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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In the given above example cunning is regarded equally to trivia, giving joy, by means of which it’s a priory negative nature is minimized. Metaphorical comparison of cunning with small wares, petty points indicates insignificance of this phenomenon. Besides, it is necessary to note that the demonstration of cunning is uncontrollable (infinite). Thus, axiological nature of cunning is represented, its inevitability, obligatory and natural character, even in harmless and meaningless form are pointed out.

It is interesting to note that there is a tendency to minimize the significance of negative phenomenon and to reveal positive features of its nature in philosophical discourse of F. Bacon. Thus, the phenomenon refers not to the purely positive essences, but to the phenomena of ambivalent character. This tendency is characteristic for majority of emotional concepts in philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, for example: «hate», «malice», «anger», «trouble», «fear». For example, cognitive structure of concept fear presents features, demonstrating the proximity of fear with such positive phenomena as joy, welfare [16].

Thinking about cunning and describing its nature F. Bacon refers not only to the objects of material world, but also to the sacred things, such as light and darkness. This fact characterizes cunning as sacred phenomena, revealing its phantasmagoric nature. In the example below

F.Bacon makes an analogy between cunning and absence of light (shadow).

3.Cunning – absence of light (cunning - shadow):

One of the fathers, in great severity, called poesy vinum doemonum, because it filleth the imagination; and yet, it is but with the shadow of a l i e [1*, p. 4].

By this example cunning (lie) is regarded in the aspect of illumination metaphor as phenomena, object, casting shadow, that is covering, concealing reality from everybody`s observation. Cunning is connected with off-balanced presentation of reality. Poetry acts as source of refraction of information. Cunning is described on the analogy with dark forces, that are associated with evil. Thus, the following metaphorical parallels in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon can be determined:

darkness – misinterpretation, bias, lie;

light – reality, objectivity, truth.

It is characteristic for philosophical discourse of F. Bacon to address to light when describing emotional, moral-and-ethical and intellectual phenomena. The author`s preference to comparing complex phenomena, abstract and polysemantic, with phenomena of nature which influence is caused by the law of nature and is commonly accepted can be explained by the author`s high significance for experiment and natural sciences. The most part of F. Bacon`s life was devoted to the development of empirical knowledge, regarding experience as the only real source of truth. Special attention was paid to the phenomena of light that is reflected in his well-known division of types of experiments into fruitful and luminous, that is, the first ones causing immediate benefit to man, the second ones (luminous) experiments had greater practical significance and benefit, as they were based on studies properties of phenomena and laws of nature [17, p. 34]. Association of cunning with darkness in F. Bacon`s works may probably be connected with the notion of concealing the reality. Presumably, much as darkness hides unwelcome images, cunning conceals the truth.

In the process of analysis cunning was also described in the global scale, as phenomenon of state, that is illustrated by the example below:

4. S o c i a l cunning (cunning – disaster for country):


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

… for that nothing doth more hurt in a state, than that c u n n i n g m e n pass for wise

[1*, p. 105].

This example presents social function of cunning, that is expressed in doing damage to a state. The situation of substitution of truth and lie are determined. This is expressed by means of pretending cunning man to be wise man, that is regarded to be the most mischievous. Pejorative function of cunning in the social scale is described. Thus, the above example demonstrates sociocentricity of cunning. It is also interesting to note hypothetical situation of possible substitution of cunning and wise behavior. This demonstrates conceptual proximity of such epistemes as cunning and wisdom. Their epistemiological proximity is based on complexity of big intellectual potential of a person, his life experience, knowledge, wit, originality of thinking. Thought in the given above example risky identification of cunning and wisdom is presented. Apart from seeming semantic-and-cognitive identity, the element of misinterpretation, substitution of truth, that cunning implies, can cause negative effect of global character. Thus, this example demonstrates basic cognitive feature of concept Cunning such as misinterpretation and falsity in presentation information about reality. As F. Bacon pointed put, these very features are harmful for a state.

The cognitive model given below demonstrates c o gn i t i v e structure of concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon.

Cognitive model of concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon.


