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Exercise 1. Use the correct tense form of the verb in brackets.


It is a summer evening. Patrick and Barbara … (play) football against Kevin and Melanie. They often … (play) football against Kevin and Melanie.


It is five o'clock. Kevin … (take) Red’s dog into the garden. He always … (take) Red’s dog into the garden in the afternoon.


The Bensons usually … (have) breakfast in the kitchen. But today is Sunday, and they … (have) it in the dining-room.


It is Thursday. A coach full of children … (go) to Cardiff. The children at Jenny's school … (go) on a trip every summer.


Kevin always … (use) his new pen for his homework. But he cannot find it, so he … (use) Tanja’s pen now.

Exercise 2. Use the correct tense form of the verb in brackets.

Last month Amy … (spend) an exciting day at the Museum of Natural History in New York. Mrs. Miller, her teacher … (tell) Amy and her classmates not to touch anything. Then they … (be allowed to) look at all the interesting things in groups of four. While Amy and her friends … (walk) around they … (hear) an alarm. Of course they … (want) to know what … (be) wrong. As they … (try) to find the room where the alarm … (come) from they … (see) some of their classmates in the dinosaur room. Brian, a small quiet boy, … (cry) terribly – and next to him there … (be) a large number of dinosaur bones.

“I … (not want) to ruin the T-Rex, but when I … (count) its leg bones I … (have) a fit of cough and … (fall) right into T-Rex.”

Poor Brian! Mrs. Miller … (be) very angry - but the director of the museum … (believe) Brian. He … (say): “In future there … (be) a big fence around our favourite dinosaur.”

Exercise 3. Use the words in brackets in the correct order and tense form.

“Hallo, Sam, where … (you/be)? I … (wait) for you for quite some time at the stamp club.”

“Sorry, Tina, but you know that I … (always/want) to visit Disney World in Florida, and guess what I … (just/notice) in my mother’s new magazine: a crossword puzzle – and the first prize for the right solution is a trip there for one week. So for the last two hours I … (try to find) all the right words. … (you/ever/hear) of a magical sword, the first letter is an “e” the last letter is an “r”?”

“… (you/never/read) the story of King Arthur and his powerful sword Excalibur, Sam?”

“No, I … (never/be) too interested in legends, but thanks, you … (help) me a lot.”

“That’s okay, good luck. Oh, by the way, your mother seems to be quite angry. I think she … (look for) her new magazine all afternoon – and now I know why she … (have) a chance to find it yet. But I have to go now – I … (not do) my homework yet, and my stomach … (make) strange noises for an hour. I guess, I’m terribly hungry. I hope mother … (already/prepare) her famous roast beef. See you at school tomorrow."

Exercise 4. Use the correct tense form of the verb in brackets.

Mr Corona’s holiday plans

Mr Corona is from Rome. He works at a factory in Hamburg. His work isn’t very interesting, so he’s looking forward to his holidays. This year he … (take) his holiday early in September: he’s lucky because he … (get) one day more than last year. He … (spend) his holidays in Rome, of course, because he wants to see his family again and he … (visit) some good friends as well.

He … (not fly) because it’s too expensive for him. He … (have) to go by train. At least he hopes … (be able) to get a seat in the train because the journey … (take) almost twenty hours and the train … (be) full – so it … (not be) a very nice journey.

Exercise 5. Use the words in brackets in the correct order and tense form.

… (ever – you – fly) to America? Kevin is lucky – he … (can) visit his cousin Amy Baxter last year. Yesterday, while Kevin … (read) a book, his mother … (come) in and gave him a letter from Amy. He read: “Hi, Kevin, I hope you … (not forget) me yet. … (you – remember) how much fun we … (have) last year?

What … (do – you) since then? Well, let me tell you the chaotic story of my trip to the Poconos. I … (want) to spend a nice weekend with my friend Jane. She … (live) in Manhattan for some months now.

“I’m sure we … (have) lots of fun," Jane said while I … (unpack) my things. "If the weather … (be) fine tomorrow we … (go) on a trip to the Poconos.” “I think this is a fantastic idea,” I … (agree). “I … to climb the highest mountains.”

When we … (drive) along Interstate 95 the next day we … (notice) a red light in Jane’s mother’s car. “I think, if we … (want) to reach the Poconos we … (need) some help first", Jane’s mother said.

“I … (read – never) the handbook, so I … (not have) any idea what’s wrong.”

We … (leave) the expressway and soon saw the sign of a car repair garage. The mechanic quickly … (check) the car and smiled. “Lady,” he said, “I … (see) this problem many times before. I’m sorry, but a mechanic is not what you need. If you … (not fill) up the tank, you … (get – never) to the Poconos.”

