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Английский язык. Типичные ошибки и как их избежать (90

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Ярославский государственный университет им. П. Г. Демидова Кафедра иностранных языков естественно-научных факультетов

Английский язык

Типичные ошибки и как их избежать

Практикум по самопроверке студентами своих знаний


Научно-методическим советом университета для студентов, обучающихся по направлению Прикладная информатика в экономике

Ярославль ЯРГУ



УДК 811.111(076.5) ББК Ш 143.23я73

А 64

Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебного издания. План 2012 года


кафедра иностранных языков естественно-научных факультетов ЯрГУ

Составители: Т. В. Шульдешова, С. В. Волкова

Английский язык: Типичные ошибки и как их избежать: прак-

А 64 тикум по самопроверке студентами своих знаний / сост. Т. В. Шульдешова, С. В. Волкова; Яросл. гос. ун-т им. П. Г. Демидова. – Ярославль: ЯрГУ, 2012. – 48 с.

Методические указания состоят из 4 частей, охватывающих разные уровни компетенции. Кроме тренировочных упражнений, даются необходимые грамматические правила и пояснения, касающиеся особенностей сочетаемости предлагаемых единиц на уровне речи. Оценка результатов самостоятельной работы студентов организуется как единство двух форм – самоконтроля и контроля со стороны преподавателя. Источником материала послужили работы современных отечественных и зарубежных авторов.

Предназначены для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 230700.62 Прикладная информатика в экономике (дисциплина «Английский язык», цикл Б1), очной формы обучения, а также для всех желающих совершенствовать свои знания в английском языке.

УДК 811.111(076.5) ББК Ш 143.23я73

© ЯрГУ, 2012




Ванглийском языке, кроме обычных притяжательных местоимений (my, your, our, etc.), существуют так называемые абсолютные притяжательные местоимения, после которых не нужно упоминать имя предмета, определяемого ими. Например: – Чья это программа? – Его. (Ее, наша…) – Whose program is this? – His. (Hers, ours…)

Задание: измените следующее предложение по всем лицам по следующей схеме:

This is my program. – This program is mine.

Ex. 1. Underline the correct word (Подчеркните правильное слово)

1. Don't take that camera. It's my / mine 2.They lost their / they tickets.

3. That luggage is ours / us.

4. Paris is her / she favourite city.

5. The strawberry ice cream is your / yours.

6. Just as they unpacked the things for them / their picnic, it began to rain.

7. Ben was very proud of him / his holiday photos and showed them to everyone.

8. Jean had an accident while driving her / hers car.

Ванглийском языке есть основные неопределенные местоимения some, any, no, every, которые могут входить в состав сложных местоимений, заменяющих существительные и наречия.

Ex. 2. Underline the correct word(s) in bold. (Подчеркните пра-

вильное выделенное слово / слова.)

1. Sue needs to buy some / something fruit to make a fruit salad, 2. Tim called Phil's house, but anyone / no one answered the


3. I'm hungry, but I haven't got no / any bread to make a sandwich. 4. Paul doesn't feel well. He isn't going somewhere / anywhere


5. I'm sure Frank is going to buy Vivienne something / nothing for their anniversary.

6. Do you know no one / anyone by the name of Marilyn Moore?


7.We had any / no mail today.

8.Jimmy does something / nothing but watch TV all day,

9.I feel like going somewhere / anywhere by the sea this weekend.

10.Is there some / any orange juice in the fridge?

Ex. 3. Underline the correct word(s) in bold.

1.I didn't tell them anything / nothing about your plans.

2.There was no one / anyone to meet me at the airport.

3.It will take you some / any time to understand the new computer program.

4.There is anything / something I'd like to tell you.

5.I'm not going nowhere / anywhere tonight.

6.Nobody / Somebody is allowed to enter this office

7.If no one / anyone asks for me, tell them to ring later.

8.Somebody / Anybody took my bag by mistake.

9.We had no / any money left after shopping all morning,

10.Have I said anything / nothing to upset you?

В русском языке неопределенное местоимение много употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными (много сахара, много книг). В английском языке с этими существительными употребляются разные местоимения: much sugar, many books. То же относится и к обозначению мало. По-русски: мало сахара, мало книг. По-английски: little sugar, few books.

Ex. 4. Underline the correct word(s) in bold. (Подчеркните пра-

вильное слово.)

1.How many / much biscuits would you like?

2.There isn't many / much sugar in this tea.

3.How many / much chocolates did you eat?

4.I didn't use many / much eggs to make the omelette.

5.There isn't many / much milk left.

6.How many / much hot dogs would you like?

