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Master We Lead.doc
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Community Strength

Time: 60 Minutes


Purpose: To help participants realize the strength they have as a community and why we all must do our part.

We are all connected in some way and communities are made up of all these connections. Prior to this activity, discuss some ways the participants in the group may be connected.

Directions: Have the participants stand/sit in a large circle, shoulder to shoulder. Hand a large ball of yarn to one participant. Have this person hold the ball in one hand and the end of the yarn in the other. This participant should state why or how he or she is “connected” to another participant (or the facilitators) in the group and then toss the yarn to that person.

Examples of “connected”: (Get silly—have fun!)

a. Same color hair/eyes/shirt/shoes

b. Short/long hair

c. Male/female

d. Same age

e. Go to the same school/club/work

f. Ride the same public transportation

g. Like the same things/same animal

Every time someone gets the yarn/rope, the person holds on to that section (i.e., clasps the yard next to the ball) before tossing it to someone else. This process continues until everyone in the circle has been tossed the ball and is holding a piece of yarn. (People may receive the yarn more than once.) A web will form in the middle of the circle. It is important to keep the activity going until enough yarn/rope is distributed to hold up a stuffed animal!

Stress how this web illustrates their community and that participants are resources and supports for each other. Toss a stuffed animal onto the center of the web. Tell the participants how the web (the community) supports the animal and keeps it from falling.

Remove the animal and ask a few group members to let go of their yarn and stand back. Toss the animal again. Explain that the animal fell because a part of the “community” did not have strong connections and was not providing support.

Stress the importance of all of us doing our part to keep a community strong.

Have participants reflect on the activity by discussing the importance of community to each of its members. Ask participants how this activity relates to the community service project.

Community Service Planning

Directions: Continue the discussion of planning a community service project. The questions listed below are suggestions.

  • Break in to groups of 3-4

    • Of the groups we heard from who are we most interested in working with?

    • What would we want our community service project to be?

  • In the large group have each group present their ideas.

Week Two: Day One Handouts

How to Develop “I” Messages

Think about situations you will be in during the next couple of weeks, find a way that you could use “I” statements in those situations. Finish each of the statements below using “I” messages you may want to use.

  1. I feel __________when you __________ because ______________.

  1. I feel __________ when you __________ because ______________.

  1. I think __________ when you _____________ because __________.

  1. I think __________ when you _____________ because ___________.

  1. I want _______________________________ because____________.

  1. I want _______________________________ because____________.

  1. I need __________________________because __________________.

  1. I need __________________________because __________________.

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