Exercise 6. Use the correct tense form of the verb in brackets.

Example: The sun … (shine) now.

Answer: The sun is shining now.



We … (watch)TV when it started to rain.


I … (want) to visit you yesterday, but you … (be) not at home.


Look! It … (rain), so we can’t … (go) to the beach.


There are a lot of clouds! It … (rain) soon.


The sun … (rise) in the East.


Since 2003 they … (visit) their son every year.


While the doctor … (examine) Mr Jones, his son … (wait) outside this morning.


I … (wait) for my girlfriend for two hours.


After Larry … (see) the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.


Wait a minute, I … (carry) this box for you.



You look so tired! – Yes, I … (work) very hard.


Where’s the magazine I gave you? – What … (you do) with it?


We … (have) the same car for twelve years.


This room was white. Now it is blue. He … (paint) it.


I … (not see) him since Monday.


I … (climb) quite a lot of mountains.


He … (read) 20 pages so far.


“My friend is a teacher.” – “Really? How long … (she teach).”


… (you ever play) volleyball?


… (he show) you his new watch yet?



This is the first time I … (drive) a car. Thanks for lending me your car.


These shoes are nice and clean. … (you clean) them?


Sorry I’m late. … (you wait) long?


Somebody … (steal) my keys. They are not on the table.


Mary is still watching TV. She … (watch) TV all day.


Look! Somebody … (spill) wine on the floor.


I … (know) him for a long time.


How many pages of the homework … (you do)?


He … (drink) too much recently.


… (you ever work) at home?


Every summer our class (go) on a short trip. Last year we (go) to a zoo. Our teacher (be) very nervous. Teachers (be) often nervous on a school trip. But why?We (not understand) that. I (take) lots of photos of a baby elephant. "Why you (not take) photos of other animals, too?" my friend (ask) me. But I (not want) to take photos of other animals. I (want) to take photos of all my friends. They (have) some bananas and (show) them to the gorillas. "What you (do) there? Come here", our teacher (shout). We (find) a nice place for a picnic. But nobody (eat) a banana but the gorillas (have) a nice lunch that day. It (be) a great day at the zoo and we (have) a lot of fun.


Fill in the spaces using the most appropriate tense form for each gap.

1. A: You seem energetic! B: Really, I (exercise) for some time.

2. A: What (you, do) when the robbery took place?

B: I (change) a light bulb that had burnt out.

3. Mike (use) the same PC for more than three years. He is thinking of upgrading it.

4. If it (snow) tomorrow, we (go) skiing near Vesuvis.

5. This is the second pill I (take) to make me sleep.

6. Sami started his business in Spain three months ago. When he returns to Türkiye next July, he (spend) nine months there.

7. Mary (not, call) me since she (leave) the city.

8. Karen (live) in Hong Kong for more than two years. In fact, she (live) there when the political takeover occured.

9. By the time the police (arrive) , the robbers (run) away.

10. The book writes that the Maya tribes founded an advanced civilization in the forests of the Yucatan; nevertheless, their culture (disappear) by the time Europeans first (arrive) in the New World.

11. Hey. Be quiet! The boss (come) .

12. It (snow) all day. I hope it stops by noon because I wish to go to the market.

13. Listen Ed, I don't care whether you (miss) the bus this morning. You (be) late for meetings too many times. This is my last warning.

14. We are fed up with storm and those dark clouds! We expect, when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) .

15. When Hasan arrived at the cafe, I (wait) for him for half an hour.

16. I (not, hear) of the pyramids before I went to Egypt.

17. During the past 50 years, traveling (become) much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) two or three months to cross Africa by wagon. The trip (be) very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from Ankara to Tokyo in a matter of hours.

18. Your English (improve) . You (watch) television programs and (study) grammar every day since you first arrived in London. It is apparent that you will be fluent very soon.

19. When Ted (arrive) home last night, he discovered that Hilary (prepare) a beautiful candle-lit dinner.

20. Do not forget that if you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the Hilton in Istanbul.


1. When I (enter) , the meeting (already, start) .

2. After the film (end) , we went to a restaurant.

3. The phone (ring) at about ten o'clock last night.

4. He (tell) us that he couldn't come.

5. There are a few things that ought to (do) .

6. He should (tell) me. Now it's too late.

7. I wonder what I (do) at this time next week.

8. When I applied for the job, they (already, engage) somebody.

9. I'll come as soon as I (be) ready.

10. I can't find it. I must (leave) it at home.


1. I (learn) English for seven years now.

2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) really that good then.

3. As I (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) harder this term.

4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) me on a language course to London.

5. It (be) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.

6. Before I (go) to London, I (not / enjoy) learning English.

7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.

