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Mini-Lesson 12.1

Turn around – face in a different direction

Turn down – 1) reject an offer; 2) decrease the intensity of

Turn in – 1) return, give back, hand in; 2) go to bed

Turn into – change to, transform into

Turn off – stop the operation (of an appliance, for example), shut off

Turn on - start the operation (of an appliance, for example)

Turn out – 1) result, end up, be the final product; 2) produce; 3) arrive, gather

Turn up – 1) increase in intensity; 2) arrive

Under the weather – slightly ill

Use up – use completely

Mini-Lesson 12.2

Wait on – serve

Walk on air – be very happy

Warm up – 1) heat; 2) practice, prepare for

Warm up (to) – become friendly with, start to enjoy

Watch out (for) – be alert, look out for

Wear out – become no longer useful because of wear

What the doctor ordered – exactly what was needed, the perfect thing

Wipe out – eliminate, stamp out

Without a hitch – without a problem

Work out – 1) exercise; 2) bring to a successful conclusion, solve

Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogues with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentences to be grammatically correct.

  1. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide is about a scientist who _________ __________ a monster after drinking a chemical potion.

  2. _____________ __________ the water or the tub will overflow.

  3. It’s warm in here. Could you ________ ________ the heater a little?

  4. I love that song. Could you _________ __________ the radio a little?

  5. I can’t see a thing. Please ___________ __________ the light.

  6. This sweater looked nice when it was new, but now it’s _______ _______.

  7. “I’m hungry!” “Why don’t you ____________ ____________ some leftovers from lunch? You can use the microwave oven.”

  8. Not many people ____________ ___________ for the meeting last night.

  9. It’s been a rough day. I’m going to ____________ __________ early and get a good night’s sleep.

  10. “How about a nice cup of hot tea?” “That’s exactly what I’m in the mood for. It’s just ________ ________ _________ __________.”

  11. “How was your presentation?” “Great. It went off _______________ ___________ ____________.”

  12. I’m going to the gym to _________ ________ on the exercise machines.

  13. If you’re in a crowded bus or a subway car, you must ___________ __________ __________ pickpockets.

  14. “A bear! I don’t see a bear! Where is it?” “____________ __________ slowly. It’s right behind you.”

  15. Maria had quite a few problems last year, but she ______them all ____.

  16. Don’t ask me to _________ __________ you! I’m not your servant.

  17. Brian was offered a manager’s job, but he ____________ it _________. He said he didn’t want the responsibility.

  18. Before the game starts, the players need to __________ ___________.

  19. “This cake Holly baked for the wedding ___________ __________ very well, don’t you think?” “Yes, indeed. It was delicious.”

  20. “Mitchell looked pale and tired.” “He told me that he was feeling a little ____________ ____________ ____________.”

  21. “You must be happy about getting that scholarship.” “Are you kidding? I’m still ___________ ____________ _____________.”

Учебное издание

Дюжева Мария Борисовна

Польшина Юлия Александровна

Юркова Людмила Николаевна

Пособие по аудированию

Add It Up

Учебное пособие

В авторской редакции

Компьютерная верстка М.Б. Дюжевой

Подписано в печать 19.02.2010

Формат 60х84 1/16. Усл. печ. л. 4,44; уч.-изд-е. 3,2

Тираж 150 экз.

Издательство Дальневосточного университета

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