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Английский язык. Типичные ошибки и как их избежать (90

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вие самолетом;


б) Она не любит летать само-



5. I have lived here since ten

5. а) Я живу здесь уже 10 лет;


б) Я прожил здесь целых


10 лет.

6. James is having all the Beatles'

6. а) Джеймс имеет все записи




б) У Джеймса есть все пла-


стинки Биттлз.

7. She dresses well and smell

7. а) Она одевается хорошо и

nice too.

пахнет приятно тоже;


б) Она хорошо одевается и


пахнет тоже приятно.

8. He asked her not to disturbing

8. а) Он попросил ее не допус-


кать беспокойства;


б) Он попросил ее не беспоко-


ить его.

9. I stoped at the flower shop to

9. а) Он остановился у цветочно-

buy some flowers.

го магазина …;


б) Он зашел в цветочный ма-


газин …

10 . Shall we go for a drive on

10. а) Отправимся в поездку на

my car?

моей машине?


б) Прокатимся на моей машине?

Are you sure you have overcome (преодолели) level A? If so, pass on to level B. Good luck!



Ex. 21. Correct the mistakes as in the example.

1.There aren’t carrots left. .....many…..

2.There are any eggs in the fridge. .. …………..

3.There is a few tea left in the teapot. …………….

4.Would you like a apple? …………….

5.is there many cheese left? …………….

6.Do you want an hamburger? …………….

7.How much oranges do you need? …………….

8.There are a little grapes left in the fridge. ……………

9.Are there some olives on that pizza? ……………

10.Would you like some doughnut? ……………

Ex. 22. Underline the correct adjective in bold.

1.The food was delicious / horrible. All the that we tasted were

well-cooked and freshly made.

2.The service was extremely fast / slow. We had to wait for half an hour before a waiter appeared.

3.The staff were very helpful and polite / rude. Our waiter took the time to explain the menu to us in detail.

4.The menu was boring / varied and had a great selection of salads, pastas and meat dishes.

5.The food was rather expensive / cheap. We had to pay almost

£50 for two people.

6.The restaurant was quite quiet / noisy. The music was so loud that I couldn't hear what my wife was saying.

Ex. 23. Underline the correct time expression.

1.The man in front of me kept talking during / while the concert.

2.She started a diet all day yesterday / yesterday.

3.Gill was writing a letter during / while Steve was doing the washing-up.

4.He had a car accident two weeks ago / for the last two weeks.

5.This time last Saturday / By last Saturday, I was lying on a beach eating ice cream.

6.He was riding his bike while / when he saw the dog.

7.The man was climbing through the window just as / while the policeman walked into the room.

8.They were cooking all day / during yesterday.


9.The tired child slept at night / all night long.

10.She phoned him at seven o'clock now / last night. Ex. 24. Underline the correct verb.

1.I'm a doctor, so I mustn't make / do mistakes at work.

2.The staff in this office practice / work very long hours.

3.We studied / learnt about sharks at school today.

4.When are you passing / taking your driving test?

5.I've got a job interview this morning, so wish / give me luck! Ex. 25. Translate the questions.

1.Почему мне нельзя ошибаться в работе?

2.Какой рабочий день у служащих в этом офисе?

3.А когда вы учили в школе про акул?

4.Когда вы сдаете на права?

5.Зачем желать ему удачи? (Why should we…..?)

Ex. 26. Correct the sentences as in the example.

1.He (catches) the bus to school every morning.

2.She go to the beach last weekend.

3.They use to live near the city centre.

4.I am do the washing-up at the moment.

5.Pam didn't used to have short hair.

6.My father cooking dinner last night.

7.They are play basketball now.

8.David don't like watching TV.

Ex. 27. Underline the correct word: adjective or adverb?

1.The girl smiled sweet / sweetly as she accepted the flowers.

2.Sudden / Suddenly, they heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs.

3.He gentle / gently picked up the tiny puppy.

4.They were scared when they heard the heavy / heavily foot-


5.He closed the door soft / softly he didn't want to wake the children.

6.He was careful / carefully not to drop the vase.

7.She did good / well in her tests.

Ex. 28. Underline the correct word.

1.He sat in the comfortable/comfortably armchair.

2.The singers sang very good/well.

3.Sudden/Suddenly, he started to run.


4.The exam was very easy/easily.

5.They reached the river safe/safely.

6.They knew they were lucky/luckily to be alive.

7.She opened the door quiet / quietly.

8.They saw a bright / brightly light in the sky.

9.Tony climbed slow / slowly down the ladder.

10.The actor held his award proud / proudly.

Ex. 29. Correct the sentences, as in the example, so that it can be a logical story.

1.Mary was with her husband in her bedroom. ….alone…

2.Mary was unhappy, so she decided to go to bed. ………….

3.She heard a loud voice downstairs. …………

4.She walked calmly to the door. …………

5.She could hear strange music downstairs. …………

6.She felt very angry, so she called the police. …………

7.Ten minutes later, she heard the police car outside. …………

8.She walked into the kitchen and saw a policeman

on the floor. …………

9.«I'm so sorry, Steve!» she whispered loudly. …………

10.«It's my brother,» she explained. …………

Ex. 30. Read the sentences below and underline the correct linking word/phrase.

