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Отношения и чувства attitudes and feelings

бесить enrage: Не enrages те to the point that I become afraid of my own anger; infuriate: She infuriated me with her refusal to be content with my explanations. She didn't want to believe me; drive smb mad: Dad's mad about football. No, crazy about it. He's a fanatic. He drives me mad!; drive smb crazy: He drives me crazy with his idiotic so-called «questions»!

беспокоить worry: My friend worries me. Sometimes he gets depressed over little things and it worries me; bother: I just don't like him. He bothers me. Maybe it's because his beard is just so obviously fake

боготворить worship: He is extremely loyal to the king, he practically worships him as a god

бояться fear: Oh, Jack, now I can tell you the truth. I loathe him with all my heart, but I fear him also; be afraid: I'm afraid of Dane. He gives me the willies, I'm not sure why. I want to shut him off every time I see him

быть привязанным be attached: She is deeply attached to her mother; be fond of: «Was he very fond of her?» «Very, beyond everything»

быть противным disgust: I hate the sight of him. He disgusts me; be disgusted with smb: I am so disgusted with him at this moment that I want to smack him; repel: He repels me. His long bushy beard makes me sick

быть рядом (поддерживать) stand by: His wife stood by him throughout the trial


вдохновлять inspire. She motivates, excites and inspires thousands of people who, through her example, recognize their own potential for success

верить believe: Do not believe that man, whatever he says

винить blame: Don V blame him for being himself

влюбляться fall in love: When / fell in love with you that very day, I knew it was true

возбуждать excite: He excites large emotions in people — love, hate, loyalty, and honor. You become part of him, he becomes part of you; thrill: Like a scene out of a comic book, he thrills young audiences and fills a room with cheers and laughter

волновать excite: Audiences love Patti because she excites them, keeps them thinking and talking; thrill: He thrills me. He kills me. He gives me the feeling maybe it's love

восхищаться admire smb (for smth): / admire her for her tact and good manners

вызывать отвращение/неприязнь disgust: He makes you laugh. Sometimes he disgusts you. Then he does something right and you 're willing to forget all the bad stuff; repel: There's a magic about this guy that's irresistible. One moment he repels people, and the next moment he draws them in

выводить из себя bug: Lord, he bugs me sometimes. He can be so rude and inconsiderate

выносить (обычно с can) bear: How can you bear that dirty old man ?; tolerate: He is slightly unstable, but we tolerate him

высмеивать ridicule: He terrifies me, ridicules me, calls me a liar when I try to tell the truth, and ignores my pleas when I cry for compassion

глумиться sneer: I have noticed that as my husband ages, he has shown increasing disrespect for me. He sneers, he jeers, he laughs, and he criticizes, more than he supports; scoff: He scoffed at those who did not believe his theories — and he was right; jeer: When he jeers at me, I just shut up and take it, because that's the smart thing to do

действовать на нервы get on one's nerves: She gets on his nerves, anyone can see that; get under smb's skin: He gets under my skin, but the minute I say something to him about his behavior he gets furious

делать назло spite: One moment he spites me the next he helps me. This is the guy that I can never figure out

доверять trust: How can I trust you ?You failed me so many times in the past

докучать annoy: He annoyed us for 5 minutes asking questions until I asked him to leave us alone; (особ, вопросами) pester: She pestered her family pointlessly — «Are you sure those potato chips are safe to eat?»

доводить (до бешенства) drive smb crazy: After many years with the same company I suddenly have a new boss and he's driving me crazy; drive sb mad: He drives me mad, he is always fixing something. It's like he's obsessed with taking things apart so that he could put them back together again; (до белого каления) exasperate: No matter how much he exasperates me at times, no matter how quickly my temper may flare, he disarms me immediately with his smile

донимать (вопросами, просьбами) pester: She says she always knew she wanted to be a music performer, and she tells how she pestered her parents to purchase a piano as a 9-year-old; (насмешками) taunt: For weeks he taunted me with racial insults. I seemed to be his favorite target, perhaps because it was obvious he upset me

досаждать annoy: He annoys his neighbours by doing some unconventional rituals in the garden; (преднамеренно) spite: He spites me because he thinks I'm a nobody

жалеть be / feel sorry: Shane and I felt sorry for each other. I felt sorry for his unhappiness, he pitied my lifestyle; pity: Alas, poor fool! Why do I pity him ?

заботиться care for: He never cared for his elderly mother

завидовать envy: My daughter envies the popular kids at school because she thinks she could never be like them

запугивать intimidate: I've never really known why he has such a power over me. And I really couldn't tell you why he intimidates me so much

злить annoy: The first time he annoyed me I slapped him; vex: Oh, how she vexed me this morning by something she said!; make smb angry: He made me really angry because he was badmouthing his old company!

