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Хабаровск 2007






I study in khabarovsk




Хабаровск 2012

Печатается по решению

редакционно-издательского совета

Дальневосточного государственного

гуманитарного университета

Ильиных Г.С.

“I STUDY IN KHABAROVSK”. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов первого курса неязыковых факультетов. Часть I.

Хабаровск: Изд-во ХК ИППК ПК, 2012. – 51 стр.

Издание второе, дополненное и переработанное.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса неязыковых факультетов и рассчитано на лиц, усвоивших программу средней школы по английскому языку. В пособие включены тексты национально-региональной тематики. Тематические разделы содержат тексты монологического характера с соответствующими заданиями, предполагающими различные виды деятельности, в том числе парную и групповую работу. В пособие включены упражнения и комментарии, знакомящие студентов с основами перевода.

Приложение содержит материал для проведения итоговых уроков конференций.

Рецензент: Мунгалова Т.И. – кандидат филологических наук, доцент.

Дальневосточный государственный гуманитарный университет, 2012

I Study in Khabarovsk is an introductory book for university level students studying English. The book is designed to be used over two terms, challenging the student to constantly improve their conversational English language abilities. Starting simply with a review of high school level language, the text flows into more complex forms of the language – concentrating on the United States use of English. The text presents examples of Russian literature, local and national history, and specialized subject matter to aid the student in improving their understanding of the English language. Throughout the text, exercises are provided to help the student improve their abilities. “I Study in Khabarovsk” sets a high standard of English comprehension, and will challenge even the most serious of students in the subject matter.

Aaron Poole

Guest Lecturer



UNIT 1…………………………………………………………………………….


UNIT 2……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 3……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 4…………………………………………………………………………….


UNIT 5……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 6……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 7……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 8……………………………………………………………………………


UNIT 9……………………………………………………………………………


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ I………………………………………………………………….

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ II………………………………………………………………….

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ III…………………………………………………………………



Congratulations! You are University students now. Welcome to the "Land of Knowledge."

The twenty first century needs multilingual specialists and English continues to be the standard language in the world. We are witnessing the unprecedented global spread of English and thus for Russian speakers English has become more important than ever before. English is the key which opens doors to the world's treasures and new opportunities.

This textbook will help you to master your English. You have already studied English at school and we hope that now you will be active in class and use your knowledge of English in life. You can learn to speak English only by doing it. As English is not your major we know that you will have little time to devote to it. That is why you will find that many exercises in this book direct you to talk to each other in pairs or simultaneously in groups of three to five students.

We begin with classroom language to make the communication process easier.

Enjoy your classes!


May I come in ? Sorry, I am late.

Take your seat. Swap places with ... (Exchange places with smb).

Go to the board. Erase the board.

Turn on/off the light. Plug in the tape recorder/ the VCR/ the TV.

Turn up the tape recorder/ the VCR (increase the volume). Turn it down.

Borrow someone's dictionary/pen/pencil.

Look up the word in the dictionary.

Write the words down.

Correct your mistakes.

Say it louder/ slower/ with more feeling. Repeat it, please.

Answer the questions.

Excuse me, may I ... ?

Shall I read/ go on/ translate ?

What is the English for ... ?

What does ... mean ?

How do you spell/ use/ pronounce it ?

What's the difference between ... and ... ?

What was the homework ?

Sorry, I haven't done my homework.

Sorry, I've left my notebook at home.

May I be excused for a moment ? (May I leave the room for a moment ?)

We are ready.

I am afraid you are wrong.

Praises: That was good. Excellent. Very well said. Correct.

Greetings and farewells: Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Hello! /Hi! How are you? Nice to meet you. Bye. See you soon. Goodnight.


Buzz groups (a form of group activity in which groups of students have a brief discussion to answer questions, generate ideas, etc.).

Brainstorming (a group activity intended to generate a lot of ideas, every suggestion is recorded).


Numbered Heads Together (students in each group number off and put their heads together to share the answer; the teacher calls the number to designate which student can answer for the team).

Work in pairs.

Roundtable (a good review activity when the teacher asks a question with many possible answers; each team has one piece of paper that rotates around the team where each student writes one answer on the list and passes it, the teammates may help).

