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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book. Ключи - 2011

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lived. 6. She pretended as if she were looking for something in the papers lest nobody should notice her excitement. 7. Write him at once so that he could know our plans. 8. Send him a telegram so that he could know about our arrival. 9. Tell him to put his money in the purse lest he should lose it. 10. Ask them to hurry lest they should be late for the meeting. 11. I will give you this book so that you can write out some extracts from it. 12. I let you know about all these things so that we could understand each other. 13. The girl didn’t close the window neither in the daytime nor at night so that a cat might come to her room. 14. We went for a walk so that I could see the forest before it got dark. 15. Call me when you leave so that I could know when to wait for you.

Revision of the Use of the Subjunctive Mood

Exercise I (p. 274)

1. I wish I were not short of money at the moment, I’d gladly lend you some. 2. I wish he came. 3. I wish you hadn’t declined our invitation. 4. I wish you had heard his comments. 5. We wish we had grasped your idea at once. It would have saved a lot of trouble. 6. We wish we hadn’t had to row against the current. 7. During the night the river rose; we wished we hadn’t settled only a few yards from the water edge. 8. I wish you were not so busy these days. 9. My friend wishes he had told you this at once. 10. She wished she had had time enough to make the experiments. 11. We wish we were able to reach the destination before sunset. 12. I wish I hadn’t made you angry by disturbing you at such an early hour. 13. I wish you were not leaving us so soon. 14. I wish you received an answer before the New Year.

Exercise V (p. 275)

1.She would not have heard him if he had not answered her.

2.I’d ask you to have dinner with me if I didn’t have a previous engagement. 3. Why didn’t you tell me? It would have been only fair if you had given me a chance of judging for myself. 4. He would not have known what music to play for him if he hadn’t known his father were among the audience. 5. She would have liked to be an adventuress if she had managed it. 6. A cat would be happy here if Helen could get it. 7. An airport would have been closed completely if there had been a storm like this. 8. The children might have been lost if it hadn’t been me.


Exercise VI (p. 275)

1. But for the spell of bad weather I would have skated much during the winter holidays. 2. But for the film shown on TV they would have felt dull in the evening. 3. But for his father he would have watched the football match yesterday. 4. But for my relatives in Moscow I would have stayed at the hotel. 5. But for the slight cough I would have felt quite well. 6. But for the fall the skater would have won the prize. 7. But for his help during her illness she would have fallen behind the group.

Exercise IX (p. 276)

1. It is time you put an end to this pointless talk. 2. It is about time you realized the importance of the matter. 3. It’s about time you expressed such simple things in English. 4. It’s high time you consulted a doctor if you do not want your illness to be more serious! 5. It’s about time you began reading books in the original no matter how difficult it may seem to you. 6. Isn’t it time you were moving up front? We are getting off the next stop. 7. It is high time everybody came. 8. It is high time the second course were served. 9. It is about time you started on a research. 10. It’s time she understood that she was no longer a child and she thought seriously of her future. 11. It is about time the team started practising.

Exercise XI (p. 277)

1.It is necessary that you should take into consideration all the details.

2.It’s impossible that he should have said it. 3. I demand that you should be here at 8 o’clock sharp. 4. She insisted that he should be helped. 5. I wished he were more attentive at the lessons. 6. I wished he were present at our meeting. 7. We closed the windows lest it should be cold in the room. 8. I am saying all this lest there should be any misunderstanding. 9. We hurried so that we might get home before the approach of the darkness. 10. I suggest that we should go by an evening train. 11. You got so sunburnt as if you had spent the whole summer in the south. 12. It is strange that he couldn’t answer such a simple question. 13. She proposed that we should sleep with an open window, but I was afraid to catch cold. 14. It is necessary that we should rest a little before we begin this work. 15. I suggest that we should go to the concert today.16. Speak slowly lest I should miss some word. 17. I wish you read this book; I am sure you will like it.

18.I will come early so that we could prepare everything before the coming of the guests.


Exercise XII (p. 277)

1.If it hadn’t been so late we would have continued our work.