Cunning - instrument to satisfy man`s needs

Cunning – manipulation of information;

Cunning – art of communication;

Cunning – instrument to reach needed goal of communication

Aesthetic cunning

Cunning – means to get profit


Social cunning



As the scheme above shows, cognitive structure of the philosophical concept Cunning includes f o u r t y p e s o f C u n n i n g , connected with different spheres of life: pragmatic

(cunning – instrument to satisfy man`s needs); aesthetic (cunning - petty points); mythological (mythological cunning); social (cunning - disaster for country). It is interesting to note that most features of the concept structures cognitive area, connected with pragmatic aspects and


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

compiled with moral and material spheres, that is demonstrated by satisfaction of man`s needs in the process of communication and getting material needs.

One of the most important features of concept Cunning is revealing the areas, characterizing Cunning as positively-marked phenomena, that contribute to reaching the goals of communication, and connected with felicital phenomena (the ones connected with happiness (from Latin felicitas”)): joy from seeing or feeling something pleasant. Philosophical cunning is also characterized by mythological-and sacral features, associating cunning with the dark side of person`s life (shadow). Thus, philosophical cunning in the discourse of F. Bacon compiles the features of pragmatically-oriented, sociocentric, felicital and mythological phenomenon.


In the process of the conducted research it was found out that concept Cunning is macro concept with complex cognitive structure, represented by four sub concepts. Basic cognitive features of the concept are the ones characterizing subject of cunning (person/people characterized as cunning), such as: superordinary intellectual abilities, resourcefulness, sleight of mind, as well as purposeful misinterpretation of information for mercenary motives. The most number of features of the concept Cunning are connected with

demonstration of high mental faculties, represent cunning as desirable advantage of a person, that characterizes Cunning as positively marked phenomena in discourse of F. Bacon. Thus, cognitive content of concept Cunning reveals linguistic personality of F. Bacon as scientist attaching great importance to intellect as source of knowledge, leading to development of people.

Cognitive structure of concept Cunning is represented by seven types, i n c o r p o - r a t e d i n f o u r b a s i c t y p e s o f t h e c o n c e p t : cunning as instrument to satisfy man`s needs, aesthetic cunning, mythological cunning, as well as social cunning. Each of the revealed types of the concept incorporates varieties of cunning, conveying definite features.

Concept Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon contains the features that represent three aspects: pragmatic, social and qualitative (aesthetic and mythological (cosmogonic)). Cunning in the discourse of F. Bacon is possessed as phenomenon with conventional, common features: as trait (behavior) of a person, reasoned by man`s ambition to get material comforts. Besides, features of cunning as philosophical phenomenon proper have been defined. It accompanies process of communication as an instrument of satisfying moral (communicative) comfort. Philosophical cunning demonstrates superordinary intellectual abilities and is characteristic for the sphere of verbal communication.

All in all, Cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon s abstract phenomenon, as it doesn’t reveal some definite goals and intentions of a man, characterized as cunning. Also, the features of nonverbal demonstration of cunning haven`t been reveled, that characterizes cunning as introverted phenomenon, trait of a person, revealing his analytical abilities. Specific of cunning in philosophical views of F. Bacon is its accumulation of positively marked features. Philosophical cunning acts as protective mechanism for a person to convey his opinion. Aesthetic idealization of cunning is represented as demonstration of subtle-

ty and refinement in thought and talk. Cunning is introverted intellectual mechanism, allowing to control the “pulse” of communicative process: initiate the subject of talk, monitor and direct it. Conventional idea of cunning as a form of deception is minimized in the philosophical discourse: indulgent attitude to cunning was found out: cunning is defined as phenomenon characteristic and common to man`s nature. Its inevitable character and acceptance by a person are defined. The features of admiration with cunning, filicital features are found out.

When describing cunning F. Bacon appeals to exclusively abstract phenomena of man (people), cunning is described with no relevance to some definite situation, but as behavior of a person in general, that demonstrates its abstract nature.

One of the features of cunning in the aspect of philosophy is its sociocentric character: F. Bacon describes cunning globally: within a state, that demonstrates social concerns of linguistic


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

personality of the author. Philosophical cunning is also characterized by mythological features, described from the point of its belonging to the spheres of light-darkness (shadow).

