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  1. The pride of the fleet were the Twelve Apostles – a dozen enormous new galleons – and the navy proved itself more effective.

  2. Throughout the 1590s, the convoy escorts enabled the Spanish to ship three times as much gold and silver than in the previous decade.

  3. A lower town six times larger stretched to the south, and makes much better sense of Homer’s stirring narrative.

  4. A third new discovery, closer to the burial mound itself, was an artificial landscape with a river populated with life-sized bronze birds, including geese, swans and cranes which may be the oldest naturalistic sculptures.

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  1. Plunder from the ocean, due to the Capitol and the Palace.

  2. Flee at once, the secret is discovered.

  3. Be as wise as Solomon; write proverbs, not histories.

  4. Come on now, my companions at arms, and fellow soldiers, in the field, now for the Lord, for you Queen, and for the Kingdom.

the Capitol and the Palace – Капитолий и Палатин

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  1. After Alexander had conquered Egypt, King Darius of Persia offered Alexander generous terms for peace.

  2. Everybody agrees that the first Americans came from eastern Siberia through Alaska.

  3. Scientists are today searching for remnants of a meteor that brilliantly lit up the sky in western Canada.

  4. Felton had learned that Southern sympathizers were planning to sabotage his train at Baltimore soon in an effort to cut off traffic to the South.

  5. Recent work at Troy has shown that Hisarlik was not the whole city, but just its fortress.

King Darius of Persia – персидский царь Дарий

Troy – Троя

Hisarlik – Хисарлык

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  1. There warriors were placed to defend the tomb of Qin Shi Huang Di, First Emperor of China.

  2. William promised that if they brought their own horse, armour, and weapons to join him, they would be rewarded with lands and titles in the new realm.

  3. A formidable and courageous general, Pyrrus was enlisted by the Greek cities of southern Italy to counter the increasingly powerful Romans.

  4. During the Inquisition only one or two percent of the heretics or criminals were subject to long periods of torture – the rest were simple incarcerated or punished in other ways.

  5. The war was ended with a piece treaty, which was negotiated between Philip III and James I and signed in 1604.

Qin Shi Huang Di – Цинь Ши Хуан Ди

Pyrrus – Пирр

the Inquisition – инквизиция

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The Third Crusade

  1. In 1099, the armies of the First Crusade captured Jerusalem and massacred its defenders to claim the city for Christianity. Ninety years later, Saladin, the charismatic leader of the Muslim Near East, retook the holy city for Islam.

  2. Within three years Richard the Lionheart was leading the Third Crusade, prompted by Saladin’s capture of Jerusalem. In 1192, he sailed for home, exhausted by his attempts to regain the Holy Land.

  3. As king, Richard’s chief ambition was to join the Third Crusade, prompted by Saladin’s capture of Jerusalem in 1187. Richard arrived in the Holy Land in June 1191 and in September his victory at Arsuf gave the crusaders possession of the territory. Although he came close, Jerusalem, the crusade’s main objective his journey home.

  4. Bad weather drove him ashore near Venice and he was imprisoned by Duke Leopold of Austria before being handed over to the German emperor Henry VI, who ransomed him for the huge sum of 150,000 marks. In February 1194, Richard was released. He returned at once to England and was crowned for a second time, fearing that the ransom payment had compromised his independence.

  5. Yet a month later he went to Normandy, never to return. His last five years were spent in intermittent warfare against Philip II. He was fatally wounded during the siege in France and died on 6 April 1199. He was succeeded by his younger brother John, who had spent the years of Richard’s absence scheming against him.

The Holy Land – Святая земля

Venice – Венеция

Duke – герцог

Stalemate – противостояние, противоборство (зд.)