2.We would have translated this article yesterday if we had had a dictionary. 3. If we had left the house ten minutes earlier we wouldn’t have missed the train. 4. If I could I would get you the tickets for tomorrow’s concert, but I was told that all the tickets had been sold.

5.If it hadn’t been so cold we would have gone skating. It is my favourite kind of sport. 6. If you had been more careful, you wouldn’t have broken a cup. 7. If I were in these places again, I would go fishing by all means. 8. If you were asked this question, would you be able to answer it? 9. He looked at me as if he had never seen me before. 10. If you really liked to read, you would always find time for reading. 11. It is necessary that you should take a holiday for a month. 12. Oh, if only she had known then where to write him!

13.I insist that we should stay here.

Exercise XIII (p. 278)

1. If a car hadn’t gone at such speed, an accident wouldn’t have happened. 2. If I hadn’t had a headache, I wouldn’t have gone home so early. 3. He spoke as if he were not twelve years old but twenty years old. 4. I wish it were always warm. 5. He ordered that everybody should come up to them. 6. Read all the rules lest you should make mistakes in the exercises. 7. I wish you drew everything you will see.

8.If you had trained regularly, you wouldn’t have lost the game.

9.I went to my room so that nobody might disturb me. 10. I wish you had seen a letter. It would explain to you everything. 11. I proposed that he should come and stay with me several days. 12. I wished he were more hardworking. 13. I wished you came to us tomorrow.

14.If we hadn’t walked so quickly, we wouldn’t have been so tired.

15.If your proposal had been received last week, we would have accepted it. 16. If I were younger!

Exercise XIV (p. 278)

1. He was smiling as if he didn’t believe what I was saying. 2. A girl sat quietly as if she were watching TV. 3. It would have been better for us if we had never met. 4. He spoke about the book as if he had read it. 5. Hang the advertisement higher so that everybody may see it. 6. He didn’t say a word as if he didn’t hear that we were talking about him. 7. He said just what the others could have also said if they had been sincere. 8. It’s about time he began to work without assistance. 9. The aim of our excursion was that the students could get acquainted with the art of Bulgaria. 10. If the station hadn’t been so far we would have


carried our things ourselves. 11. I wish we had met before the departure. 12. He ordered that we should sit on the back seat of the car so that we could talk.

Exercise XV (p. 279)

1.If you had put the book on its place, it would be here now.

2.I wished you had waited for me. We would go sightseeing together.

3.It’s high time you knew these rules. We repeated them at every lesson. 4. He insisted that I should go to rest. 5. We hurried lest we should miss the train. 6. She gave me the key so that I might open the door. 7. I insisted that we should stay here. 8. It’s time you woke him up. 9. I wish you read more. 10. I wished you had been at the theatre with us. If you had been, you could have taken part in the discussion of the play. 11. If I were younger, I would go in for sailing. 12. Write down my address lest you should forget it. 13. Send them a telegram so that they may know about our arrival. 14. He insists that everybody should be present at this meeting. 15. If I were free in the evening tomorrow, I would go to the concert.

The Verbals

The Infinitive

Exercise IV (p. 283)

a)1. to bother, to be given; 2. to be bothered, to decide; 3. to show, to be liked, to be praised; 4. to be expressed, to put; 5. to tell, to know, to be told; 6. to be published, to appear; to sell, to be sold;

7.to earn; to be read, to be forgotten.

b)1. to travel, to see; 2. to know, to have learned; 3. to have overflown, to have advanced; 4. to be reading, to notice; 5. to be looking;

6.to have been raining; 7. to have booked; 8. to have revised, to have worked out.

Exercise V (p. 284)

1. to be studying; 2. to speak; 3. to have been working; 4. to be heard; 5. to have been lost, to find; to have been misplaced; 6. to have been flying, to be seen; 7. to answer; 8. to have been acquainted, to have met; 9. to be tested.


Exercise VI (p. 284)

1. to have returned; 2. to revise; 3. a) to arrive; b) to have arrived; 4. a) to come; b) to have come; 5. to have helped; 6. to have reminded; 7. to remember; 8. to spare, have spared; 9. to have landed; 10. to be, to have been.