Make up a list (сделайте список) of these words/phrases with their Russian equivalents.

1.For example / In conclusion, I think that owning a motorcycle has both good and bad points.

2.Shopping at second-hand shops has many advantages. Firstly / Also, you can buy quality clothes for very low prices.

3.The clothes in this shop are beautiful. What is more / On the other hand, they aren’t expensive.

4.Being a nurse is a rewarding job, but / also it can be tiring at times.

5.Travelling by yourself can be very exciting. Finally / On the other hand, it can be dangerous.

6.All in all /Unfortunately, I believe that owning a mobile phone makes our lives easier.

7.John is a very generous man. For example / However, he loves giving gifts to his friends.


8. The Grill House is a great restaurant for meat lovers. Also / However, if you are a vegetarian, you should try Green Leaves in Broad Street.

Ex. 31. Underline the correct word.

1.Have you never/ever been to Lisbon?

2.Flight 201 for New York hasn't left yet/already.

3.John has been here for/since two weeks.

4.We have yet/already visited the Science Museum.

5.Melanie has ever/never been to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

6.A: Have you booked a hotel room? B: Yes, I've/usf/yet booked


7.Peter hasn't travelled by boat for/since he was five years old.

8.This is the most comfortable hotel I've never/ever stayed at. Ex. 32. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in

brackets. The pronoun in brackets denotes the subject.



A: ....................................


(you/go) to the bazaar yet?

B: Yes, I ............

(go) there yesterday. I............

(buy) some souvenirs.

2. A: What..............

(you/do) tonight? Would you like to go to the






B: I'm sorry, I can't. I...............

(have) dinner with some friends.


A: How long ...............

(you/be) here?


B: We.............

(be) here

for three

days. We..........

(arrive) on

Monday morning.





A: Where...............




B: He...........

(live)in the city centre.




A: ..................

(you/visit) them yet?


B: No, not yet. I.................

(go) there this afternoon.



A: ..................

(you/buy) the tickets yet?


B: No, I haven't. I ..............

(buy) them this afternoon.


Ex. 33. Underline the correct: word,



1.A: Guess what? I won first prize in the competition! B: What / How wonderful!

2.A: Somebody stole Jake's car.

B: What / How a pity! It was brand new. 3. A: Ruby's moving to France!

B; What / How a surprise! Why is she moving there?

4. A: Guess where John and I are going this summer? Brazil! B: What / How exciting!


5.A: I was stuck in traffic for hours! B: What / How terrible!

6.A: Look at the diamond ring George gave me for our wedding anniversary.

B: What / How a gorgeous gift! Ex. 34. Translate into English:

1.Какой сюрприз! 2. Какой ужас! 3. Как чудесно! 4. Какой великолепный вид! 5. Какая жалость! 6. Как интересно!

Ex. 35. Find the mistakes and correct them, as in the first sentence:

1.There's | man standing at the door.

2.You weren't late for school, was you?

3.What kind of you to invite us!

4.«How old are you?» Mary said me.

5.Why don't you take a umbrella with you?

6.How a naughty boy he is!

7.She didn't forget to call, didn't she?

8.Ken told me don't to use his computer,

9.That's a dog that bit me!

10.Fred asked Katie too buy some eggs.

Ex. 36. Translate into English:

1.Мать не велела сыну пользоваться газовой плитой (the gas stove). 2. Ты ведь не забудешь позвонить? 3. Какая умная девочка! 4. Как мило с вашей стороны! 5. Вот тот самый человек, который помог мне. 6. Я ведь не опоздал на совещание (meeting)?

Ex. 37.

1.The atmosphere at the concert was amazing / generous.

2.Colourful / Noisy kites filled the sky at the rock-festival.

3.This celebration is a(n) kind / annual event.

4.I love going to rock / sound concerts.

5.When my party was over I felt amusing / exhausted.

6.The firework display was really stunning / playful.

В английском языке глаголы говорения, соответствующие русским сказать, говорить, спросить, ответить и т. д., они употребляются по особым правилам. Глагол say + Something (неодушевленное существительное), Say+to somebody (одушевленное существительное). В этом случае далее следует прямая речь.

Например: 1. He said a few nice words and left. 2. He said to me, «How kind of you!»


Say+that вводит дополнительное придаточное предложение, передающее косвенную речь, без упоминания адресата. Напри-

мер: He said that it was kind of me.

Tell+somebody вводит косвенную речь с упоминанием адресата и переводится в соответствии с ситуацией как сказать, рас-

сказать, (не) велеть. Например: He told me (that) it was kind of me.

Ask, answer (спросить, ответить) употребляются в соответствии с логикой контекста.

Ex. 38. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1.He asked me what was the time, I told that it was three o'clock,

2.She asked me that I had a pet, I said her that I had a dog.

3.Mike said Joanne if she would like to go to the cinema.

«Yes, I'd love to,» she told.