изводить exasperate: Needless to say, Zaza will always be the apple of his mother's eye, no matter how much he exasperates his parents; harass: He harassed my family until even they were after me to go back to him. I did, for everyone's peace

издеваться mock: She mocked them as they were leaving and spat at them; taunt: Hissing and breathing into his face, he taunted Christian, saying «Your Master has left you to die»; scoff: He scoffed at those who said the tax cuts would help the rich at the expense of the poor

изумлять amaze: He amazes everyone with his expert knowledge of the subject matter and an almost photographic memory; astound: He astounds me almost daily. He is possibly one of the greatest musicians and lyricists of the twentieth century

игнорировать ignore: My 12-year-old daughter seems to suffer from lack of social skills and confidence. At school, she is often ignored and cast aside; take no notice of: He is a bully, take no notice of him

критиковать criticize: He criticized, blamed and shamed me every chance he got. Not only is emotional abuse the hardest to detect, it is the hardest to recover from

ладить get along / on (well with): He gets along well with other kids, once he gets to know everyone

любить love: Are you sure he loves you?; be fond of: Helena is very fond of her children and spends all her time cooking for them and tidying the house

любить безумно dote on: His mother raised him mostly alone and doted on him, letting him do pretty much whatever he wished

мириться с put up with: Why does she have to put up with that fool?

надеяться на rely on: I can always rely on him for help

надоедать annoy: He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone; bore: For about six months, he bores his friends and the women he loves with tales of his grief; (просьбами) pester: But Margarita would't give up. She pestered him until he agreed to ask some of his co-workers for more information; bother (особ, по мелочам): Nate is a pest. He is 5. He bothers me all the time

насмехаться mock: She mocked him, something Elizabeth would never dream of doing. And that is the difference between these two women; jeer at: I was more than a father to him, and now — now he jeers at me!; jibe at: The kids at school jibed at me for years about the time they went to our house on Halloween and my mom gave out bags of snack mix marked «free sample»; gibe at: When occasion demands the director gibes at the actors, insults, praises, encourages and spits upon them; taunt: He taunted and teased her playfully for being so gullible

не выносить (cannot) stand: It is said that he controls a third of the party, but that the other two-thirds cannot stand him; (cannot) tolerate: Lilo is a troubled kid, whose «friends» cannot tolerate her; (cannot) bear: «I know some instances of married women, who are quite surrounded by admirers, who yet have conducted themselves in the most wonderful manner». «I dare say they have», said Mrs. Douglas, significantly. «I know several instances myself, and very wonderful women they are. I cannot bear them»

не одобрять disapprove of: We are very much in love and my parents disapprove of him because they think that he's not good enough for me

не переваривать loathe: I loathed him because he was thick, often said exactly the wrong thing and never understood how other people reacted to him

не переносить loathe: What can turn the one you love into the one you loathe?

нервировать make smb nervous: In the past, I've seen him push other students or throw objects when he loses his temper, and he makes me nervous

не терпеть detest: What has he done that you detest him so much ?; (cannot) stand: He's never horrible to me, but I just can't stand him. He's 20 years old and it seems like he brags about everything; (cannot) tolerate: I respect those who resist me, but I cannot tolerate them

ненавидеть hate: Not one person in a thousand likes him, and a great many people hate him and why? Because he is so full of conceits and affectation; loathe: I loathe him, I loathe him with every fiber in my body

нравиться like: I like him, but he does not like me; fancy: When a young trainee takes up a job at her office, he starts to fancy her. Soon enough, she embarks on an affair with him

обвинять blame: His ex-girlfriend constantly criticised him. She had either forgotten why she was attracted to him or she had seen him as a lump of clay she could mould to her design and when he didn't prove to be quite so malleable, she got angry and blamed him; accuse (of): He constantly accuses her of having affairs. If she goes to the grocery store, he accuses her of having an affair with the grocery clerk. If she goes to the bank, he accuses her of having an affair with the bank teller

обижать offend: She said he was never afraid to speak his mind no matter how it came across. «He was a totally fearless person,» she said. «He did not mind who he offended»; hurt: I want to be close with him again but I won 7 let myself because I am so afraid that he 'II hurt me again and I can never forgive him for how low he made me feel; insulted: He insulted me terribly this morning on the phone

обожать adore: Women adored him and almost everyone who met this charismatic stranger was drawn to his charming innocence