Exercise XIV (p. 288)

a)1. To go to the cinema was too late. 2. If was useless to try to do it for a day. 3. My duty was to make tea in the morning and in the evening.

4.It was impossible not to hear everything what happened in the street. 5. It was very pleasant to put on a new shirt once more.

b)1. Don’t forget to take the tablets for the headache. 2. They hoped to meet their brother in the swimmimg pool, but he was not there.

3.He invited his friends to come and see his new picture. 4. He gave Philip his address, and Philip promised to have dinner with him next Sunday. 5. I decided to go to Moscow together with my parents.

c)1. Here is a letter to be delivered immediately. 2. He worked well and easily. He had many things to do. 3. Nothing was left to do, only just to wait for the parents to come. 4. He had the children to take care of. 5. Somebody must be the first to begin speaking.

6.They were the first to come, so they will be the first to leave.

7.He had a lot of information to tell his parents at once. 8. He had little luggage to be packed. 9. You look very ill. Is there anybody to take care of you here? 10. She had nothing to say.

d)1. She was too surprised to speak about it. 2. He is clever enough to understand your joke. 3. He is old enough to be my grandfather.

4.I am too weak to go there alone. 5. He is well enough to ski. 6. He is experienced enough to fulfil this work in time.

e)1. I came to be sure I would be able to help you. 2. He stood up to leave. 3. She walked back to look at her work. 4. Go and find somebody else to help you. 5. They needed fifteen minutes to explore the second tunnel. 6. What are you doing here? – I have come to look for you. 7. He came up to the children to say good-bye. 8. He smiled at her and went to help father to pack things. 9. We went to the other room to look at their library. 10. She entered the room to say that Jane had already come. 11. He came up close enough to see her face. 12. Ten days later she was well enough to leave the hospital.

13.Next day she got up early to prepare the room for her son’s arrival.


The Infinitive Constructions

The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction

(The Complex Object)

Exercise VI (p. 293)

1.I have never heard him speak of his boyhood.

2.I saw the door swing open at once.

3.I want you to tell me about something quite different.

4.Don’t let you worry about that.

5.What made her say this?

6.Let my mother go without her word.

7.Her long hair made her look young.

8.I like to hear her sing.

9.Did anyone notice you come in?

10.Do you think this to be a dangerous case?

11.I suppose him to be about fifty.

12.I don’t want me to misunderstand any of you.

13.He hated people to argue about things of no importance.

14.They consider themselves worthy of promotion.

Exercise VIII (p. 294)

1. His remark made everybody feel ill at ease. 2. We never wanted us to happen something like that. 3. Let us try to get him to join our company. 4. In this way she caused her to be respected. 5. The new arrival ordered his things to be brought to his room. 6. They asked him to allow to exhibit his picture. 7. I only want this to be done and as soon as possible. 8. How could you let you be deceived? 9. They warned me not to begin this work before I was sure I could do it. 10. We considered the plan to be quite fulfilled. 11. She had not expected her to answer, but she did. 15. The garden was so enclosed with flowers that one could hardly believe it to be in the middle of a big city. 16. He liked everything to be in perfect order.

Exercise IX (p. 294)

1. I think it to be a noble action from his part. 2. I don’t allow this to say in my presence. 3. I want us all to be friends. 4. We heard him tell this story many times. 5. Have your secretary make a copy of this document. 6. Can we rely on you to support us? 7. Nobody, besides her, noticed the expression of his face change suddenly. 8. Have I understood correctly you to be of the same opinion? 9. Speak to him; try to get him to refuse from his intention. 10. I don’t know him to come to a hasty


decision some day. 11. What makes you think so? 12. He felt the blood rush to his face. 13. I saw him leave the room. 14. We heard a car stop near the entrance.

