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Word-building suffixes.doc
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Nouns made from adjectives

    1. Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

  1. South Africa has great mineral ….wealth….. (wealthy)

  2. ________ is one of the world’s great problems. (poor)

  3. Tell the _______. (true)

  4. I must drink something. I’m dying of _______. (thirsty)

  5. I must eat something. I’m dying of ________. (hungry)

  6. He was very bright. He passed the exam with ______. (easy)

  7. In his ________ he travelled a lot. Now he is too old. (young)

  8. I don’t know how to express my _________ for your help. (grateful)

  9. It’s very late. There’s not much _________ of his coming now. (likely)

  10. To be a soldier you need to be strong and in good _______. (healthy)

  11. There was no doubt about his ________. He was sent to prison for five years. (guilty)

  12. He escaped to _______ by climbing over the prison wall. (free)

    1. Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

1 The …death…. of the president was announced on the radio. (dead)

2 In past wars soldiers were sometimes shot for ______. (cowardly)

3 He died to save the lives of others. It was an act of _______. (heroic)

4 He was a very thoughtful, philosophical person. A man of great ______. (wise)

5 She felt great ________ at being treated so badly. (angry)

6 He left his town to find _______ in the big city. (famous)

7 The tourists were impressed by the _________ of the jewellery in the museum. (splendid)

8 It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of ________. (boring)

9 He was filled with _________ at the terrible things he saw in the war. (horrible)

10 The ice quickly melted in the ________ of the sun. (hot)

12 His ________ was hurt when a younger man was given the job above him. (proud)

13 I think it shows ________ of character to admit you are wrong. (strong)

    1. Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets after the sentence.

1 To be successful you need ability and you need _______. (lucky)

2 He was delighted by the _______ of the welcome he received. (warm)

3 The idea of going through the forest alone at night filled her with _______. (terrible)

4 The _______ of the bridge is about two kilometres. (long)

5 The _______ of the road is not great enough to take large trucks. (wide)

6 What’s the ________ of that mountain? (high)

7 The _______ of the water here is over three metres. (deep)

1.14 Make nouns ending in ence or ance from the following adjectives and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

confident / independent / patient / innocent / reluctant / violent / present / silent / elegant / important / convenient / absent / intelligent / arrogant

Model: There was complete silenсе except for the sound of the birds.

  1. The police were there to prevent any possible _________.

  2. There was complete _______ except for the sound of the birds.

  3. He was very unsure of himself. He didn’t have much _______.

  4. She dressed with great _______ in clothes of the latest French fashions.

  5. Although he maintained his ______ to the end, he was sent to prison.

  6. It doesn’t matter. It’s of no ______.

  7. What a silly thing to do. I thought he had more _________.

  8. He thinks he’s the only person who’s right! What _______!

  9. Zimbabwe gained its ________ in 1975.

  10. He didn’t like school, and went every day with great _______.

  11. Please have a little ________. We must wait another hour.

  12. Please send the goods at your earliest _________.

  13. The boss didn’t believe that her _______ was due to illness.

  14. People normally stand in the _______ of the Queen.

1.15 Make nouns ending in cy from the following adjectives and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

obstinate / private / urgent / efficient / accurate / vacant / frequent / fluent

  1. Swiss watches are famous for their ________.

  2. A _______ for an office manager was advertised in the newspaper.

  3. This is a matter of great _______. It must be discussed as soon as possible.

  4. Donkeys are known for their ________. They won’t do what they’re told.

  5. After five years in London, of course he speaks English with great _______.

  6. He always did his job well. Everyone appreciated his _________.

  7. The ________ of this bus service is about one every ten minutes.

  8. I don’t like to be visited or phoned too much at home. I like my _______.

1.16 Make nouns from the following adjectives by adding ity or –ness to the end, and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

punctual / bald / dark / deaf / foolish / popular / similar / kind / valid / sad / equal / quiet

