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RSTU 80 glorious years.doc
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to collaborate – сотрудничать;

tribotechnics – триботехника;

superconductive – сверхпроводниковый;

a finished model – готовая разработка;

venerable – маститый;

deterioration – износ;

a friction pair – пара трения;

reference terminal (station) technology – технология опорных станций;

cargo shipload lots – судовые партии грузов;

an outcome – результат;

a collection of scientific papers – сборник научных трудов;

actual and topical – текущий и актуальный.

Questions to the text:

1 How large is the scientific staff of the RSTU?

  1. What scientific centers and laboratories are there in the University?

  2. What are the main scientific problems studied at the University?

  3. What scientific school of the University is the most famous?

  4. Are the developments of the University scientists implemented?

Pedagogical and social work in the Rostov State Transport University

Pedagogical and social work in the Rostov State Transport University is aimed at the upbringing and development of students` personality on the basis of universal human values, helping them in self-determination, moral, civil and professional self-actualization. On the base of the Humanities department the Centre of sociological and psychological research has been established, which is engaged in studying students` motivation, psychological features and social characteristics.

The central focus of pedagogical work is the formation of student activists` groups, training leaders, developing students` self-government. Regular meetings are held by the Rector, pro-rectors, leading scientists of the University with different categories of students for discussing the organization of the educational process, improving living conditions, arranging cultural and leisure activities. The deans and curators carry out purposeful work with the students in different areas of their activities.

The cooperation with the Rostov eparchy is maintained. Students participate in the construction of the cathedral in honor of St. Ioann Kronshtradsky, adjacent to the University. The University took the Barsukovskaya general school (suffered from the flood in 2002) in the Stavropol region under their patronage.

Systematic work aimed at keeping and developing the best traditions of the railway industry is carried out: students` groups of conductors and assistant drivers are organized every year. There is a labour exchange for students in the RSTU. More than 2000 students annually receive advice on their employment. Students` newspapers «Studenchesky muraveynik» and «Documentoved» are issued in the University. A number of students take part in editing the newspapers «Gudok» and «Magistral».

The festivals «My hostel is my home», «Self-government day» have become traditional in the campus. The University hostels are the best ones in Rostov-on-Don. The Culture Palace of the RSTU is the central place of cultural work among the students, where a number of societies and clubs have been organized. The festivals of students` creativity «Spring» and «Autumn», festival programs dedicated to Mother`s Day, Students` Day, Motherland Defenders` Day, Victory Day are held there.

A healthy lifestyle is facilitated by the staff of the Sports complex and the Department of physical education. Sports days for students and the faculty, the University competitions are held annually.

The main task for the teaching staff is to train well-qualified specialists competitive on the labour market, patriots of Russia capable of maintaining the traditions of railymen. Educational, pedagogical and social activities are inseparable in achieving this goal. And the whole 80-year history of our University has proved it.

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