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    1. Времена группы «Continuous» в действительном залоге.

Continuous Tenses – длительные времена. Они употребляются для выражения длительного действия, которое совершается, совершалось или будет совершаться в определённый момент. Они описывают действие в процессе его совершения, выражая, таким образом, незаконченное длительное действие.

The Present Continuous Tense ( настоящее длительное время).






is + Ving



is + not + Ving



Is + _______ + Ving?


Who is +Ving?

The Past Continuous Tense ( прошедшее длительное время).






+ Ving



+ not + Ving



+ ______+Ving?


Who was + Ving?

The Future Continuous Tense ( будущее длительное время).






+be +Ving







+____ be + Ving?


Who will +be + V?

Примеры образования утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных форм:

+ Children are playing football now.

Students were writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

We shall be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

- Children are not playing football now.

Students were not writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

We shall not be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

? 1) общий

Are children playing football now?

Ответ: Yes, they are. Children are playing football now.

Were students writing a difficult test at this time yesterday?

Ответ: Yes, they were. Students were writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

Shall we be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shall be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

2) альтернативный

Are children playing football or basketball now?

Ответ: Children are playing football now.

Were students writing a difficult or easy test at this time yesterday?

Ответ: Students were writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

Shall we be cleaning the flat or classroom the whole day tomorrow?

Ответ: We shall be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

3) a)разделительный(+)

Children are playing football now, aren’t they?

Ответ: Yes, they are. Children are playing football now.

Students were writing a difficult test at this time yesterday, weren’t they?

Ответ: Yes, they were. Students were writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

We shall be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow, shan’t we?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shall be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

b) разделительный (-)

Children are not playing football now, are they?

Ответ: Yes, they are. Children are not playing football now.

Students were not writing a difficult test at this time yesterday, were they?

Ответ: Yes, they were. Students were not writing a difficult test at this time yesterday.

We shall not be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow, shall we?

Ответ: Yes, we shall. We shall not be cleaning the flat the whole day tomorrow.

4) a) специальный (football)

What are children playing now?

b) специальный (are playing)

What are children doing now?

c)специальный (at this time)

At what time were students writing a test yesterday?

d) специальный (test)

What were students writing at this time yesterday?

e) специальный (difficult)

What kind of test were students writing at this time yesterday?

f)специальный (were writing)

What were students doing at this time yesterday?

g) специальный (tomorrow)

When shall we be cleaning the flat the whole day?

h) специальный (the whole day)

How long shall we be cleaning the flat tomorrow?

i) специальный (the flat)

What shall we be cleaning the whole day tomorrow?

j) специальный (shall be cleaning)

What shall we be doing the whole day tomorrow?

5) вопрос к подлежащему

Who is playing football now?

Who was writing a difficult test at this time yesterday?

Who will be doing the flat the whole day tomorrow?

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