  1. He’s worried about his increasing ________. He might get a wig.

  2. What ________ to leave a baby out in the hot sun.

  3. The teacher insisted on ________.

  4. Men and women should have ________ of pay and opportunity.

  5. I have some _________ in my left ear.

  6. The international _________ of the Beatles was amazing.

  7. I like the _______ of this street. It’s very peaceful.

  8. There is some ________ between German and Dutch.

  9. She could see nothing in the ________.

  10. You can get season tickets with a _______ of 3, 6 or 12 months.

  11. Her death brought _______ to all her family.

  12. Thank you for your ________ to my mother when she was ill.

1.17 Make nouns from the following adjectives by adding ity or –ness to the end, and put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

stupid / formal / weak / neutral / neat / real / blunt / fond / ill / superior / Christian / serious

1 Don’t laugh! I don’t think you understand the _______ of the situation.

2 The principal religion of this area is ________.

3 The teacher gave a special mark for ________.

4 He proved his ________ by winning easily.

5 Switzerland has a record of ________ in past wars.

6 He spoke with such _______ that many people were offended.

7 ________ kept him away from work for a week.

8 I was surprised by the _______ of the occasion. All the men wore dark suits and ties.

9 Engineers have found a ________ in the bridge. They’ll have to strengthen it.

10 The French _______ for wine is well known. They like it a lot.

11 He is always daydreaming; he never faces ________.

12 What a crazy thing to do. How could anyone behave with such ______?

1.18 Make nouns ending in ty from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

curious / vain / simple / anxious / brief / generous / necessary / clear / gay / various

1 He spoke with great ________. Everyone understood.

2 There’s no ________ to take the exam if you don’t want to.

3 We were disappointed by the _________ of our stay in Paris. Two days was not enough.

4 The children looked at the foreign stranger with ________.

5 There is increasing ________ about the missing children.

6 He is famous for his ________. He gives large sums to charity.

7 In spite of his fame, wealth and success, he lives a life of great _________.

8 He’s always looking at himself in the mirror. What ________!

9 In a big city like London there’s always a _________ of things to do in the evening.

10 The music, dancing and decoration gave the party an atmosphere of great ________.

    1. Make nouns ending in -y from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

tragic / courteous / jealous / envious / cruel / hypocritical / certain / beautiful / difficult / furious / royal / safe / loyal

  1. “_______” is another word for “politeness”.

  2. NSPCC stands for the National Society for the Prevention of ________ to Children.

  3. The English Lake District is a place of great natural ________.

  4. “_______” and “_______” mean more or less the same.

  5. During the bombing, children were taken to a place of ________.

  6. The newspapers described the deaths in the air crash as a ________.

  7. At first he had great ________ in understanding the language.

  8. That entrance is reserved for _________ and other important people.

  9. People reacted with _______ to the President’s speech and thousands of people attacked his palace.

  10. He says everyone is equal but he treats his employees badly. What ____!

  11. I think they’ll arrive tomorrow but no one is sure. There’s not much ______ about it.

  12. His wife supported him through all his troubles. She showed great _____.

S tudy: ugly + ness = y i = ugliness

1.20 Make nouns ending in –(i)ness from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

happy / tidy / ugly / holy / lazy / lonely / naughty / lovely

  1. Living alone in the city, he suffered from ________ at first.

  2. A factory can be attractive. It doesn’t have to be a place of ________.

  3. The birth of their baby daughter brought them a lot of ________.

  4. He lost his job because of his ________.

  5. Please respect the _______ of this religious place by not talking loudly or smoking.

  6. Their mother punished them for their ________ in breaking the window and telling lies.

  7. The teacher complimented her pupils on their _______. They had all polished their shoes and combed their hair.

  8. The _______ of the view almost took my breath away.

1.21 Make nouns ending in –(t)ion or -ment from the following adjectives, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

cautious / attractive / perfect / tense / content / excited

  1. After the revolution people were nervous about going into the streets. There was an atmosphere of ________.

  2. She danced so beautifully she almost reaches ________.

  3. In his old age he lives a life of peace, comfort and _________.

  4. This animal is dangerous. It should be handled with the greatest _______.

  5. The children’s ________ increased as Christmas Day drew near.

  6. Tower Bridge in London is a major tourist ________.

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