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  1. The Subject of Theoretical Grammar. Analytical character of English.

Language incorporates the three constituent parts. These parts are the phonological system, the lexical system, the grammatical system. Only the unity of these three elements forms a language; without any one of them there is no human language in the above sense.

Grammatical system of the language consists of morphology and syntax. Grammatical elements of language preserve unity of meaning and form in the formation of utterances.

The main aim of theoretical grammar is to present a theoretical description of the grammatical system of the English language. The main notions of theoretical grammar are grammatical form, grammatical meaning and grammatical categories. Grammar studies the relations between elements of the language system. There are the fundamental types of such relations: syntagmatic and paradigmatic. Syntagmatic relations are immediate linear ['lɪnɪə] connection between language units in a segmental sequence. The main quality of paradigmatic relations is their inter-systematic character. They presuppose the connection within the categories of grammar. From above mentioned it is possible to give the definition of a grammatical category as a system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlations of grammatical forms.

All languages can be either analytical or synthetic. The modern English language is analytical. Analytical language is the language in which the predicative line is expressed with the help of conjunctions, prepositions and word order. The old English was synthetic. It means that the predicative line was expressed with the help of changing the forms of the words in the sentence.

English is an analytical language, in which grammatical meaning in largely expressed through the use of additional words and by changes in word order. Russian is a synthetic language, in which the majority of grammatical forms are created through changes in the structure of words, by means of a developed system of prefixes, suffixes and ending.

Modern English is an analytic language, and non-inflected one, most of inflections died out within Middle English period. That means that word order is essential to the meaning of a sentence. The meaning of an utterance is rendered by its grammatical structure, while the shape of a word plays minor role.

If we want to emphasize something in a sentence, we use grammatical transformation to achieve this. Emphatic transformation is widely used to make new grammatical structures changing meaning of a sentence or to emphasize emotional color of an utterance.

Analytical forms – Present forms – Continuous (am (functional - singular, continuous, first person, present) reading), Perfect (have (present, perfect) written), Perfect continuous (has (third person, …) been (continuous aspect) reading), Future forms - …, Negative forms (do, does, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t), Passive v. (was, were), Subjunctive mood (should), Degree of comparison.

Synthetical forms – Inflections, Sound interchange (speak-spoke), Suppletive formations (be-am-is-are-was-were).