The conducted research revealed the certain vertical paradigm, penetrating in all spheres of man`s life:

1)upper level of cunning (cunning – demonstration of spiritual-and-moral level, mythological cunning);

2)middle level (cunning on the social level, people of the state);

3)lower level (cunning – satisfaction of material and moral needs).

The represented levels demonstrate amplitudinous and complex nature of cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, its inclusiveness and penetration to all spheres of life.

On describing cunning

metaphorical associative parallels incorporating


m o v e m e n t

o f a n i m a l i s t i c

i m a g e (turning of cat) have been revealed. Im a g e

o f l i g h t

( s h a d o w )

d e m o n s t r a t e s imagery of F. Bacon as natural philosopher who attributes im-

portance to results of object movement, light being not only physical phenomenon, but also image of truth, symbol of unity of physical world and the world of real knowledge, connected by means of experiment.

Thus, cunning in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is phenomenon of special nature; being the object of philosophical speculations, cunning obtains uncommon features: that is as philosophical componenta, projection, model of authors world view. Being in the sphere of philosophical influence of F. Bacon cunning obtains the scale of philosophical phenomenon. It reflects maxims that are of the author`s absolute moral-and-ethical, social, intellectual, humanistic and aesthetic value.


[1]Panchenko N.P. Antologija konceptov. Pod red. V.I. Karasika, I.A. Sternina. Tom 1. Volgograd: Paradigma, 2005.- 352 s.

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[6]Hölscher, L. Contradictory concepts: An essay on the semantic structure of religious discourses. Contributions to the History of Concepts, 10(1), 2015, pp.69-88.

[7]Godin, B.Innovation: A study in the rehabilitation of a concept.Contributions to the History of Concepts 10(1), 2015. pp.45-68.

[8]Backes, U. “Ideocracy”: A sketch of the history of a concept.

Ideocracies in Comparison Legitimation Co Optation Repression. pp.13-39. 2016.

[9]Fomina Z.E., Chechetka V.I. Koncepty «muzhchina» i «zhenshhina» v drevnegermanskoj kartine mira [Tekst]: monografija/Z.E. Fomina; V.I. Chechetka. – Voronezh: VGPU, 2009. – 192 s.

[10]Fomina Z.E. Nemeckaja jemocional'naja kartina mira i leksicheskie sredstva ee verbalizacii. Voronezh: IPC VGU, 2006. -336 s.

[11]Fomina Z.E. Vezhlivost' v prostranstve nemeckoj digital'noj kommunikacii (na primere jazyka Interneta). Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturnostroitel'nogo universiteta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. - 2013. – vyp. 2 (20). - S. 43-56.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

[12]Aforizmy F. de Laroshfuko, URL: http://reutovchanka.ru/post108326051/ (vremja obrashhenija – 16.01.2018).

[13]POC, URL: http://pictures-of-cats.org/turn-the-cat-in-the-pan.html (vremja obrashhenija - 5.01.18).

[14]Iskusstvo vedenija besedy, URL: https://psyera.ru/iskusstvo-vedeniya- besedy_9445.htm, l iskusstve, (vremja obrashhenija - 16.01.18).

[15]Iskusstvo svetskoj besedy, URL: http://oiskusstve.ru/iskusstvo- obwenija/oratorskoe-iskusstvo/107-iskusstvo-svetskoy-besedy.html (vremja obrashhenija - 16.01.18).

[16]Lavrinenko I. Ju. Specifika verbalizacii konceptov razuma i chuvstva v filosofskom diskurse F. Bjekona [tekst]: dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata filologicheskih nauk: 10.02.04: zashhishhena 25.06.14: utv. 01.02.15 / Lavrinenko Irina Jur'evna. – Voronezh, 2014. – 311s.

[17]Bjekon Frjensis. Sochinenija : v 2 t. / F. Bjekon. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. – Moskva : Mysl', 1971. – T. 1. – 590 s.

Analysed sources

[1*] Bacon F. The Essays and Counsels Civil and Moral / F. Bacon. – New York, Charles Scribner`s Sons, 1908. – 293 p.


Dictionaries used


Tolkovyj slovar' Ozhegova, URL: https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ogegova/260690

(vremja obrashhenija - 16.01.2018).