Модуль 1


1) Do you remember the following words ?

a) Match the English nouns with their Russian equivalents:

school, examination, teacher, subject, interval, vacations, word, classmate, exercise, textbook, library, grades, dictionary, board, noun, translation, verb, adjective, building, gym, laboratory, lecture-hall, classroom

прилагательное, глагол, словарь, библиотека, доска, каникулы, слово, существительное, аудитория, экзамен, лаборатория, школа, одноклассник, перемена, спортзал, предмет, учитель, упражнение, лекционный зал, оценки, здание, учебник, перевод,

b) Which of these English words are equivalents to the following Russian words: племянник, тетя, свекровь, двоюродный брат, зять, дядя, сестры и братья ?

Mother, son, nephew, aunt, cousin, father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, uncle, grandfather, siblings

c) Translate the following adjectives:

interesting, difficult, favorite, good, excellent, old, new, friendly, modern, foreign, former, young.

d) Найдите в англо-английском словаре значения следующих слов :

Sibling, to enjoy, to graduate, to awake, a divorcee.

2) Is the following true to fact ?

You were born in the Far East of Russia.

You are seventeen years old.

Your family is large: you are seven.

Your siblings are younger than you.

You live in the dormitory.

You liked English at school.

Mathematics was your favorite subject.

You want to be a teacher.

At school you received only good grades.

Many of your classmates entered our University.

You are married to a film star.

Winter is your favorite season.

You like to play football.

You hate loud music.

Alaska is your homeland.

You can skate and ski.

Swimming is your favorite kind of sport.

You know a lot about computers.

Australians send e-mail to you every month.

English is not difficult for you.

You cook every day.

You like to go to the dentist.

Your parents are teachers.

The name of your close friend is Andrei.

You work and study now.

Your former classmates often visit you.

3) Read the text and say what you have in common with Andrei.

Andrei is a first year student at the Far Eastern State University of Humanities. He is seventeen. He was not born in Khabarovsk. He is from Nikolaevsk, a town on the Amur river. Now he lives in the dorm. He shares a room with two second year students.

Andrei is from a large family. They are six: his mother and father, two sisters and a brother, and Andrei. They are very friendly. His siblings are school students. Andrei misses his family and often sends e-mails to them. He does not have a computer but he can use Internet in the University computer center. He is going to visit his family and see his former classmates during winter vacations. He has already made some friends here.

There is a good library at the University. Andrei likes to read so he often goes to the library. He has classes every day and has to read a lot for the lessons. Most of his groupmates are from Khabarovsk. It is interesting to learn about the history of this city from them.

Collecting stamps is Andrei’s hobby, and he also likes to collect CDs of music and games. He hates to cook and prefers fast food. He seldom watches TV, occasionally he goes to a dance or to the movies.

Andrei has a girlfriend, Jane, they started to date last year. She is also a student. They like to walk in the park near the Amur river and watch the sunset from the cliff. They have great hopes.

4) Complete the sentences:

1. This year Andrei entered the Far Eastern State … . 2. Andrei is young, he is only … . 3. … live in Nikolaevsk. 4. He does not see his parents but he often … . 5. Andrei likes to … . 6. When Andrei has free time he goes … 7. Cooking is not his hobby, he prefers … . 8. Jane and Andrei often … .

5) Rewrite the following sentences the way it is in your life:

  1. I was born in 1978.

  2. I entered the Academy of Arts.

  3. I don’t like to study.

  4. I graduate the Academy in three years.

  5. My favorite subject is Psychology.

  6. My parents live in Komsomolsk.

  7. My relatives live in Siberia.

  8. Our apartment is on the second floor of a modern building.

  9. We live near the airport.

  10. I go to the Academy by bus.

6) Translate into Russian, looking up words in the dictionary; write out all the words that characterize a person:

Sergei has two close friends: Andrei and Victor. The three of them are so different but that makes their friendship even better. Sergei is disciplined, serious, studious, well-mannered and reserved. Sometimes he is bashful. He is also courageous, kind and generous. Andrei is also brave and kind, but he is cheerful, communicative and lazy. Victor is handsome, artistic, courteous and very friendly. He is intelligent, sentimental and sexy.

