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Integrate – об’єднуватися

malt –солодовий, солодити

yeasts -дріжджі, закваска

leaven -дріжджі, закваска; фермент; заквашувати;

convert - переробляти; трансформувати

disable - робити непридатним

refine- очищати, рафінувати; підвищувати якість

cure - лікування, засіб лікування , виліковувати

tend - намагатися

friendly- зручний; нешкідливий

environmentally-friendly - экологічно безпечний, нешкідливий для

навколишнього середовища

solution - рішення, вирішення (питання)

thereby- таким чином, в зв’язку з цим

eliminating - знищення, ліквідація

external -зовнішній

ultimately – врешті-решт

considerable - значний; важливий

debate -дебати, дискусія, обговорення

interdisciplinary -міждисциплінарний

computational –обчислювальний

Food Biotechnology: The Future Is Today!

If you peek into a supermarket of the 21 st century, you might find an intriguing array of products: foods that taste fresher and more flavorful, more nutritious varieties of foods you already eat, and a greater variety of produce all year long. All these products will result from today's food biotechnology.

Where did biotechnology begin? For centuries, farmers raised

animals and grew plants to produce food with desirable traits: higher

yields, new food varieties, better taste, faster ripening, and more resistance

to drought. Five thousand years ago in Peru, potatoes were grown

selectively. In ancient Egypt—4,500 years ago—domesticated geese were

fed to make them bigger and tastier. About 2,300 years ago, Greeks grafted

trees, a technique that led to orchards and a more abundant fruit supply. In

fact, products as commonplace as grapefruit or wine could be described as

coming from traditional biotechnology.

Over the years, farmers have replanted seeds or cross-pollinated

from their best crops. And they've bred new livestock from their best

animals. For example, within the past few decades, hogs have been bred to

be leaner, in turn producing lean cuts of pork for today's consumers.

With traditional breeding, farmers change the genetic makeup by selecting

plants and animals with desirable traits. They then raise them and select

again and again until a new, more desirable breed or food variety gets

established. Even in the "old days," all of this breeding required genetic


Traditional breeding takes time. Often it's unpredictable. Each

time one plant pollinates another, or one animal inseminates another, thousands

of genes cross together. Along the way, less desirable traits—and the

genes that cause them— may pass with desirable ones. Several generations

of breeding, perhaps 10 to 12 years, may go by before desirable traits get

established and less desirable qualities are bred away. The "new" biotechnology offers a faster, more precise way to establish new

traits in both plants and animals—and so provides foods for consumers that

are safe, nutritious, healthful, abundant, and tasty.

"New Biotech": What's It All About?

In a nutshell, biotechnology refers to using living organisms—

plants, animals, and bacteria—to develop new products, not just for food,

but also for medical treatment, waste management, and alternative fuels,

among others.

Food biotechnology started about 25 years ago, as more was

learned about DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic code in living

organisms. It builds on traditional breeding methods, which change genetic

makeup slowly and selectively.

Today, agricultural scientists can identify specific genes that carry

traits they want, such as disease resistance, better nutrient quality or flavor.

Then they can transfer just those genes to a plant or animal—leaving

undesirable traits behind. Today`s biotechnology is more efficient, more

predictable, and less time-consuming than traditional breeding—an

approach that wasn't possible when we knew less about the biological

world around us.

Our "biotech" world has spawned a new vocabulary. Terms such

as genetic engineering, gene splicing, cell culture, and recombinant DNA

all refer to some methods of biotechnology Recombinant DNA is the

process of splicing genes from one organism into the genetic code, or DNA

of another. That`s how a trait is transferred.

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