Merriam-Webster Dictionary, URL: www.merriam-webster.com (vremja

obrashhenija - 16.01.2018).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 801.82


G.S. Borodkina


Voronezh State University

PhD of Philology, Associate Professor of the German Philology Department Galina S. Borodkina

e-mail: borodkina@vsu.ru


Statement of the problem. The article is devoted to the study of the language expression of the dominant emotional concept «Angst» / «fear» in German, taking into account its Austrian version on the example of works of art by contemporary German and Austrian writers and newspaper and magazine publications, was the object of a separate complex consideration in the diachronistic aspect.

Results. Major lexical tools verbalizing concept of «Angst» / «fear» in the categorical, paradigmatic, syntagmatic, cognitive and structural-morphological aspects were described. Its subsidiary explicators the analysis of which allowed to identify the semantic types of associative-emotional words which reveal the concept of «Angst»/ «fear»; the conceptual signs of the emotion of fear based on the analysis of psycho-physiological, negative, kinematic, temporal, local vocabulary and comparative structures are studied. The structural and semantic models of conceptualized fear are established, and the analysis of tendencies of national and cultural specificity of metaphorization of the studied concept is given.

Conclusion. The study revealed a wide semantic range of lexical means for expressing the concept of

«Angst» / «fear» in the German language and its Austrian version, categorical diversity of emotional lexemes of «fear», as well as a variety of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations between them. Forms of national and cultural specificity of verbalization of fear in the Austrian variant of German (brisance, lexical lacunas, the presence of synonymic series) are established. The specificity of verbalization of the emotions of fear on the examples of modern Internet resources lies in the reverse of negative assessment to positive one and also in widening of the range of relevant components in the structure of the basic concept «Angst» / «fear» that gives it a universal property of linguistic and cultural code.

Key words: emotion, emotiology, emotional picture of the world, emotional concept sphere, emotional and evaluative lexis, lexical lacunas, national-and-cultural specificity of the conceptualization of emotions.

For citation: Borodkina G.S. Emotional concept «Angst» in German and Austrian-German / G.S. Borodkina // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. -

№1 (20). – P. 39 - 56.


One of the priority directions in emotiology is the study of the emotional picture of the world. Emotional picture of the world as a set of emotional concepts is a world-view projected emotional sphere of consciousness and reflective of the axiological priorities of the national picture of the world [1, p. 6]. Of particular interest to this research area emerged in the twentieth century, particularly in the writings that such linguists as E. Sapir, S., Bally, M. Breal, G. Guillaume, and others.

A great contribution to the development of the linguistic theory of emotions was made by Voronezh consensus group, that, in particular, was reflected in numerous studies by Prof. Z. Ye. Fomina, including her PhD thesis (1987) and doctoral work (1996), several monographs on this subject (1990, 1999, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013), a great number of scolarly articles, as well


© Borodkina G.S., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

as her students’ works (see, for example, T.V. Ryapolova’s, G.S. Borodkina’s, E.A. Mokshina’s, T.N. Syromyatnikova’s, N.E. Sadovskaya’s PhD theses). The problem of emotiology has also been considered in V. I. Galvis’s, V. I. Shakhovsky’s, and N.A. Krasavskiy’s works.

Modern emotive linguistics is characterized by active development. Her ideas, methods and techniques, theoretical and methodological base, conceptual apparatus and extensive problem field served as the basis for the formation of new scientific directions, such as “Emotive linguoecology“, “Linguoculturology emotions”, “Conceptualism emotions”, “Gender emoticology”, “Cognitive-discursive emoticon”, etc. [2, 3]. As the analysis of actual dissertation researches shows, the description of concepts as integral mental units is promoted by the reference to complex methods of systematization and etymologization of the most frequent parts of speech of emotive assessment vocabulary, the description of relevant features of emotive vocable and means of manifestation of its emotional potential. However, the study of emotions in the language is still inherent fragmentary. Separate work is devoted to the description of linguistic means of objectification of concepts: a) the lexical-phraseological system of the language, b) to structural and semantic representation, in), based on the study of the combinatory properties of the lexemes of the nominees of the concepts, g) in comparative modeling, the Institute of cultural concepts, d) to build cognitive models of individual con-concepts, etc. It is noteworthy that despite the relevance of the study of emotional concepts, the conceptuary of culturally significant meanings formed so far consists of images of mental formations that do not belong to the emotional sphere [4].

