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6. Глаголы be и have

6.1. Завершите предложения, употребляя глаголы am, is или are:

1. My name … Martina. 2. Where …. you from? 3. …. Walter from Germany? 4. Who …. your new English teacher? 5. I …. on business in Russia. 6. Philip and Jane … on holiday here. 7. …. you married? 8. He …. a student at London University.

6.2. Вставьте was или were:

  1. It ……… nice to see you yesterday – And we ……… happy to see you too.

  2. Coffee ……… ok, but the cakes ……… not very good.

  1. It ……… raining and we …… tired.

  1. ……… you in Krasnodar last week? No, I ……… in Moscow.

6.3. Из данных ниже слов составьте вопросы:

  1. at, Henry, seaside, was, the, yesterday? _____________________________________________

  2. party, the, was, good? _____________________________________________

  3. the, was, interesting, play? _____________________________________________

  4. everybody, present, the, meeting, was, at? _____________________________________________

  5. your, match, was, at, with, father, the, you? _____________________________________________

6.4. Составьте вопросы с will be:

Пример: When/ you/ 20? When will you be 20?

  1. you/ at the party/ tonight?___________________________________

  2. when/ the translation/ ready?_________________________________

  3. Julia/ at the match/ with John?_______________________________

  4. the plane/ late/ again?______________________________________

  5. where/you/ on/ Monday?____________________________________

6.5. Подчеркните правильный ответ:

1. We had/has a nice trip to Paris on Christmas last year. 2. They have/has a competition on each weekend. 3. We all/my sister has blue eyes. 4. My teacher has/had a long talk with my parents yesterday.

7. Времена английского глагола. Действительный залог

7.1. Present Simple

7.1.1. Заполните таблицу соответствующими глагольными формами:

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

will contain, named, beats, run, stood, worked, shall come, completes, studies, will attend, employed, trains.

7.1.2. Пользуясь списком нестандартных глаголов, найдите недостающие формы. Заполните таблицу и запомните 3 формы глагола:




Was, begun, win, did, went, hold, knew, strike, taken, speak, sing, wrote, teach, saw, rose, grow, forgotten, chose, shook, broken.

7.1.3. Распределите данные ниже формы сказуемого по клеткам грамматической решетки:

Is speaking, went, shall come, had written, plays, was reading, will have finished, had done, shall be running, finished.









7.1.4. Заполните грамматическую решетку формами глаголов «to invite» и «to ask» в действительном залоге с местоимениями I и he:









7.1.5. Определите, какая из форм английского глагола соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Simple):

  1. строил – build, built, builds;

  2. был – were, is, are, was, am;

  3. дает – give, gave, gives;

  4. занимаются – goes in for, go in for, went in for;

  5. имел – has, have, had;

  6. стал – become, becomes, became.

7.1.6. Определите, какая глагольная форма соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Continuous):

  1. идет – is going, goes, go;

  2. летят – flies, are flying, fly;

  3. бегут – run, runs, are running;

  4. летают – flies, are flying, fly;

  5. бегаю – run, runs, am running;

  6. ходит – is going, goes, go.

7.1.7. Определите, какая глагольная форма соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Perfect):

  1. сделал – does, has done, did;

  2. появлялся – appeared, has appeared, appears;

  3. делал - does, has done, did;

  4. уже стал – become, becomes, has become;

  5. появился – appeared, has appeared, appears;

  6. стал - became, becomes, has become.

7.1.8. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. We/my friend often works on Sundays.

2. We all/The teacher thinks you are clever.

3. I/my friend want a new job.

4. Bread/Books cost a lot.

5. Mary/ Pete and Mary likes parties.

6. You/ She drive too first.

7. That child / Children makes a lot of noise.

8. My brother/ His parents teaches English.

7.1.9. Заполните пропуск формами глаголов в Present Simple:

ask, get up, go, make, play, speak.

  1. My brother always …….. late on Sundays.

  2. We sometimes ……. football at weekends.

  3. Our teacher often ......... English at the lesson.

  4. Children ……. many questions.

  5. Andy …….... to see his grandmother twice a week.

  6. I …….. many mistakes in my dictations.

7.1.10. Составьте вопросы.

Пример: Where\she live? – Where does she live?

  1. What\you want? ________________________________________

  2. What\ this word mean? __________________________________

  3. What time\your train leave?_______________________________

  4. How much\these shoes cost? ______________________________

  5. How\this camera work? __________________________________

  6. Who\ you want to see? ___________________________________