8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.

9. Now I (have) much more fun learning English than I (have) before the course.

10. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.

11. And I (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.

13. My exam (be) on 15 May, so there (not / be) any time to be lost.

14. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start) an apprenticeship in September.

15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) back to London to work there for a while.

16. As you (see / can) , I (become) a real London fan already.


1. We (go) the theatre last night.

2. He (usually / write) in red ink.

3. She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night.

4. We (do) an English exercise at the moment.

5. Where (you / go) for your holidays last year?

6. We (meet) only yesterday and (already / decide) to get married.

7. We (not live) in England for the last two years.

8. I (lose) my keys; I cannot remember when I last (see) them.

9. Whenever he (go) to town nowadays, he (spend) a lot of money.

10. They (prepare) the Christmas dinner today.


1. We (go) the theatre last night.

2. He (usually / write) in red ink.

3. She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night.

4. We (do) an English exercise at the moment.

5. Where (you / go) for your holidays last year?

6. We (meet) only yesterday and (already / decide) to get married.

7. We (not live) in England for the last two years.

8. I (lose) my keys; I cannot remember when I last (see) them.

9. Whenever he (go) to town nowadays, he (spend) a lot of money.

10. They (prepare) the Christmas dinner today.


1. We (work) at full capacity at present.

2. Nothing (allow) to leave the works until it has been carefully checked.

3. He (meet) at the hotel by one of our hostesses tomorrow morning.

4. They (talk) to my friends when I saw them.

5. She (send) him a letter about a week ago.

6. While I (type) the letter, the telephone rang.

7. It's all been arranged. I (leave) tomorrow.

8. You're late. We (be) here since two o'clock.

9. Sweden (think) to have one of the richest economies in the world.

10. As soon as I saw him, I knew we (meet) before.


James Cook (1728-1779)

The British explorer James Cook was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, on 27 October, 1728. But his family soon (move) to another village, called Great Ayton, where Cook (spend) most of his childhood.

As a teenager James Cook (develop) a fascination for the sea and (travel) to Whitby where he (find) employment on a coal ship.

While he (serve) in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Cook (have) the command of a ship.

After the war (end) , Cook (take) command of the vessel Grenville and (go) to Newfoundland to survey the coasts there.

While he (map) the coasts of Newfoundland, he (observe) a solar eclipse off the North American coast.

Cook (send) the details to the Royal Society, England's leading scientific organisation, and (win) their attention.

After Cook (publish) his observations of the solar eclipse, the Royal Society (ask) him to lead a scientific expedition to Tahiti and (put) him in command of of the HMS Endeavour.

From Tahiti Cook then (go on) to explore the South Pacific.

He also (reach) New Zealand, which only the Dutchman Abel Tasman (visit) before Cook.

After Cook (map) New Zealand's complete coastline, he (sail) to Australia's east coast.

Cook (name) the area New South Wales as it (remind) him of the south coast of Wales in Great Britain.

In 1772, one year after Cook (return) from his first voyage to the Pacific, the Royal Society (hire) him for another expedition to find the mythical Terra Australis.

On his journey, Cook (discover) several islands and almost (go) as far as the continent of Antarctica.

He (make) maps of the South Pacific and (prove) that Terra Australis (exist / not) .

His third and last voyage for the Royal Society (take) him to the west coast of North America where he (try) to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific.

He (not / can / pass) the Bering Strait, however; the ice (force) him to return to Hawaii, which he (discover) earlier.

While he and his crew (rest) in Hawaii, some Hawaiians (steal) one of his boats.

When cook and his men (try) to get the boat back from the natives, a violent fight (break out) in which the natives (stab) James Cook to death.


1. When we (arrive) , dinner (already, begin) .

2. My friend (not see) me for many years when I (meet) him last week.

3. He (already, learn) English before he (leave) for Australia.

4. I (be) surprised that he (not contact) me sooner.

5. He (ask) me if I (find) the way easily.

6. The river (become) deeper after it (rain) heavily.

7. I (not yet, do) half of the work when he (come) in.

8. When he (be) young, he (like) collecting stamps.

9. After I (have) some dry biscuits, I (have) a drink.

10. I (see) him the moment he (enter) .


1. I (not speak) to the Headmaster yet.

2. The situation (become) more serious in recent years.

3. When (you, see) him last?

4. She's my best friend. -'How long (you, know) her?'

5. He (come) here three years ago.

6. I (never, be) to Malaysia.

7. I (meet) them when they (be) in Singapore last year.

8. Hi! I (not see) you for ages.

9. My friend (just, arrive) from England.

10. I (start) studying Chinese three years ago.

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