The studies aimed at studying correlations of emotional and temporal concepts are of concern, and it allows us to talk about emotionalization of the categories of time and temporalization of emotions [5].

Research methodology.

In the present article 5000 LE German and Austrian emotional lexemes served as the object of a comprehensive study of dominant emotional concept "Angst" - "fear" in the German language [6] and its Austrian version [7, 8]. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the linguistic description and verbal dominants reflecting the national and cultural specificity of metaphorization of the conceptual signs of "fear".

The study of the emotional concept "Angst" - " fear "is carried out on the material of texts extracted from the electronic catalog of works of art, developed by the project Manager"

Österreichisches Deutsch " Professor R. Moore (University of Karl and Franz, Graz, Austria), and newspaper texts published in Internet sources in the period from the late 90-ies of the 20th century to the present.

The methods of component analysis, family analysis, quantitative, lexicographic methods and the method of logical-deductive analysis were used in the analysis. The research is based on the method of analysis of emotional-evaluative vocabulary developed by Z. E. Fomina [9].

Research result.

The study of the concept of "Angst" / "fear" in verbal explication requires addressing the emotions of fear as a psychological category.

Fear is one of the fundamental emotions. According to Z. Freud, the novelty of fear coincides with the time of birth. His successor K. Reich assumed that the fear is post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of shock at birth. According to Sh. Byuler, helplessness of the newborn, on the one hand, and intense current of emotional sensations, on the other, plays a fundamental role in the design of fear as a primary emulation [10]. The ancient philosopher Plato believed the fear of mental shock caused by expectation of evil. According to modern psychologists, fear is an important criterion for determining the type of personality: rational or emotional, depending on the dominance of one of the information processing systems present in the human brain. Susceptibility to fear is also genetically determined, and today scientists have 30 to 100 genes, that affect the degree of intensity of perception of potential threats and the social


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

environment defines "what we fear" - so says the psychologist, G. Gigerenzer [11]. However, according to recent studies on the nature of an inherent third of all children and adults ' fear (and disgust) conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for human immunodeficiency and brain science in Leipzig (Germany) and Uppsala University in Sweden, the acute reaction to some objects is explained by the presence of human congenital settings that trigger this process. Thus, in the course of experiments, scientists have recorded the fact of pupil dilation, when the brain releases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine as a signal for stress reaction in the form of spiders and snakes. The researchers believe that children who do not have experience of interaction with these entities carry the presets set by our ancestors that require greater vigilance towards potentially dangerous creatures, so their reaction may be innate [11].

Fear in the modern world, in the figurative expression of G. Haumer, is a " formidable scourge "for humanity (Geißel der Menschen) [12], as well as, according to G. Gyuter," imperceptibly acting poison " (schleichende Gift) [13]. Among other emotions, fear is ambivalent: it embraces pronounced oppressive properties and, at the same time, to the maximum extent, exudes a powerful stimulating effect on a person. Against the background of mobilization of energy, people in fear act extraordinary and is able to find and make a true decision in this state, possibly vital [14].

In the group of words that qualify different types of fear, there are 2 subgroups: 1) words with an assessment of the emotionally psychological state of fear (868 LE); 2) words with an assessment of the psychophysiological state of fear (75 LE).

In the texts under consideration styles noted the basic similarity of the types of mAnefelinovogo "fear", namely fear-uncertainty, indecision; fear is anxiety; fear-disgust; feardepressed, dejected; fear; caution; something like a fear; fear of death; fear-fear; fearconfusion; fear-contemplation; fear-irritability, depression, dejected, etc. for Example:


e s h e r r s c h t e P a n i k . Alle Menschen, auch die Rettungsmannschaften, konnten nur h i l f l o s z u s e h e n , wie d i e e n t f e s s e l t e n N a t u r g e w a l t e n Häuser und andere Güter zerstörten [1*]. - Rule of panic is evaluated negatively all people, even rescuers are forced to watch helplessly as the raging elements destroyed houses and buildings (Our translation - G.B.).

