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  1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What are initial encounters like?

  2. How does the brain take the first impressions?

  3. How does Nalidy Ambady, professor of psychology at Tufts University, interpret first impressions?

  4. What does the accuracy of a snap judgement depend on?

  5. What is the Implicit Association Test aimed at?

  6. What can cause serious real-world damage?

  7. What kinds of faces may lead us astray?

  8. Who is considered to be a good judge of personality according to David Funder’s opinion?

  9. What kind of people are the easiest to judge?

  1. Choose the facts to prove that

  1. People excel at reading facial expressions quickly, but only when a countenance is genuine.

  2. As subtle as implicit attitudes are, they can cause serious real- world damage.

  3. People who spent time cultivating relationships are more likely to make accurate snap judgements.


  1. Speak Out. № 3, 2000, рр. 7, 12.

  2. Коммуникативная методика. № 4. 2002. С. 23.

  3. Speak Out. № 4, 2004, р. 28.

  4. Wallace Patricia М. Liking and Loving on the Net. (The Psychology of the Internet, 1999, un. 7, pp. 133—144.)

  5. Larson Charles U. Persuasion: reception and responsibility. Northern Illinois University. 9th ed., 2001, ch. 9, pp. 217, 218.

  6. Куликова H.B., Мельник Л.А., Зенкевич Е.Б. Английский язык для психологических вузов. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2003. С. 11—12.

  7. Soars John and Liz. Headway Student’s Book (Advanced). Oxford University Press, 1989, p. 47.

  8. Santrock John W. Life-Span Development. WCB Brown & Benchmark Publishers. 5th ed., 1995, pp. 45, 74, 154, 379-380, 442-443.

  9. Morris Charles G., Maisto Albert A. Psychology. An Introduction. 11th ed. Prentic Hall, 2000, ch. 9, p. 376; ch. 12, pp. 503-505; ch. 14, pp. 569- 572; ch. 15, p. 592.

  10. Scientific American Mind. February/March, 2006, pp. 84—85.

  11. Psychology Today. July/August, 2006, pp. 64—65.

  12. Wrong Dennis H. The Problem of Order. The Free Press. A Division of Macmillan: Inc. New-York Copyright, 1994, ch. 7, pp. 202—205.

  13. Scientific American Mind. June/July, 2006, pp. 57—59, 80—81.

  14. Sdorow L.M. Psychology. Lafayette College: Beavior College. 2nd ed., 1993, ch. 5. pp. 152-170; ch. 7, pp. 246-248; ch. 15, pp. 547-551.

  15. New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language. College Edition. Surjeet Publications. 4th reprint. Delhi, 1988.

  16. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. International Student Edition, 2006.

  17. Никошкова E.B. Англо-русский словарь по психологии. М.: РУССО, 1998.

  18. Aranson Elliet. The Social Animal. San Francisco. 2nd ed., 1976, pp. 4—7.

  19. Baron Jonathan. Thinking and Deciding. University of Pennsylvania: Cambridge University Press. 3rd ed., 2000, ch. 1, pp. 6—10.

  20. Psychology Today. July/August, 2004, pp. 62—65.

  21. Scientific American Mind. August/September, 2006, pp. 54—59.

  22. Sears, Pepean, Freedman, Taylor. Social Psychology. Prentic Hall: Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey). 6th ed., 1988, ch. 10, pp. 287—290.

  23. Illustrated Dictionary of Psychology. Lotus Press, 2004.

  24. Atkinson Rita L., Atkinson Richard C., Smith Edward E., Bern Daryl J., Nolen-Hoeksema Suisan. Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology. 13th ed.,

  1. pp. 200-202.

  1. Reber Arthur S., Reber Emily S. The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology. 3rd ed., 2001.

  2. Psychology Themes and Variations. Briefer Version. 5th ed. Wadsworth,

  1. pp. 146-149, 396-400.

  1. Psychology Today. May/June, 2004, pp. 60—66.

  2. Psychology Today. September/October, 2006.

  3. Psychology Today. January, 1986.

  4. Psychology Today. July, 2005.

  5. Scientific American Mind. April/May, 2006, pp. 18—20.

  6. Speak Out. № 2, 2001, pp. 2—5.

  7. Speak Out. № 3, 2002, pp. 12-13.

  8. Speak Out. № 5, 2004, pp. 17-18.

  9. Speak Out. № 5, 2005, pp. 20-21.

  10. Speak Out. Hot Issues, pp. 36—39.

  11. Myers David G. Exploring psychology. Worth Publishers. 4th ed., 1999, pp. 2-3.

  12. Morris Charles G., Maisto Albert A. Psychology. An Introduction. 11th ed. Prentic Hall, 2002, pp. 152-156, 286-288, 520-522, 539-540.

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Бочарова Галина Валентиновна Степанова Мария Георгиевна


Graded Reader with Exercises

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