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4. Express the same in English:

  1. Кто ваш начальник? (Кто возглавляет вашу компанию?)

  2. Вы знаете надежного брокера?

  3. Что вы можете сказать о Грузоотправителе?

  4. Вы представляете судовладельца?

  5. Кто будет представлять фрахтователя?

  6. Вы фрахтовый агент?

  7. Какие торговые компании вы знаете?

  8. Какую судоходную компанию вы представляете?

  9. Чью сторону вы представляете?

  10. Что вы можете сказать о качестве груза?

  11. Исправны ли грузовые устройства?

  12. Трюмы готовы к погрузке?

  13. Куда следует судно?

  14. Это опасный груз?

  15. Какова дата погрузки?

  16. Какова норма выгрузки?

5. Complete the dialogues using vocabulary of this unit. Model:

- Hello! I’m a shipowner requiring employment for my vessel.

- Hello! Describe your vessel, please.

- This is a general cargo ship of about 20, 000 dwt. My idea of freight rate is 2.10 pounds.

- Ok. Let’s discuss all details in my office. I think, we will accept your offer.

- Ok. Thanks.

6. Testing grammar! Express future in English:

1) Мы выходим в море через 2 часа.

  1. We will get out into the sea in 2 hours;

  2. We are getting out into the sea in 2 hours;

  3. We get out into the sea in 2 hours.

2) Наше судно покинет Одессу через 3 месяца.

  1. Our vessel will leave Odessa in 3 months;

  2. Our vessel is leaving Odessa in 3 months;

  3. cOur vessel will be leaving Odessa in 3 months.

3) Таможенник не собирается проверять содержимое (content) контейнеров.

  1. The Customs Officer won’t check content of containers;

  2. The Customs Officer doesn’t want to check content of containers;

  3. The Customs Officer isn’t going to check content of containers.

4) Кто будет вести переговоры, если агент опоздает?

  1. Who will carry on negotiations if the Agent will be late;

  2. Who will carry on negotiations if the Agent is late;

  3. Who will be carrying on negotiations if the Agent is late.

5)Трюмы будут готовы через 20 минут.

  1. Holds are ready in 20 minutes;

  2. Holds will ready in 20 minutes;

  3. Holds will be ready in 20 minutes.

6) Что вы делаете сегодня вечером?

  1. What are you doing tonight?

  2. What will you do tonight?

  3. What do you do tonight?

7) Я думаю, завтра будет дождь.

  1. I think it will rain tomorrow;

  2. I think it will be rain tomorrow;

  3. I think it rains tomorrow.

Unit 4.Why do we study English?

1. Before reading the text answer these questions:

  1. How long have you been learning English?

  2. Did you learn English only at school?

  3. Where else is it possible to learn a foreign language?

  4. Have you ever tried to learn English on your own (reading books, watching educational programmes on TV, videos and films in English, listening to radio pragrammes, taking an English course outside school, etc.)?

  5. Which of these ways of learning a language do you find most effective? Why?

  6. How much time do you think a person should learn a foreign language to be able to say: a) “I can speak English”, b) “My English is fluent”?

  7. Do you think it is possible to know a second language as well as native speakers do?

  8. Why are you learning English? Do you find it interesting? Hard? Useful? How can it be useful?

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