Based on the results of the analysis of the most frequent fear lexemes, the following types of phrases have been established: 1) [Adj. / Adv.] + [emot. Sub.]; 2) [emot. Sub.] + [emot. Sub.]; 3) [so/zu + Adv.] + [emot. Sub.] reflecting the linguo-cognitive processes of nuclear and peripheral signs of fear languageization-intensity / extensiveness ("groß" / "leicht"), limit / infinity (höchst / unbegreiflich), dynamism / static ("wachsend" / "ständig").

Using various updated features in the collocations with the lexeme "fear" emphasizes "unrestrained"/ fassungslose der Schrecken, "loud" / Angst laute, laute Furcht; "paralyzing" / lähmende Beklemmung; "neurotic" / neurotische Hemmungen, "the one"/ eine einzige Angst; "inconceivable"/ unbegreifliche Furcht; "higher"/ höchste Panik; "concrete" / konkrete Ängste"; "the fear of the Germans,"/ Angst der Deutschen; "vast, diffuse"/ übergreifende, diffuse Angst; massive / massive Ängste, etc. The so-called" ethnic "adjectives reflect the uniqueness of the simulated" fear "caused by national and socio-political factors, cf.:" German fear "("Deutsch

Furcht") seems to be something other than" French prolonged fear "("französische Dauernangst"). The amplifying particles so große / so large; zu große / too large reflect the author's subjective perception of the emotions experienced, including fear.

Compound nouns represent a rolled-up statements that reflect the scope of values of the concept "Angst", including social (Branchenangst, Heimschock), philosophical (since Existenzangst, massive Zukunftsängste), ethical (panische Sündenangst), etc. spheres.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Verbal explication of the emotion "fear" is not only through the OS-basic (base) and auxiliary lexical means, among which the widely used associative-evaluative, physiological, quantitative vocabulary, and neyraudia words, the kinematic, temporal and local tokens related to the number of specific types of emotive vocabulary.

Among the associative-emotional vocabulary used in the verbalization of contenets "Angst" is dominated by words with specific semantics, denoting the real objects of the surrounding reality. The conceptual relationships of semantic compatibility between "fear" lexemes and corresponding associative-emotional lexemes are based on connotative "fear"semes contained in their meaning.

Having considered associative fear of fiction and newspaper texts, we can identify General types, represented using tokens with specific (Blut, zittern, schreien / blood, trembling, shouting, etc.) and the abstract semantics (Gott, Liebe, Weltuntergang / God, love, sunset, peace, etc.). In the literary texts, by contrast, the most common associatives of "fear", which denote the potential danger (dunkel, Nacht, Tiefe / dark, night, depth). The revealed differences among associatives in the texts of the two styles on the basis of specificity/abstractness indicate that the predominance of specific lexemes, causing "fear", due to emotionally informative orientation of newspaper texts. Associatives of "fear" in artistic texts reflect, to a certain extent, the author's knowledge of the inner world detached from real objects. Newspaper publications are characterized by the presence of semantically diverse associatives with the Archdiocese "Krieg" ("war"). In newspaper texts, the emotions of" fear " are more often evoked by words that denote a real danger and a potential threat to a person (die Bomben, das Massaker, der

Terror, die Flüchtlingen / bombs, bloody massacre, terror, refugees). Noteworthy is the use of words describing modern objects, achievements of scientific and technical thought and secret technologies (die Drohnen, die Spionage / drones, spy activity).

In our opinion, the predominance in the studied corpus of examples with the description of fear, the causes of which lie in the sphere of human activity, indicates its derivative character. It is noteworthy that this trend is reflected in the corpus of "The word of the year ", which formed the consciousness of the German-speaking society over the past 50 years. According to our observations, most of them are selected, based on the social research of the

German language, the Society of the German language (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache e.V.), represent a negative emotional assessment. For example: der 11. September 11 (in Association with the tragic events in new York) (2001), Klimakatastrophe / climate catastrophe

(2007), Finanzkrise / financial crisis (2008), Stresstest / stress test (2011), Flüchtlinge / refugees (2015) [2*].