одобрять approve: Не is an extrovert and he needs to be surrounded by people who approve of him and flatter him

оскорблять offend: Douglas is invited to the wedding. What he does not know is that the bride is, in fact, the woman he offended five years ago; insult: He was fired when he insulted and threatened our clients and took money from the company without authorization; abuse: She abuses Harry and derides his mother and especially his father, calling them drunks and layabouts and saying that they got what they deserved

осуждать condemn: Speaking as someone who has never studied psychology, I think that I cannot condemn him for what he did, I may have acted in exactly the same way under the circumstances; judge: To anybody who feels the need to judge me — First, you have no right to judge me; blame: I don't blame him for the way he acts towards them. Look at what they have done to him

питать отвращение detest: There's no middle ground with this guy — you either hate him or detest him; loathe: Neighbours envied him, his family secretly loathed him, former friends bit their tongues when he entered the office; abhor: You can adore him, abhor him, but you can not ignore him

подавлять depress: He depresses me, he never smiles

подводить let down: He has never let me down

поднимать на смех ridicule: Her father is the boss. When he gives her orders, he ridicules her with, «I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm big, you're little»

полагаться rely on: I never rely on people. When I want to get something done, I do it myself

полюбить fall in love: She fell in love with Michael at first sight; take to: The children took to their new teacher instantly

понимать understand: «My wife does not understand me,» — all unfaithful married men say that

поражать amaze: Не amazes те with his talent. He amazes me as a person and a friend: astound: Every scrap of information is stored in his memory He astounds me by recalling detailed incidents of matches we saw a long time ago

порицать condemn: Blinded by the abundance of his own values, he condemns and underestimates his peers

презирать despise: In fact, Augusta despised him and saw him as a worthless creature not fit to hold down a job, let alone care for their children

пренебрегать slight: He plays the music teacher who is at times too consumed and too passionate about his work that he slights his wife and son; snub: When he asks questions, the boys snub him. Richard keeps silent and does whatever he is asked to do

привязаться take to: I took to her at once, she is such a lovely person

принижать put somebody down: You enjoy putting me down, don't you?; belittle: They dislike their new colleague, and find every opportunity to belittle him

прощать forgive: I'll never forgive him for what he did to me

пугать scare: At 9, he knows so much that sometimes he scares me; frighten: He frightens me because he's got all this aggression now (which surprised me — he used to be afraid of his own shadow) and he regularly starts fights

раздражать annoy: He annoys family members by constantly asking questions during the show about what is happening; irritate: He is conceited, people say. He irritates because he twists what you say and makes fun of you

разлюбить fall out of love with: Two months after the wedding she fell out of love with him

разочаровывать disappoint: I begged him to take action and do something but he disappointed me and let me down

расстраивать upset: If he upsets you then maybe he isn't the guy for you

рассчитывать на count on (for) : / can always count on him for help

сводить с ума drive smb crazy: Well, he drives me crazy. Those looks, that voice!; drive smb out of one's mind: He drives me out of my mind. So why do I worry about him ?

сердить vex: We are going to be very nice with each other, aren 7 we, and never, never vex each other any more; irritate: Sometimes he irritates me and I say I hate him, but deep down he knows I love him and I am just saying words

смеяться над ridicule: He was ridiculed because he did not understand that he was being ridiculed, because those ridiculing him so nearly understood that they were ridiculing themselves as well

сомневаться doubt: I felt I had no reason to question or doubt him

терпеть stand: A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe); tolerate: The brothers contrive to have as little to do with him as possible, and when they cannot pass him by they tolerate him from business interests

уважать respect: She said it because she did not respect him

угнетать depress: My sisters spend hours with my grandfather, but he depresses me. So I usually only allow 15 or 20 minutes to see him

ужасать terrify; I guess he terrifies me because I can't understand him. He's good at hiding his emotions and thoughts

унижать humiliate: She humiliates him in front of his friends; snub: Sarah's mother and brothers find Jamie charming, while Kevin does nothing to please them and they snub him at every opportunity

утомлять bore: If he bores you to death and at times you feel like screaming, you don "t really love him

чтить revere: Не was a leader. Many of his peers looked up to him, followed him, and even revered him. But most of those who revered him eventually ended up fearing him; venerate: Ironically, while they venerate their mothers, Latin men tend to neglect their wives, and hold other women in contempt, seeing them as sexual objects

ценить appreciate: Her husband, Phil, doesn 7 appreciate her, and her life is going nowhere; be appreciated: Sometimes I feel as if I am not appreciated or given the credit that I deserve; value: I value him highly as a friend but I do not love him