4. I asked him why had he done that. He said that he haven't done anything.

Ex. 39. Следующие фразы помогут вам провести дискуссию по предложенной ниже информации об использовании компьютера.


Уважаемые коллеги

Dear Colleagues


Господин председатель

Mr. Chairman


Тема моего выступления

The subject of my report is


Я буду говорить о...

I'll speak about...


Как вам известно...

As you know...


Давайте сравним...

Let's compare...


А теперь, что касается

Now as to


Между прочим

By the way


Давайте рассмотрим

Let us consider


Я думаю...

I think..., I believe...


Я хочу сказать...

I mean...


Кроме того



Это ясно?

Is that clear?


Это правильно/неправильно

That's right/wrong


Имеются ли вопросы?

Any questions?


Имеются ли замечания?

Any remarks?


Благодарю за внимание

Thanks for your time / listening


Можно спросить?

May I ask a question?


Да, конечно

Yes, certainly


Боюсь, что вы ошибаетесь

I'm afraid you are wrong








Text for discussion

Nowadays people use computers a lot. Some of them are really addicted to them. Our students are sometimes not an exception. So teachers decided to study the question of using computers by our students and, moreover, the dangers the students face while using them. We presented the results in a report and were praised for this work. Now we would like to share our ideas with you and attract your attention to some vital problems caused by the use of the computers.


to identify the potential risks of using the Internet with students;

to realize how cyberbullying can affect students and make suggestions in order to resolve it;

to list a set of rules to keep children safe on the Internet;

to recommend a number of sites which can be used by children to help them manage the risks of the Web.

The Internet offers huge opportunities for work and play and 1 won't take your time mentioning well-known advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet which are discussed in the English lessons.

Advantages of using the Internet:

- information to support homework;

-leisure activities such as music, films and sports;

-chat live, play online games and share files with people from around the world;

-publish information about yourself and your interests on personal web pages;

-find other people who share your obsessions.

In our English lessons dedicated to the Web we also discuss disadvantages of the Net such as:


-social isolation;

-wasting time on games;

-terrorists' communication via the Net;

-planting viruses;

-stealing information;

-health hazards of sitting in front of the screen and losing all sense of time.


Прямая и косвенная речь

Существует два способа передачи речи говорящего – прямой и косвенный.

После слов, которые вводят прямую речь, ставится запятая или двоеточие, а прямая речь заключается в кавычки (кавычки по-английски обозначаются знаком «...»).

Не said, «The plane has just taken off». Он сказал: «Самолет только что поднялся».

При передаче прямой речи в косвенной необходимо соблюдать правила согласования времен и производить все требующиеся по смыслу замены личных и притяжательных местоимений и вспомогательных глаголов.

Не said, «We are going back to our

Он сказал: «Мы возвращаемся на



Не said that they were going back to

Он сказал, что они возвращаются

their country.


He says, «I`ll come.»

Он говорит: «Я приду».

He says that he will come.

Он говорит, что (он) придет.



Кроме того, при передаче прямой речи в косвенной происходят следующие изменения.

Прямая речь


Косвенная речь

here здесь


there там

this/these это, эта, этот, эти


that/those то, та, тот, те

now сейчас


then тогда

today сегодня


that day в тот день

yesterday вчера


the day before накануне

ago тому назад


before до этого, раньше

tomorrow завтра


the next day на следующий день

tomorrow завтра


the following day

next week на следующей неделе


the following week на следующей




last week на прошлой неделе


the previous week на предыдущей




The secretary said, «He is flying


The secretary said he was flying to

London tomorrow».


London the next day (the following




She said, «I felt well last week».


She said she had felt well the pre-



vious week



Примечание. Если прямая речь передается в косвенной в течение того же дня, то вышеуказанные изменения не производятся, и если место действия не меняется, то here не меняется на there.

Ten minutes ago he said, «I feel bad today». She said, «It's warm here». (She is in the room.)

Ten minutes ago he said he felt bad today. She said it was warm here. (She is still in the room.)

При передаче специальных вопросов в косвенной речи глагол say, вводящий вопрос в прямой речи, меняется на глагол ask и далее идет косвенный вопрос с порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

Не says, «How long will it take you He asks how long it will take me to get to London?»

«Who has done it?», she said. She asked who had done it.

При передаче общих вопросов в косвенной речи употребляются союзы if или whether.

Не says, «Have you filled in the He asked if I had filled in the declaration?»

Если прямая речь вводится глаголом say с указанием лица, к которому обращаются, то при передаче прямой речи в косвенной возможны два варианта.

Не said to me, «I have no time.»

1.He said to me that he had no time.

2.He told me that he had no time.

Если в прямой речи стоят предложения в повелительном наклонении, то при передаче их в косвенной речи вместо глагола say употребляются глаголы tell, ask, после которых обязательно указывается лицо, к которому обращаются, и далее идет инфинитив глагола в утвердительной или отрицательной форме.

She said, «Give me your pen, Tom.» She asked Tom to give her his pen.

He said, «Open your books.» He told us to open our books.

His mother said: «Don't open the His mother told us not to open the window».


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