Consider the individual tokens from the list of "Words of the year" [2*]:

*Teuro (2002): a Combination of German teure / expensive lexemes and Euro / Euro, widely used to Express disapproval of the "expensive" Euro currency.

*Die Wutbürger (2010): this neologism has been used in the texts of mass media, including Newspapers and TV channels, which explicates the negative assessment with the component "indignation" of the population about the method of political decision-making "through the head". The die Wutbürger composite represents the expressed need for citizens to have a voice in decision-making and influence on generally and politically significant projects.

• Postfaktisch (2016): the Neologism postfaktisch /after-the-fact means "a speech in America-but English style and points to the fact that today in political and public discussions are increasingly talking about emotions and not about facts. All large segments of the population were ignoring the facts and even accepting obvious lies. The phrase "das postfaktische Zeitalter“ means "era "heartfelt" truth".

The above words, according to GfdS, " hurt the nerve of time "-that is, they are key in the minds of German society today and form" another small step in German history " [2*].

As shows the analysis of causation fear common to the representation of fear in the period before and after the change of the centuries, is their wide semantic range. According to our


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 1 (20), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

observations, in comparison with the last quarter of the 20th century, there is a tendency in the German national consciousness to expand axiological dossiers in relation to the causes of fear. In the course of the study it was found that at the end of the last century, causatory "fear" in most cases explicito are neutral lexemes and contain in their semantics a potential semes, indicating such Association as:

"disgust" (Insekte (insects), Spinnen (spiders), Mäuse (mouse), Schlange (snake), "danger" (Höhe (height), Reisen (trip, travel), Nadel (needle), "loneliness" (geschlossene Räume

(confined spaces), etc [15]. In the case under study, referring to the beginning of the 21st century, the fear of verbelation is mainly on the background of neutral words with negative connotation, which mean the sphere of politics, or in the context of words with the content of negative evaluation in the denotative part of the meaning:

*terrorism and migration: Hunderttausende Asylbewerber (hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers, refugees), die muslimische Minderheit (Muslim minority) [3*], südostasiatisches Land (South Africa) [3*];

bioterrorism: Technologien wie CRISPR/Cas9 (latest technology to edit the genes of animals and plants) [4*];

*computer technologies and espionage: Digitalisierung (digitization), russische Hacker (Russian hackers) / Die Hackergruppierung Russlands (hacker group from Russia) [5*], Attacke auf den Bundestagswahlkampf (attack on the presidential election) [5*], Cyberattacken und Falschinformationen im Internet [6*];

*computer games: Horrorgames, Gruselszenarios [7*];

the nuclear threat: Jodtabletten, Atomangst [7*];

* natural disasters: der Sturm Harvey (hurricane Harvey) [8*], etc.

For example:

Die Deutschen haben A ngst vor T error, Einw anderung und völ l i g überf o r - dert en Pol i t i kern . Das zeigt die repräsentative Umfrage „Die Ängste der Deutschen 2016“ [9*]. - Germans fear terror, immigration, and "fully overloaded" politicians. This shows a representative survey "Fears of Germans in 2016" (Our translation - G.B.).

However, the identified associative projecting an understanding of the concept "Angst", its philosophical content: die Ungewissheit / suspense, uncertainty, der Zeitenumbruch / time rift.

Die Angst psychologisch betrachtet gilt ni cht nur den Fl ücht l i ngen . Die Menschen spüren den Z ei t enumbruch . Die Welt ist nicht mehr die, die man früher kannte. Di e Ungew i sshei t , wie sich angesichts der ganzen K ri sen und der Di gi t al i si e - rung unsere Welt verändert, führt zu ei ner di ff usen Angst . Ei ne di f f use Angst verursacht ei n G ef ühl der Ohnmacht [10*]. - From the standpoint of psychology, there is fear not only of refugees. People feel the time gap. The world is no longer the one we knew before. Uncertainty, how our world is changing in an era of General crisis and digitization, leads to diffuse fear. Diffuse fear causes a feeling of impotence (Our translation - G.B.).

The following example describes the property of fear in belonging to an ethnic group, in particular the German people. The representation of "fear of the Germans"uses a sequence of associations. Ms.: Angst der Deutschen: Flüchtlinge - die modernen Hexen / Fear of the Germans: refugees - modern witches.