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4 . Project

Read the poem and make a literary translation of it:

Only when all the rivers have run dry And all the fish in the sea have died Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down And there is no food for the animals Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke And the cities of the world have choked Will the white man understand That it’s too late to save the earth.

(Native American Poem)

L esson 70.

  1. Vocabulary practice

  1. Going to the doctor`s.

Put these events in the most logical order:

  1. I went to see the doctor.

  2. I went to the chemist’s to get the medicine.

  3. He said I had a chest infection.

  4. He examined me.

  5. I didn’t feel very well.

  6. H e gave me a prescription for antibiotics.

  7. I made an appointment to see the doctor.

1 … 2…. 3…. 4….. 5…. 6…. 7….

  1. At the doctor`s.

Match the phrases with the pictures.

  1. Give you an injection

  2. Take your blood pressure

  3. Listen your chest

  4. Take your temperature

  5. Take your pulse

  6. Give you a prescription

  7. Give you a check-up

  8. Take a blood sample.

  1. IT’S BADLY BRUISED. Match the phrases with pictures:

  1. He’s unconscious.

  2. It’s bleeding.

  3. It’s bruised.

  4. It’s swollen.

  5. He’s got a black eye.

  6. He’s got a bad scar under his eye.

  1. A ccidents.

Match the following expressions with the pictures below:

  1. I’ve broken my arm.

  2. I’ve sprained my wrist.

  3. I’ve cut my thumb.

  4. I’ve burnt my hand.

  5. I’ve got a nosebleed.

  6. I hit my head.

  7. I got an electric shock.

  8. I got stung by a bee.

  9. I twisted mu ankle.

  1. When you come out of the hospital.

M atch these descriptions with the pictures:

  1. His leg’s in plaster.

  2. His arm’s in a sling.

  3. He’s walking on crutches.

  4. He needs a walking stick.

  5. His ankle’s bandaged up.

  6. He had to have stitches.

  7. He’s in a wheelchair.

  8. He can’t walk without a lightweight metal walker.

  1. Specialists.

Your doctor might refer you to another professional to treat a particular problem. Match the doctors with their specialty.

  1. Dietician

  2. Optician

  3. Physiotherapist

  4. Psychiatrist

  5. Chiropodist

  6. Pediatrician

  7. Gynecologist

  8. Rheumatologist.

  1. You need glasses.

  2. You are overweight.

  3. You have ingrown toenails.

  4. You are trying to have a baby.

  5. You have arthritis.

  6. You are very depressed.

  7. Your two-year-old son is not well.

  8. You hurt your shoulder playing tennis.

  1. Illnesses and symptoms.

Match these illnesses with the symptoms below:

hay fever

food poisoning


an allergy



  1. I’ve got a terrible cough and pains in my chest, and I seem to be constantly short of breath.

  2. I feel absolutely awful. My temperature is 410, and I’ve got a headache and a runny nose. I’ve got a sore throat – it’s agony every time I swallow.

  3. I can’t go near cats. I come out in a horrible red rash.

  4. She’s been off school for two weeks now. She’s got a temperature and she’s covered in little red spots. She’s completely lost her appetite – she hasn’t eaten a thing for the last three days.

  5. I think it must be something I ate. I was sick all night. I still feel sick now and I’ve got a terrible stomach-ache.

  6. It’s the same every summer. My eyes get really itchy and I can’t stop sneezing.