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Граматика Синенко.doc
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5.Поставьте там, где это необходимо, артикли перед географическими названиями:

Atlantic Ocean


North America





United Kingdom


Suez Canal


Red Sea

British Isles

New York

Lake Superior


Canary Islands





6.Поставьте там, где это необходимо, артикли.

1)___ Canary Islands are popular with British people for a holiday. 2) __ Chicago River flows south towards __ Gulf of ___ Mexico. 3) __ Volga flows from ___ Valdai Hills to ___ Caspian Sea. 4) Where are __ British Isles situated? 5) We get tea mostly from ___ China and Ceylon. 6) ___ National Gallery faces __ Trafalgar Square. 7) You can find a beautiful collection of Modern Art in ___ Tate Gallery.


(The Pronoun)

Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Лицо, число



Им. Падеж


Объектный падеж (дополнение)

Определение (перед именем существительным)


I я

Me мне,меня

My мой, моя.мое

2л., ед и мн.ч

You ты, Вы

You тебя, о тебе

Your твой, ваш

3л., ед.ч.

He он

She она

It он, она, оно

Him его, ему,

Her ее, ей

It его, ее, о нем

His его (дом, книга)

Her ее (друг)

Its его, ее

1л. мн. ч.

We мы

Us нас, нам

Our наш, наша

3 л. мн. ч.

They они

Them их, им, с ними

Their их (дом)


  1. Прочтите данные предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.

1)Nick and Peter are friends. They are pupils. 2) Where is Ann? She is in the garden. Show her the letter.3) What kind of book is it? It is an English book. Give it to me. 4) Nina and Natasha, how old are you? Nina is nine and I am eight. We are schoolgirls. 5) What are you? I am a worker. 6) Where is Tom? He is in the car. Ask him to come home.

  1. Замените существительные соответствующими местоимениями.

1)Please give the money to Sandy. 2) The teacher reads the story to the children. 3) Did you give the letter to your friend? 4) Send a letter to Mrs Halse. 5) Alice sent a card to her granny. 6) Can you give the book to my brother? 7) Will you tell this to my parents? 8) Phone me and my brother tomorrow. 9) Call on Mike and his brother.

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу притяжательными и личными местоимениями:

1)I’d like some ice in __ orange juice. 2) We would like to have breakfast in __ room. 3) Would you like wine with __ meal? 4) The children would like to watch TV in __ room. 5) These children live in Wales. __ names are Ted and Evan. 6) Your hands are dirty. Wash __ please. 7) Emma is cleaning the car. Help __ please. 8) My little brother is hungry. Give __ something. 9) Children are in the yard. Can you see __ ? 10) Take some bread and put __ on the table. 11) I have an extra pen. You can take __ .

  1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями.

1)We have a nice flat. __ flat is in a new house. 2) They have a large apartment. There are four rooms in __ apartment. 3) I have a dog. __ name is Snip. 4) He put on __ new jacket. 5) She broke __ arm. 6) Tim, tell me, isn’t that __ girl-friend over there? 7) The students must bring __ compositions tomorrow. 8) Mr. Brown told us about __ experience.