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  1. Find English equivalents for the following words and expressions.

Откладывать что-либо; чувство долга; тащить домой набитые портфели; отсутствие энергии и мотивации; неправильное планирование; приписывать что-либо чему-либо.

  1. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

A procrastinator; sense of orderliness; to beat ourselves up for something (doing smth.); to be loaded with deadliness; surface symptoms of mental illness; to be foist upon smb.

  1. Rearrange the statements as they occur in the text (Give numbers.)

  1. Procrastination is related to conscientiousness, your sense of orderliness, of dutifulness.

  2. In fact in depressed people procrastination is the surface symptoms of mental illness.

  3. There is such a thing as the planning fallacy.

  4. In general the procrastination is the gap between intention and action.

  5. Not all deferring of tasks is procrastination.

  6. Most likely, we are unduly beating ourselves up for being procrastinators when the real problem is that we live in a world that is loaded with deadlines.

  7. Like procrastination depression involves a failure to act.

  8. Procrastination involves actively putting something off.

Text 14 psychology of colour

There are colours that we like and colours that we dislike. There are colours that make us feel happy and colours that make us feel sad.

Colours can make a big room look smaller or make a small room look larger. They can warm a cool room or cool a hot, sunny one. Warm colours contain red or yellow, and cool colours contain blue. The warm colours seem to bring things closer, and the cool ones tend to make objects seem farther away.

Colours have a strong influence on us. They can affect our moods and personalities, though we don’t always notice it.

Japanese psychologists made an interesting experiment. They asked a group of strangers to walk round two rooms, one painted red and the other blue. They found that in the red room, the people felt comfortable the moment they entered it. They began talking with each other and even laughing. But when they walked into the blue room, they felt silent.

Experiments have also shown that our blood pressure goes up in red surroundings and becomes lower in blue surroundings.

Blue is calming. A person can work best when surrounded by blue. But too strong a blue or too much of it can become depressing. We often feel cold in a blue room and warm in a red room, yet we may not know that it is the colour that makes us feel this way.

Red is exciting. It makes us feel happy. It increases our energy. It can also make us eat faster.

Orange, too, can stimulate appetite.

Is it a coincidence that places like McDonald’s use mostly red and orange.

Pink can make us tired. Some institutions in the United States use this colour to cool down angry prisoners and patients.

Green is a calming colour. It helps us feel relaxed and quiet.

Turquoise is the colour of communication. If you are shy, wear this colour. It may help you relax and feel more sure of yourself.

Yellow, we are said, can help concentration and learning. Besides yellow surroundings usually put us in a good mood and make us smile.

Psychologists often use colour in different personality tests.