He is also trustworthy. All of them are strong, pleasant, humorous and reliable.

7) Characterize your best friend.

8)Write ten sentences about yourself and use:

to enjoy, to hate, to borrow books, to go for a walk, to go to bed, to dislike, to help, to visit, to write letters, to send E-mails.

9) Speak about your family using the following words and expressions:

was born, hometown, left school, entered the University, parents, large, grandparents, relatives, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, friendly, former classmates, dorms.

10) Answer the questions:

  1. Were you born in Khabarovsk ?

  2. What school did you finish and when ?

  3. Do you live with your parents or rent a room ?

  4. Are there any relatives in Khabarovsk ?

  5. Did you leave school this year or last year ?

  6. Was it difficult to enter the University ?

  7. What was your favorite subject at school ?

  8. Did you have good grades at school ?

  9. Do you have brothers or sisters ?

  10. Is English difficult for you ?

  11. When did you decide to become a student of this university ?

  12. Do you have a close friend ? What does your friend do ?

  13. What are your parents ? Are they teachers ?

  14. Are you married ? Are you going to get married soon ?

  15. What is your favorite place in Khabarovsk ?

  16. Where do you like to walk ?

11) Ask one of the students similar questions and write ten sentences about him/her. (You can work in pairs)

12) Make flashcards with the following words:

Family – семья, parents - родители, grandparents – бабушка и дедушка, grandchild - внук/внучка, relatives – родственники, siblings – братья и сестры, cousin - двоюродный брат/двоюродная сестра, aunt - тётя, uncle - дядя , son-in-law - зять, daughter-in-law - невестка , in-laws - родственники по супружеской линии, nephew - племянник , niece - племянница, to be engaged -быть помолвленным, to get married – жениться/выйти замуж, to divorce – развестись, «гражданский муж» - partner, neighbours – соседи, a close friend - близкий друг, to go to bed – ложиться спать, to awake - просыпаться, to get up - вставать, classmates - одноклассники, to make friends – подружиться, grades - оценки, classes – занятия, roommate – товарищ по комнате.

Note: *Не все слова в английском языке имеют соответствия в русском языке, при переводе может использоваться описание: “Parenthood is not easy. – Быть родителем не просто.”

** Одному английскому словосочетанию, слову могут соответствовать две различные лексические единицы: to get married – жениться/выйти замуж, spouse - супруг/супруга, parenthood – материнство/отцовство, sibling - брат/сестра

*** Одному слову в русском языке могут соответствовать два и больше слов в английском: ещё – else, other, another, more, still, yet, only. Сравните:

Кто ещё придет? – Who else is coming?

Какие ещё предметы тебе нравятся? – What other subjects do you like?

Дай мне ещё чашку чая, пожалуйста. – Give me another cup of tea.

Возьми ещё одну книгу в библиотеке. – Borrow one more book in the library.

Они ещё в спортивном зале. – The are still in the gym.

Она ещё не сдала экзамены. – She has not passed her exams yet.

Ещё вчера она была абитуриенткой. – Only yesterday she was an applicant.

**** When couples live together but do not get married they call each other their partner.

13) Выпишите из упражнения 12 все слова, которые не имеют соответствий в русском языке. Придумайте с ними предложения.

14) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

Nelly is their only grandchild. Tom is our eldest grandchild. I met my cousin Olga last year when we visited my grandparents. My siblings live in California now. Meet Julia, my wife, she is from Quebec, and all my in-laws live Canada. Her books were about children, parenthood and family problems. They got married in June but separated in half a year. I have a date with him next week.

15) Выберите соответствие для слова «ещё» и завершите предложения.

Else, other, another, more, still, yet, only

The students are ещё doing their homework. They haven’t translated the text ещё. What ещё subjects are we going to study next term? She is a teacher now and ещё two months ago she was a student. What ещё countries have you visited? We have two ещё lessons today. I like this cake, may I have ещё one? Where ещё do they speak English? In what ещё country do they speak Spanish?

16) Дайте русский эквивалент слову «close» в следующих сочетаниях:

a close friend, close combat, a bar close to my house, close corporation, close relative.

