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English Lexicology Theory and Practice.doc
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9.* Group the given phraseological units into native and borrowed ones. State the sources of their origin.

1) Sir Toby: “Dost thou think because thou art virtuous there shall be no more cakes and ale?”. 2) He is a classic modern tough guy as well as being an Old Testament prodigal son. 3) She achieved success by the sweat of her brow. 4) I think Frank’s vanity is his Achilles’ heel. 5) My rejoinder was like a voice crying out in the wilderness. 6) But tormented though I was with guilt and self-doubt, I knew I had crossed the Rubicon. 7) This territory has become an apple of discord between two countries. 8) Wearing her heart on her sleeve, she gushed over any man who took an interest in her. 9) A regular old salt, almost. 10) The only fly in the ointment was Jacky. 11) The boy took French leave of his parents to go to the football match. 12) The observed of all observers, the fantasied of all fantasists (a newpaper headline). 13) They were living in a fool's paradise, refusing to accept that they were in debt.

10. The following phraseological units are biblical in origin. Find the corresponding Russian equivalents for them.

Judge not lest you be judged; out of the mouth(s) of babes and sucklings; a wolf in sheep’s clothing; there’s nothing new under the sun; a labour of love; the apple of one’s eye; the flesh-pots of Egypt; to put new wine into old bottles; to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; to be built upon sand; see eye to eye (with smb.); to sell / betray for thirty pieces of silver; the massacre of the innocents; can the leopard change his spots?; a forbidden fruit; to hide one’s light under a bushel; to serve two masters; to cast (throw) pearls before swine; to beat swords into plowshares; doubting Thomas; to bury one’s talent(s); manna from heaven; the mark of Cain; the golden calf; the land of milk and honey; to eat the fat of the land; man does not live on bread alone; no prophet is accepted in his hometown; the promised land; the holy of holies; a lost sheep; daily bread; by/in the sweat of one’s brow; to turn the other cheek; vanity of vanities; the sign of the times; to wash one’s hands of smb./smth.

11. Comment upon the interrelation of lexical components in the following English and Russian praseological units:

to stretch one’s legs – размять ноги, прогуляться; under one’s hand – собственноручно; за собственноручной подписью; to stew in one’s juice – самому искать выход из создавшегося по собственной вине положения; расхлёбывать кашу, которую сам заварил; to turn smb round one’s little finger – подчинить кого-л., вить верёвки из кого-л.; high words – гневные слова; разговор в повышенном тоне; to be Jack of all trades (and master of none) – за всё браться и ничего толком не уметь; to throw dust in smb’s eyes – сбивать кого-л. с толку, вводить кого-л. в заблуждение; to lead by the nose – держать в подчинении, держать на коротком поводке; wind in the head – зазнайство, самомнение.

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