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Master We Lead.doc
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Week One: Day Four Handouts


To have charisma means you are likeable; you have personality, appeal and magnetism

Week Two: Leadership in Action

Goal for the Week: Planning the community service project

Week Two: Day One

Participants recognize the power of leadership in action. Start brainstorming issues in their own communities.

Today’s Suggested Activities

  • Word of the Day

  • The Star Thrower

  • Is the Jar Full?

  • Organization Speaker

  • Community Strength

  • “I” Statements

  • Community Service Project

Materials needed for day

  • Room to move around

  • Jar or clear bottle

  • Rocks

  • Gravel

  • Sand

  • Water

  • Ball of yarn

  • Small stuffed animal


  • Word of the Day- Conviction, Decisiveness

  • Star Thrower Story

  • “I” Messages

Week Two: Day One

Words of the Day

Time: 20 Minutes


Purpose: Each day there are two “Words of the Day.” These words have been carefully chosen as key elements of leadership characteristics.

Directions: Hand out the word of the day words: Conviction and Decisiveness. Ask participants to read each word of the day and the definition provided. Ask participants to describe in their own words what each word means. Have participants discuss how each word of the day relates to leadership and being a leader.

The Star Thrower

Time: 20 Minutes


Purpose: For participants to evaluate what is a leader and to realize the power of people working together.

Directions: Provide each participant with a copy of “The Star Thrower.” Ask a participant to read the story out loud.

Discuss the following questions

  • What would have happened if it had been not one but many people picking up the starfish?

  • What do you imagine would be the impact of many people working together?

  • Is this girl a leader? Why or why not?

  • How does this story relate to our community service project?

Is the Jar Full?

Time: 45 Minutes


Directions: Have materials on hand but out of sight. Set a wide-mouthed jar or clear glass container on a table in front of the group. Display a platter with rocks next to the jar.

Ask the group, “How many of the rocks do you think will fit into the jar?” Have a few participants come up to help put rocks in the jar until no more will fit.

Ask the group, “Is the jar full?” Everyone will most likely say yes.

Take out the gravel and pour it into the container, shaking it up to fill in the cracks. Again ask, “Is the jar full?” “Probably not or maybe” will be the reply.

Take out the sand and pour it into the container, shaking it up to fill in the cracks. Again ask, “Is the jar full?” By this time, the group should be yelling “NO!”

Take out a bottle of water and pour into the jar. Ask, “Is the jar full?” Tell the group, “YES, now the jar is full!”

Ask the group what the point of the activity was.

• i.e., you can always fit more, you have to think positively.

Acknowledge all answers, but be sure they understand that the order the materials went into the jar was CRITICAL.

Ask participants the following questions:

  • How does this activity relate to our community service project?

  • What would happen if we do not plan in the right order?

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