7.You didn't put many / much salt in the soup.

8.How many / much bacon do you need?

9.There isn't many / much lettuce in this salad.

10.We haven't got many / much wine for the party.

Ex. 5. Tick the correct sentences. (Отметьте галочкой пра-

вильное предложение.)

1.a) Can I have an egg, please?

b)Can I have some egg, please?


2.a) Would you like any milk?

b)Would you like some milk?

3.a) Is there many ice cream left?

b)Is there any ice cream left?

4.a) We don't need many strawberries.

b)We don't need much strawberries.

5.a) I`d like a little sugar please.

b)I’d like a few sugar please.

6.a) Would you like a meat?

b)Would you like some meat?

7.a) There are a few biscuits left.

b)There are a little biscuits left.

8.a) There isn't many juice in the fridge.

b)There isn't much juice in the fridge.

9.a) I’d like any Coke, please,

b)I'd like some Coke, please.

10.a) Is there any ketchup?

b)Is there some ketchup?


Ex. 6. Choose the correct preposition (Выберите правильный предлог.)

1.In China, you should never be late________ appointments (на-

значенная встреча).

A at B in C for

2.When you visit a Japanese house, leave your shoes ________

the door.

A in B on C at

3.English people don't like it if you push_________ a queue.

A into B onto C at

4.«Don't talk_______your mouth full», his mother said. A at B with C about

5.In some countries you can't kiss________ public.

A in B on C at

6.«You must pay the rent_________time», said Mrs Battersby. A at B for C on

7.My father said I must be home_________ 11 pm.

A on B by C in


8. The teacher said we mustn't write_________the desks. A on B in C over

Ex. 7. Translate into English:

1.Вам лучше a) всегда приходить вовремя, b) не влезать без очереди, c) не разговаривать с полным ртом, d) не целоваться на людях.

2.Я знаю, что должна a) быть на работе не позднее 9 часов утра, b) вовремя платить за учебу (pay the fees), c) не заглядывать

вчужие (other people`s) письма.


Ex. 8. Сomplete the table with correct forms of degrees of comparison – дополните таблицу правильными формами степеней сравнения.


Comparative сравни-

Superlative превос-


тельная степень

ходная степень



the largest








more popular




the best









the most




The Position of Adjectives before Nouns

(Порядок следования прилагательных перед определяемым существительным)

Прилагательные делятся на два класса: прилагательноемнение (beautiful) и прилагательное-факт (large, round). В функции определения прилагательное-факт занимает определенное место в зависимости от своего значения:

1 2 3 4 5

величина – возраст – цвет – происхождение – материал


Мы видим, что чем более постоянен признак существитель-

ного, тем он к нему ближе. It was a beautiful large round wooden table. – В данном примере мы видим, что прилагательное-мнение занимает самое отдаленное место от определяемого слова table, поскольку мнение непостоянно. За ним следуют обозначения величины и формы. Ближе всего к слову table стоит обозначение материала как самой постоянной характеристики предмета.

Ex. 9. 1. Определите характер прилагательного: a nice little girl; an interesting non-standard program, an intelligent young man.

2. Расположите в правильном порядке: eyes – big, blue; bag – black, small, plastic; song – Russian, old, tender; shirt – cotton, white, fashionable.


Ex. 10. Tick the correct sentence. Отметьте галочкой пра-

вильное предложение.

1.a) Are you going out tonight?

b)Do you go out tonight?

2.a) Tony reads a book at the moment.

b)Tony is reading a book at the moment.

3.a) What have you done yesterday?

b)What did you do yesterday?

4.a) Have you ever eaten snake?

b)Did you ever eat snake?

5.a) We've been to Malta last summer.

b)We went to Malta last summer.

6.a) He's flying to Athens tonight.

b)He has flown to Athens tonight

7.a) He was born on 6th May, 1959.

b)He born on 6th May, 1959.

Ex. 11. Tick the correct sentence. Отметьте галочкой пра-

вильное предложение.

1.a) Anna is painting pictures in her free time

b)Anna paints pictures in her free lime.

2.a) I am driving my son to school every day.

b)I drive my son to school every day,

3.a) Steve is playing tennis at the moment.

b)Steve plays tennis at the moment.


4.a) Jill watches TV every weekend.

b)Jill is watching TV every weekend.

5a) Mum cooks dinner at the moment.

b)Mum is cooking dinner at the moment.

6a) He phones his friend right now.

b)He is phoning his friend right now.


Ex. 12. Underline the correct modal verbs.

1.You shouldn't / should always wear a seatbelt.

