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Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Future Indefinite.

  1. If you (to make) a mistake, they (to find) you. If they (to find) you they (to catch) you.

  2. If you (to go) to Rome, you (to see) the Coliseum. If you (to visit) London, probably you (to see) the Queen. If you (to stay) with me you (not to see) anything, but I’ll be happy.

  3. When he (to propose) to her, she (to marry) him. But she (not to be) happy, when she (to marry) him.

  4. I (to visit) you as soon as I (to feel) better.

  5. We (to stay) here as long as our money (to last).

  6. They (not to send) us a telegram unless there (to be) something urgent.

  7. You (to phone) me before you (to go) away, … not you?

  8. I (to come) to London after they (to find) some place for us to stay at.

  9. We (to work) till it (to get) absolutely dark.

  10. Students (not to get) financial rewards unless they (to get) high grades.

  11. What you (to do) when summer (to come)?

  12. If he (not to come) we (to have) a problem.

Exercise 2. Употребите соответствующие союзы.

  1. … he gets the money now, he will spend it all at once.

  2. We’ll start …it stops raining.

  3. I am sure you’ll like the melody … you hear it.

  4. … you drive so fast, I’ll get out of your car.

  5. We’re going to be late … we take a taxi.

  6. The children will go to bed only … they have a glass of milk.

  7. Make hay … the sun shines.

  8. We’ll speak about it … the lecture is over.

  9. … offer him the job, I’m sure he’ll take it.

  10. I’ll never give up my job, … I find a better one.

Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Мы поедем на пикник, когда (сдадим все экзамены; погода улучшится; купим палатку; вернусь из отпуска; все будут свободны).

  2. Я буду изучать английский язык, пока (буду работать на фирме; у меня будет хороший преподаватель; мы будем жить вместе; не выйду замуж; не начну изучать немецкий).

  3. Он будет ждать, пока (ты не позвонишь; не начнётся собрание; она не придёт; все не соберутся; не кончится дождь).

  4. Я напишу письмо, как только (приеду; вернусь; узнаю свой адрес; они вернутся; что-либо узнаю).

  5. Они поженятся этим летом, если (она согласится; купят дом; у них будут деньги; не поссорятся снова; их родители разрешат).

  6. Мы не начнём концерт, если (не придут все участники; не будет достаточно зрителей; у нас не будет программы; они не приготовят сцену; музыканты не будут на месте).

Exercise 4. Объедините два простых предложения в одно сложноподчинённое. Используйте союзы till, until, if, unless, while, before, after.

  1. We shall be at the theatre. She’ll look after our children.

  2. The shoemaker will repair your shoes. You will wait.

  3. The baby won’t stop crying. I’ll feed him.

  4. They will go for a walk with us. I’ll be through with my work.

  5. I shall stay in his room. I shall look through all the letters.

  6. We’ll understand it. You’ll explain it.

  7. We shall wait. She will come.

  8. They won’t cross the road. The green light is on.

  9. They will be in Moscow. They will stay at our place.

  10. I’ll show you my article. I’ll publish it.

Exercise 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.

  1. In three weeks the students (to take) an exam. It (to be) difficult.

  2. I (to get up) as soon as the alarm-clock (to ring).

  3. Last year he (to buy) a car. Next year he (to buy) a flat.

  4. Your mother usually (to cook) breakfast for you?

  5. You (to watch) an interesting film on TV yesterday?

  6. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the forest tomorrow.

  7. We (to write) a dictation at the next lesson?

  8. Two months ago I (to have) holidays. And I (to go) to Saint-Petersburg with my parents.

  9. What will you do when the academic year (to be) over?

  10. The day before yesterday we (to write) a test. I (to make) three mistakes. Though usually I (not to make) any mistakes. I hope, next time I (not to get) a bad mark.

  11. Before he (to ask) questions, he (to listen) to the teacher attentively.

  12. If you (not to buy) this dress, you (to regret) it.

  13. When she usually (to come) home? And when she (to come) yesterday?

  14. She (to be) tired now? If she (to be) tired, I (to come) next time.

  15. He (to be) busy yesterday. He (not to come) to the meeting. But tomorrow he (to have) some free time and he (to come) by all means.

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