Exercise X (p. 295)

1. He didn’t expect me to leave so quickly. 2. She heard his car leave. 3. She watched him go out of the house. 4. His letters made her laugh. 5. Let us go home. 6. She would like me to visit them on Sunday. 7. She tried to make him wear a cap. 8. You must take care of your husband and not allow him to work too much. 9. It is difficult to make him understand it. 10. He watched his wife pour him coffee and put a cup on the table. 11. I want you to tell me something about your parents. 12. Do you want me to go there now? 13. I saw him turn to Jane and say something to her. 14. Some time later he heard her mention his name. 15. Do you want me to tell him about it today? 16. Ha has never heard her mention his name. 17. I have never heard him speak so much. 18. I felt somebody touch me by the hand.

Exercise XI (p. 295)

1. I want you to learn this poem by heart. 2. They suppose him to leave for a long time. 3. We won’t suffer you to treat books so badly. 4. The teacher made us copy the dictation. 5. I saw the postman hand the telegram to my neighbour. 6. He wants him to tell this story once more. 7. She didn’t know her to be admitted to university. 8. She didn’t expect her work to be so highly estimated. 9. We didn’t know their pictures to be exhibited at the exhibition. 10. The professor wants you to submit your project as soon as possible. 11. Nobody noticed her leave. 12. Nobody ever heard him sing. 13. We supposed the book to consist of three parts.

Exercise XII (p. 295)

1. Nobody noticed him enter quietly and stand at the door. 2. I have never heard him argue or object. 3. He hated him to object or express his opinion. 4. He wanted the experiments to be repeated. 5. I saw a man sitting at the table read my note. 6. I want you to translate this article. 7. We expected the delegation to come at the end of the week. 8. I would like you to spend summer with us. 9. He heard somebody enter the room. 10. I made her learn this poem by heart. 11. They expected us to take part in the discussion. 12. I think fresh air to be the best medicine. 13. He was made to turn to the doctor. 14. I know him to be one of the best hockey players. 15. Your remark made me laugh.


The For-to-Infinitive Construction

Exercise II (p. 297)

1. She stood at the kitchen door waiting for her sister to come for a walk by the sea. 2. It is time for you to go, Tom. 3. There was nobody for her to speak to. 4. A man was walking wearily towards us, and we waited for him to come up to us in order to ask the way again. 5. Janet sat and waited for them to go away. 6. She then sat down on the chair and waited for the kettle to boil. 7. Was it possible for her to forget him? 8. Then she went to the kitchen where the tray had been set by her mother and waited for her servant to make the tea. 9. He waited for her to speak. 10. It is quite natural for him to act like that. 11. Let us wait for a definite answer to arrive. 12. It’s important for him to understand this.

Exercise III (p. 297)

1. The main thing is for all of us to work in close cooperation. 2. Why are you so anxious for him to go? 3. This is a lesson for you to remember for the rest of your life. 4. He is just the man for you to consult. 5. I shall leave the magazine for you to read it. 6. He closed the window for the papers not be scattered by the wind. 7. The ice has become too thin for the boys to go skating. 8. The young actor must be very talented for the producer to have given him a leading part to play. It is something extraordinary for a man of his age to be so active and full of vitality.

Exercise VIII (p. 299)

1. What I want is for you to understand me clearly. 2. He asked for his friends to be taken to the club. 3. There is no need for us to detain here. 4. The boy has a very musical ear: you have only to play a melody once for him to repeat it at once from memory. 5. It was so dark in the room that I had to wait for my eyes to get accustomed to the darkness. 6. Send a telegram for us somebody to meet. 7. He waited at the receiver for him to be given a necessary number. 8. It was impossible for him not to believe you even after you had shown him the letter. 9. We waited patiently for the letter to be answered. 10. There is no need for the ship to call at Tuapse. 11. Send a letter for them to know about our plans. 12. The text was too difficult for him to translate it without a dictionary. 13. It is too late for the children to go for a walk. 14. It was necessary for him to return home immediately.