2.Should / Can I have a glass of water, please?

3.Harvey can't / should take singing lessons because he has a fantastic voice.

4.You can / can’t go to the cinema tonight, because you have to do your homework.

5.You mustn't / should play music after eleven o'clock at night.

6.Andy can't / should take the bus instead of the car to save money.

7.it's cold! Must / Can you close the window, please?

8.You shouldn't / can't leave the electricity on when you go on holiday.

9.You mustn't / can drink and drive

10.You can't / shouldn't forget to lock your door before you leave the house.

Ex. 13. Underline the correct word.

1There are / were twenty people at the party last night.

2Can / Could you speak French?

3Sam has got / got blue eyes and thin lips.

4I can't / couldn't walk when I was one year old.

5My father is / was a doctor. He works in a hospital.

Ex. 14. Correct the mistakes.

Model: Tim cook when he was six. ... couldn't..

1. They didn't had computers a hundred years ago . ..................

2. We are at the park yesterday. ...................

3. I have a lot of toys when I was ten. ..................

4. He can paint when he was four. ..................

5. Anne was at school at the moment. ...................

6. There isn't an airport here then. ..................

7. Rosie could swim very well now. ..................


8.Washington and Lincoln was Presidents of the USA. ..................

9.Did he has a computer then? ..................

Ex. 15. Translate into English:

1.Вчера вечером в парке было множество народу.

2.Вы говорите по-польски?

3.У моей подруги большие голубые глаза.

4.Отец у меня работает в больнице.

5.У римлян не было сотовых телефонов.

6.Тогда здесь не было этого здания.

7.Женщины не были президентами США.

8.А у Гагарина был компьютер?



Ex. 16. Underline the correct word(s) in bold

1.Canoes are a primitive / modern means of transport.

2.I think you're wasting / slowing down your time.

3.I can't stand / believe Steven, I really don't like him.

4.What`s the wrong / matter with the TV? I can't hear it.

5.I'm sure there is a logical / strange explanation for what he did.

6.The aliens took / erased their memories.

Ex. 17. Circle the right word. Обведите правильное слово.

1.The museum is a tall / small / modern / heavy building.

2.You can stay in a luxurious / polluted / cheap / expensive hotel.

3.The nightlife is crowded / tnteresting / dull / boring.

4.You can have dinner in a very romantic /clean / famous / delicious restaurant.

5.The streets are dangerous / safe /crowded / friendly.

Ex. 18. Cross the wrong word. Зачеркните неправильное слово.

1.Although the lake is man-made / traditional it is still beautiful.

2.Unfortunately, pollution has broken / damaged the monument.

3.You can find out more at the information desk / table.

4.Stonehenge is a famous building / landmark.

5.They have been invited to the opening / open day of a new art gallery.

6.The artist had used water colours in his painting / carving.

7.The telephone was invented / discovered by Alexander Graham



8.The Romans completed / located the Colosseum in 82 AD.

9.They told us not to touch the exhibitions / exhibits.

10.Entry to the museum was free of / from charge.

Ex. 19. Correct the mistakes in this text. Исправьте ошибки в тексте.

The small, sunny island of Antigua is one of the more beautiful islands in the Caribbean. Two hundred years ago, many of the large buildings were houses or shops. Today, they were nice hotels with comfortable rooms. The Carlisle Bay club is close by a beautiful beach and is very less expensive than some of the other hotels. There are many interesting places to visit. The most popular for tourists are the Ebenezer Church and the Admiral's Museum. You can buy great gifts for your friends and family. The souvenir shops in English Harbour are the most cheap and the best. There are also many wonderful restaurants. For some of the much delicious Caribbean dishes, go to the Calypso Cafe in Redcliffe Street.

For a romantic and peaceful holiday, there is nowhere nicer as Antigua.

Ex. 20. а) Choose the most suitable or correct translation. Выбе-

рите наиболее подходящий или правильный перевод.

б) Find the mistakes and correct them. Найдите ошибки и ис-

правьте их.

1. I expected Paul being a tall,

1. а) Я представлял себе Поля

dark man.

высоким и смуглолицым;


б) Я ожидал, что Поль будет


высоким и смуглолицым.

2. Anybody told me the truth.

2. а) Хоть бы кто-нибудь ска-


зал мне правду;


б) Никто не говорил мне прав-



3. The boy which works at the

3. а) Мальчик, который работает

shop is quite friendly.

в магазине, очень дружелюбен;


б) Мальчик, кто работает в ма-


газине, очень дружелюбен.

4. She doesn't likes travelling by

4. а) Ей не нравится путешест-


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