17) Match each word with its definition:

Words Definitions

1. uncle A. two children born to one mother at the same

2. family time

3. sibling B. the brother of one’s mother or father; the

4. divorce husband of one’s aunt

5. to separate C. to have similar appearance

6. to propose D. your parents’ parents

7. date E. parents and children

8. relatives F. each of two or more children having one or two

9. ex-husband parents in common

10. to look like G. former husband

11. twins H. putting an end to a marriage by law

12. grandparents I. an appointment

J. to live apart remaining legally married

K. to offer marriage

L. persons connected by blood or marriage

18) Choose five flashcards, not showing them to the others. The students guess what cards you have.

Word Families

Noun teacher Our English teacher is in London now.

Verb teach Tom teaches teenagers.

Adjective teachable Jess was a teachable student.

Noun proposal Did she accept his proposal?

Noun proposition His proposition of new strategy was discussed.

Verb propose Tom proposed his fiancée and gave her a ring.

Noun separator Use this separator to get cream.

Noun separatist All separatists wish to be independent.

Noun separation After separation she moved to a new flat.

Verb separate Though we separated we are still friends.

Adjective separate My niece had a separate room.

Noun marriage Our marriage has been successful so far.

Verb marry Marry me, Fiona.

Adjective married The hotel is recommended for married people.

Adjective marriageable There were few marriageable men at the party.

Word Family Practice

1) Choose correct word family member from the list below to complete each blank.

Ann and Boris were close friends at school and often talked about their ….. and honey-moon. They began to live together and Ann looked forward to his …… . Boris ….. at Christmas. When they reached ….. age they got ….. .They invited friends and some ….. from school as there were no relatives in their city.

Ann’s parents ….. when she entered the university and after their ….. both lived abroad and Boris was an orphan. The wedding party was great.

1. marriage marry married marriageable

2. teacher teach teachable

3. proposal proposition propose

4. separator separation separatist separate


The following prefixes give words a negative meaning:

Un- uneducated, unhappy, unemployed, unusual

In- ineffective, indifferent, inaccurate, inaction, inattentive, inability (обычно добавляется к словам латинского происхождения)

Im- impracticable, impolite, immovable, impossible

Il- illegal, illegitimate, illiterate, illimitable

Ir- irregular, irrational, irresponsible, irreligious

Dis- dislike, disapprove, disagree, disorder, dishonest

Prefixes un- and dis- can mean “the opposite of an action”:

get undressed, unpack, disappear, unlock

Prefix re- means “do again”:

rewrite, retake an exam, reappear, reread

2) Write the opposite of these words using prefixes

…correct, …logical, …possible, …agree, …pack, …friendly, …patient


1) Read the texts without a dictionary and render them in Russian:


One Italian family really does have the key for long life. Consolata Melis celebrated her 105th birthday Wednesday, and eight of her siblings, between the ages of 99 and 78 – were around to watch her blow out the candles.

In fact, the Melis family has been named the longest-living family in the world by Guinness World Records.The nine siblings – six girls and three boys – have a combined age of 818 years.

The family comes from a village in a mountainous region of Sardinia, known for the long and healthy lives of its residents. Consolata has 14 children, 24 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. She is still active and and witty.

The Melis family says a simple Mediterranean diet, physical activity, hard work and being surrounded by loved ones is essential for longevity.


His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman’s farm. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

“I want to repay you,” said the nobleman. “You saved my son’s life.”

“No, I can’t accept payment for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied,

waving off the offer.

At that moment, the farmer’s own son came to the door of the family hovel. “Is that your son?” the nobleman asked. “Yes,” the farmer replied proudly. “ Let me provide him with the level of education my son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he’ll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.”

And that he did. Farmer Fleming’s son attended the very best schools and in time, he graduated from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London, and became known throughout the world as the famous Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman’s son who was saved from the bog fell ill with pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.

His son’s name? Sir Winston Churchill.

Someone once said: What goes around comes around.

Words and expressions:

To make a living – заработать на жизнь; bog – болото; mired to his waist – завяз в трясине по пояс; hovel – лачуга; lad – парень; no doubt – без сомнения; to be proud of – гордиться.

2) Read about some famous people. See Supplement 1.

Give their story.

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