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Henry VIII

A: Do you know that King Henry VIII is the founder of the Angli­can Church?

B: Surely. In 1534 Henry VIII broke away from the Church of Rome and declared himself Head of the Church of England.

A: Do you know why it happened so?

B: Yes, I do. As always the main reason is the woman. Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn ...

A: You are right. And the Pope refused to give him permission for divorce with Cathrine of Aragon.

B: Sorry for interrupting you. And it was the Pope who gave him the title of 'Defender of the Faith'.

A: And nowadays Henry VIII is a permanent exhibit at Madam Tussaud's and his Leeds Castle always attracts tourists from all over the world. Why is he so popular? What do you think?

B: It seems to me because he was a very mysterious man. He had six wives, one of them died, two of them were beheaded, and one is repudiated...

A: It would be interesting to read about his life. Let's go to the library.

B: I'll join you with pleasure.

EXERCISE 20. Act as an interpreter.

The churches and the modern world

Here is an extract from a television discussion. A conversation takes place between the Russian journalist and the Priest from the Church of England.

А: Люди в Великобритании регулярно посещают церковь?

А: Почему мало людей по­сещают церковь регуляр­но?

А: Способствует ли литера­тура объединению веру­ющих людей?

А: А как насчет Северной Ирландии, Мистер Пор­тер?

В: About sixty per cent of Britons get married in a church, about ninety per cent get a Christian burial, yet only about ten per cent go to church regularly

В: We shouldn't judge people's attitude to religion by how often they go to church. A lot of literature shows the growing interest of the people in religion.

B: More than you think. Christian unity is now one of the main aims of all Christian churches.

B: The churches have had more influence there than many people realize. When the Pope visited Ireland and called for an end to the bloodshed in Ulster, his words had a deep effect on the Irish people on both sides of the border - Protestants as well Catholics.

The journalist then went on to discuss some church rituals.

EXERCISE 21. Write a letter to you friend, describe your visit to the church.

EXERCISE 22. Arrange role-plays on the following subjects; be imaginative as you can:

1. You are on a visit to the UK. At the moment you are talking a vicar.

2. You are a Christian and your friend is a Muslim. You are about your religions.

3. You are talking with a specialist who is studying Buddhism Hinduism. You are interested in these religious denominations, are asking a lot of questions.

EXERCISE 23. Talk on one of these topics:

1. Different Religions All Over the World.

2. Christianity is a Worldwide Religion.

3. Islam and Muslims.

4. Judaism is the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews.

5. Buddhism.

6. Hinduism is the Main Religion of India.

7. The Anglican Church.

8. The Archbishops of the Anglican Church.

9. The National Church of Scotland.

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