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5 курс / Хирургия детская / Hirschsprung disease.pdf
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aObstructive symptoms after pull-through







Rectal examination and contrast enema






























No mechanical obstruction





Stricture, twist, other mechanical obstruction
























Pathology review of original






















pull-through resection






Rectal biopsy









Dilation or revisional surgery






































Aganglionosis or evidence of transition zone pull-through



No signi„icant neuromuscular pathology























































Redo pull-through





Botulinum toxin injection

























Clinical improvement

Repeat botulinum toxin as needed

Botulinum toxin injections

Inject in four quadrants of anal sphincter

Repeat every 3-6 months if needed

bSoiling after pull-through

History and physical examination

± rectal examination under anaesthesia

± anorectal manometry





No clinical improvement












































Motility workup



























Abnormal (generalized)


Abnormal (focal)




























Bowel management, stoma or ACE















Colonic resection













Sensation and sphincter function intact and good overall potential for bowel control













































True incontinence



























Contrast enema ± colonic manometry
































































Investigate and rule out correctable causes of obstruction


Constipating diet













High-„ibre diet


No correctable cause identi„ied




Anti-motility agents































High-„ibre diet, stimulant laxatives











Stool softeners as needed to maintain soft but solid stools


Soiling persists















Soiling persists















































Enema programme or ostomy


















Determining the extent of aganglionosis

Levelling biopsies and intraoperative pathology. The main goal of any surgical approach for HSCR is to remove the aganglionic segment and transition zone. The first step is to perform levelling biopsies to provide small samples of the bowel wall, either seromuscular or full-thickness, for examination to determine the presence or absence of ganglion cells. Biopsies should be well-oriented and adequately sectioned to confidently exclude ganglion cells and, if necessary, the process is repeated in a proximal direction until ganglion cells

are found. However, the presence of ganglion cells in a biopsy does not necessarily exclude the existence of a transition zone if partial circumferential aganglionosis, myenteric hypoganglionosis and/or submucosal nerve hypertrophy exist127. In short-segment HSCR, the transition zone is usually <5 cm, so resection or ostomy >5 cm proximal to a ganglionic biopsy usually encompasses the entire transition zone. However, in long-segment HSCR, the transition zone can be much longer. The use of appendectomy to diagnose total colonic aganglionosis is controversial, as aganglionic appendix in healthy neonates

Nature Reviews Disease Primers |

(2023) 9:54


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