Exercise IX (p. 299)

1. She called for them to visit her at the beginning of September. 2. She spoke loudly enough for everybody to hear her well. 3. She waited for Ann to return from her walk. 4. She was waiting for her husband to pay for a taxi. 5.At eight o’clock the children entered to say good night, and came up to their mother for her to kiss them. 6. It was difficult for my friends to follow me. 7. He called for a nurse to invite a new patient. 8. It is difficult for me to go upstairs. 9. It was necessary for us to go five kilometers more to get to the forest where there was our camp. 10. I think there is no reason for us to be anxious. 11. We waited for them to begin a conversation. 12. It is easy for you to say this. 13. It is necessary for the goods to be packed in strong cases. 14. The first thing for me to do is to find out when the train arrives. 15. Water was too cold for children to bathe.

Exercise X (p. 299)

1. He asked for the letter to be sent today. 2. It is necessary for you to send a telegram at once. 3. He promised to let them know about his departure, and now it is too late for him to change his decision. 4. The first for you to do is to try to call to Moscow. 5. Of course it is for him to decide. 6. Find out from him the telephone number of his relatives for me to ring them up. 7. I think it would be better for him to stay at home. 8. Now it is warm enough for him not to take warm things. 9. It is very important for you to send a letter in time. 10. We expected all the time for them to let us know about it. 11. It is very difficult for him to decide this question. 12. It will be very useful for you to live in the country. 13. It is easy for him to do it. 14. It is necessary for your sister to see him. 15. It is difficult for us to do this work in such a short period of time. 16. It is not for me to decide. 17. My father thought it was necessary for me to accept this proposal.

The Subjective Infinitive Construction

(The Complex Subject)

Exercise III (p. 302)

1. He was never known to lose his temper. 2. We were not allowed to visit the patients. 3. He appeared to know the answer to the quiz. 4. It seems to be improbable. 5. He is likely to be here. 6. He was made to withdraw his order. 7. I happened to be out of town at the time. 8. He seemed to enjoy the concert. 9. We were likely to be there by accident. 10. We chanced to be out when he called. 11. Everything is sure to turn out all right. 12. They let the secret leak out. 13. You were not meant to hear this. 14. They seem not to notice it.


Exercise IV (p. 302)

1. He marched out into the hall. He was heard to lift the receiver and dial the number. 2. She was not expected to write often, for he knows that letter-writing came difficult to her. 3. I happened to know Eliza’s brother well. 4. The boy was made to take off his boot and stocking. 5. Her dinner party seemed to go on too long to her. 6. She seemed to understand the purpose of his question. 7. When she passed by they appeared to look at her attentively. 8. They appeared to be coming down when I left the room. 9. He is unlikely to come and see us soon. 10. John is believed to have arrived in London. 11. Jack is known to be good at painting. 12. The spaceship is reported to have landed successfully. 13. He is believed to be clever. 14. He is said to be the best teacher in our school. 15. His father happened to come. 16. Everybody seemed to have taken the problem seriously. 17. I happened to see them at the theatre. 18. He was likely to have hidden my journal under his mattress.

Exercise V (p. 302)

1. The public is expected not to walk on the grass. 2. It is believed to be a mistake. 3. The boy is known to be a liar. 4. We are supposed not to play tennis in winter. 5. He is said to be a good singer. 6. You are expected to be very punctual. 7. The plane is reported to reach the Crimea on time. 8. The actor is believed to be very talented. 9. The theatre is announced to go abroad next summer. 10. He was made to rewrite the article once more. 11. This part of land is believed to be once under the sea. 12. Several boys were seen to be riding on horseback across the field. 13. My fears proved to be groundless. 14. This test was supposed to be the final one. 15. Father was expected to have come home before the New Year.

Exercise VI (p. 303)

1.The circus is announced to be touring the country in the summer.

2.One could see that she appeared to be in high spirits. 3. The truth is sure to come out. 4. The man’s mind seemed to be working with extraordinary freedom. 5. The morning sun is found to have more ultraviolet rays. 6. The negotiations are said to be reaching a decisive stage. 7. A new epidemic of the flu is reported to have been sweeping Europe for the past two months. 8. The air is felt to be growing colder.

9.He is considered to be the best candidate to the post. 10. The answer is not likely to please him. 11. The ground in this valley is known to be very boggy.