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Language Practice

I. Add "-ing" to the following verbs. Pay attention to the spelling. Consult Appendix .. .




+ ing




But: lie + ing = lying

close + ing = closing

shut + ing = shutting

to measure to stop to try

to protect to begin to stay

to tighten to hit to lay

to produce to permit to say

to perform to travel to put

to cut to start to set

to use to lie to apply

II. Match each word with the proper definition.

  1. a tyre

  2. a micrometer

  3. a speedometer

  4. a thermometer

  5. an ammeter

  6. a screwdriver

  7. a calculator

  8. a chisel

  1. a device for indicating current

  2. a tool for cutting materials

  3. a device for performing mathematical operations

  4. a tool for driving in screws

  5. a thing for protecting wheels

  6. an instrument for measuring temperature

  7. an instrument for indicating the speed of a car

  8. a tool for measuring microdimensions

III. Ask your friend to name the following instruments and tools.

Example: A: ‑This instrument is for measuring temperature. What is it called? B: ‑It is called a thermometer.

  1. This instrument is for indicating the speed of a car.

  2. This device is for indicating the current.

  3. This device is for performing mathematical operations.

  4. This tool is for measuring microdimensions.

  5. This tool is for cutting materials.

  6. This instrument is for tightening screws.

IV. Complete the dialogues.

a battery

1. A: What ... there in the picture?

B: It ... called a ... .

A: It is ... a battery, isn't ...?

B: Yes, right you are. It … ... a battery.

a chisel

2. A: What ... it ... ?

B: To my mind, it's called a ... .

A: It's for ... metal, isn't it?

B: Yes, ... ... . It's for ... different engineering materials.


3. A: What are these ... ?

B: I believe they … called … .

A: They ... for ... mathematical operations, aren't ... ?

B: Quite right. They ... for ... mathematical operations.

V. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. What is these called?

  2. This is called a manometers.

  3. What is this device to?

  4. This device is for measure pressure.

  5. Is a speedometer for indicate the engine speed?

  6. A speedometer are for indicating the speed of a car.

  7. There are a few tool in the box.

  8. An ammeter have a scale and a pointer.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

  1. – Послушай, Александр, как называется этот прибор? – Я думаю, он называется тахометр.

  2. – Ты не можешь мне сказать, что такое манометр? – Я полагаю, это прибор для измерения давления, не так ли?

  3. – Ты случайно не знаешь, как называются эти части автомобиля? – Двигатель и аккумулятор, если я не ошибаюсь. – Спасибо. – Не за что.

  4. – Скажите пожалуйста, для чего шины в колесах? – Они для защиты колес. Также их называют протекторами.

  5. Отвертка – для закручивания винтов.

  6. – Что такое калькулятор? – Это прибор для выполнения математических операций.

  7. Этот прибор называется термометр.

  8. Этот инструмент используется для резки по металлу.

  9. Этот прибор имеет шкалу и стрелку.

  10. Спидометр используется для измерения скорости автомобиля.

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