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6. Translate the text.

Экономика США

Соединенные Штаты Америки – развитая страна с рыночной экономикой. Большая часть ее отраслей промышленности и сферы услуг находятся в частной собственности.

США богаты полезными ископаемыми. Основными полезными ископаемыми являются железная руда, уголь и нефть. США имеют высокоразвитую промышленность с различными отраслями тяжелой и легкой промышленности. Основные отрасли ее тяжелой промышленности – металлургическая, автомобильная, химическая и военная. Многие отрасли легкой промышленности, такие, например, как деревообрабатывающая, текстильная и пищевая, также высоко развиты.

Большое внимание в США уделяется научно-исследовательской работе и использованию машин, экономящих труд. Механизация и автоматизация делают возможным ликвидировать многие виды канцелярской работы, ускорить производство и повысить производительность труда. Но они ведут к дальнейшему росту безработицы. За последние годы число ученых и инженеров почти удвоилось, а число рабочих возросло только на несколько процентов. Большое внимание уделяется также подготовке руководящих кадров.

Американская промышленность распределена неравномерно. Большая часть промышленных предприятий сосредоточена в восточной части страны. Однако имеется тенденция строить заводы и фабрики вдали от крупных промышленных центров, ближе к источникам сырья и рынкам. Новые отрасли промышленности создаются по мере того, как делаются открытия в физике, химии и других науках.

США ведут торговлю со многими странами. Ведущими статьями экспорта являются электронное оборудование, изделия химической промышленности, текстиль, железо, уголь, зерно и другие товары.

Одной из ведущих отраслей американской промышленности является военная промышленность. Крупные монополии извлекают огромную прибыль из производства вооружения.

7. Used the following words in your story about the us economy.

  1. the main branches of heavy (light) industry

  2. in the past few years

  3. make discoveries

  4. be distributed unevenly

  5. there is a tendency

  6. make great emphasis on smth.

  7. make it possible for smb. to do smth.

  8. the leading exports

Text 3 Russian Economy

The economy of Russia is the eighth largest economy in the world by nominal value. Despite Russia being a developing country it has one of the highest GDP per capita among the developing World.

The Russian Federation is one of the world's richest countries in terms of mineral resources. The country has an abundance of natural resources, including timber, precious metals, and fuels. Currently it extracts 17% of the world's oil, 30% of the natural gas, 6% of the coal, 14% of iron ore and 20% of rare and precious metals. The reserves are largely concentrated in Siberia and the Urals.

Russia is a big industrial country. Its producing enterprises are in several industrial regions. But in recent years enterprises have suffered a serious deficiency of finance, they do not have the necessary funds. The companies also suffer severe shortages of working capital. They need the technical re-equipping and development.

Economic policy should continue to encourage the growth of new enterprises, and the restructing of those inherited enterprises which find a market to survive.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has undergone significant changes, moving from a centrally planned economy to a market globally integrated economy. Russia has tried to develop a market economy and achieve consistent economic growth.

The difficulties result from the period of economic transition to a market economy. Economic reforms in the 1990s privatized many sectors of industry and agriculture. Now Russia has a mostly privatized economy. It has brought inflation down and it has a stock market. The country needs to narrow a huge budget deficit by government spending and improving tax collection and to force an underground economy into the sunlight. But it is easier said than done.

Russia moves forwards integration into the international financial markets. The government is making effort to increase foreign investment. There are thousands of joint ventures and firms with foreign capital in Russia. Most growth comes from the service sector and trade.

The economic reforms carried out may lay the foundations for economic growth. Large and medium-size enterprises make more use of the funds of their customers and use their own resources to finance their activity.

Russia trades with the neighbouring countries and a great number of countries all over the world. The main exports are raw materials, chemicals, weapons, and manufactured goods. The main articles of its import are electronic equipment, consumer goods, machines, fruit, wines and electrical goods.

Some of the main crops grown in the country are wheat, barley, oats, and potatoes.

The main traditional industries are the metallurgical industry, the chemical industry, the mining industry, and the war industry. Special emphasis is being placed on the development of such light industries as the textile industry, the woodworking industry, and the food industry. Great emphasis is being made on management training because Russian industry needs industrial leaders. A great number of schools are training young people to become managers.

The industrial science sector is particularly important because with its help the manufacturing industries will be reconstructed, renovated technologically and start making competitive goods. There is, as everyone agrees, a long way ahead.

The two important and independent goals – macroeconomic stabilization and economic restructuring – are indicators for a transition from central planning to a market-based economy. The former entailed implementing fiscal and monetary policies that promote economic growth in an environment of stable prices and exchange rates. The latter required establishing commercial and institutional entities – banks, private property, and commercial legal codes – that permit the economy to operate efficiently. Opening domestic markets to foreign trade and investment, thus linking the economy with the rest of the world, was an important aid in reaching these goals.

Words and phrases that will help you to understand the text:

to extract – добывать

rare and precious metals – редкие и драгоценные металлы

to suffer – испытывать, переживать

working capital – оборотный капитал

to encourage – поощрять

restructing – реструктуризация

to find a market to survive – найти рыночную нишу

transition – переход

a stock market – рынок ценных бумаг

underground economy – теневая экономика

competitive goods – конкурентоспособные товары

ahead – впереди

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