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VI. Imagine the following situations:

  1. You are Will. Tell us about your feelings towards Rachel. What alterations has she brought about in your life.

  2. You are Marcus. Expatiate on the way you feel about Ellie. Compare your present state with what you felt earlier. Does it make any difference?

Task Set 11 (Chapters 31-33)

I. Study the active vocabulary:

  • there’s no way that (p. 229)

  • come up with (p. 230)

  • DIY (=do-it-yourself) abbr. (p. 230)

  • give smb. what for infml. (p. 232)

  • drift off (p. 232)

  • let smb. loose (p. 232)

  • overdo (it) (p. 233)

  • masterful (p. 235)

  • weed smth. out (p. 240)

  • be cut out for smth./smb. (p. 241)

  • overrate smth. (p. 242)

  • throwaway (p. 242)

  • one-liner noun Am. infml. (p. 242)

  • all over the place (about things or people) (p. 242-243)

  • pertinent (p. 244)

  • hold down (a relationship) (p. 244)

  • on the verge of smth. (p. 245)

  • grist to/for the mill idiom (p. 246)

  • heart-to-heart (noun) with smb. (254)

  • shoot one’s mouth off (p. 254)

II. Complete the sentences (using the units from the active vocabulary):

  1. Peter was very handy with tools, so he decided to organize a ______________club.

  2. He couldn't ___________ with any plausible excuse when I asked him why he was late.

  3. An inexperienced politician should not _________________ on running the party.

  4. You're _______________ saying some things you may regret a long, long time.

  5. Use illustrations where appropriate but don't _______________.

  6. There’s no need for them to _________________their relationship. Obviously, they are not _____________ each other.

  7. Elisabeth was looking forward to a ___________________ with John. She decided to __________________ and tell him everything.

  8. “Billy, there’s _______________ your mother will ignore your terrible behaviour. She’ll definitely ____________________.”

  9. You shouldn’t ________________ his self-confidence. He might also feel ____________________.

  10. We realized that bad publicity is all ________________________.

III. Match the synonyms:

  1. drift off

  2. masterful

  3. weed smth. out

  4. throwaway

  5. one-liner

  6. pertinent

  1. commanding , self-willed

  2. disposable, offhand

  3. drop off, fall asleep

  4. short joke, witty remark, riposte

  5. suitable, opportune, timely, well-timed

  6. separate out, remove, eliminate

IV. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why was Marcus asked to go to Cambridge?

  2. Why was Marcus so excited about going to Cambridge after his talk with Ellie?

  3. What were the reasons for Marcus’ uneasiness at the station? Why did he ask Ellie to follow him as though she was wearing blindfolds?

  4. Who was Will waiting for in a restaurant? What was the reason for the meeting?

  5. What happened in Royston? What was Ellie’s freak?

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