject well.

1.It seemed that these people have difficulties in communicating with each other.

2.It seemed that he was appealing to the audience.

3.It proved that the first experiment was a success.

4.It proved that communication technologies were extremely helpful.

5.It appears that this man was an experienced psychologist.

Model 2: It is reported that the delegation has left London.

The delegation is reported to have left London.

1.It is believed that there is a hope of reaching consensus.

2.It is considered that communicating well requires good communicational skills.

3.It can be expected that in small groups good decisions are made more easily.

4.It is said that she has ignored all remarks on her report.

5.It is known that the art of living among people is a difficult one.

8.Translate the sentences using the complex subject construction.

1.Предполагают, что ключ к успеху в жизни – уверенность в себе.

2.Сообщается, что этот метод не везде можно применить.

3.Известно, что нельзя быть бестактным в обращении с людьми.

4.Случилось так, что его гипотеза оказалась не верна.

5.Кажется, эта статья была о разных типах взаимоотношений в малых группах.

6.Говорят, что структура отношений в больших группах бывает очень сложной.

7.Оказалось, что межличностные отношения в группе очень важны для успешной групповой работы.

8.Считается, что психологическое состояние людей влияет на работу группы.

9.Слышно было, как она выступала на конференции.

10.Его, наверняка, об этом спросят.



1. Read and translate the text.


In every society, humans have developed spoken and written language as a means of sharing messages and meanings. The most common form of daily communication is interpersonal – that is, face-to-face, at the same time and in the same place.

The most basic form of interpersonal communication is a dyad (an encounter or conversation between two people). Some dyads exist over a long period of time, as in a marriage or partnership. Communicating well in a dyad requires good conversational skills. Communicators must know how to start and end the conversation, how to make themselves understood, how to respond to the partner's statements, how to be sensitive to their partner's concerns, how to take turns, and how to listen. Together, these abilities are called communication competence. Shyness or reluctance to interact is called communication apprehension. Persuasion is the process of convincing others that your ideas or views are valuable or important.

Communication may also occur in small groups, such as families, clubs, religious groups, friendship groups, or work groups. Most small-group interaction involves fewer than ten people, and the communicators need the same communication skills as in a dyadic conversation. However, additional factors called group dynamics come into play in a small group. A group may try to work toward a consensus, a general sense of understanding or agreement with others in the group. Groupthink may occur, in which a group reaches consensus so quickly that its members mistakenly ignore other good ideas. Small-group members may experience disagreement or even conflict. Some members may be more persuasive than others and form sides, or cliques, within the group.

A special case of small-group interaction occurs in organizations where there is work to do or a task for the group to perform. Or several small groups may need to interact among each other within a single organization. In these cases, the groups must communicate well, both among themselves and with other groups, so that their members can perform their work effectively and make good decisions. Problems sometimes arise in organizational communication between supervisors and workers, or between different groups of workers who are responsible for different parts of a task. Therefore, small-group communication skills can be as necessary as conversation skills in the workplace or other organizational activities.

Interpersonal communication occurs with larger groups as well, such as when a speaker gives a talk to a large crowd (a political candidate giving a speech at a campaign rally, or a teacher lecturing to a large class). However, the audience can respond in only limited ways (such as with applause, nodding, whistles, boos, or silence). The speaker usually wants to be persuasive or informative, so the words chosen and the style of delivery or performance are very important. A speaker who wants to reach an even larger audience than the people who can physically hear the speech in one place must use communication technology or media to get the message across distance and even time.


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