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Assignment IV (chapters 11 – 13) pp. 66 – 89 (86 – 117)

  1. Transcribe the words and learn their meanings:

Idle, deliberately, to humiliate, well-bred, ordinary, conduct, nuisance, innocent, to entertain, entertaining, absurd, stupid, an adventure, a beard, a moustache, a Spaniard, to refuse, to disturb, (to be) thirsty, danger, dangerous, to blackmail, fear, nonsense, curiosity, crazy, to pawn, genius, divorce.

  1. Reproduce the situations from the book with the following word combinations:

    1. at the bottom of one’s heart – p. 66 (86)

    2. a first night – p. 66 (86)

    3. to get (to buy) smth. for nothing (got, got) – p. 66 (87)

    4. to get on (very) well (with smb.) – p. 67 (87)

    5. to change one’s mind – p. 67 (88)

    6. to pay attention to smb. (paid, paid) – p. 68 (89)

    7. to find out smth. (found, found) – p. 70 (92)

    8. to rely on smb. – p. 71 (93)

    9. to remind smb. Of smth. – p. 74 (97)

    10. to be taken aback – p. 75 (99)

    11. a curtain call – p. 77 (102)

    12. in for a penny, in for a pound – p. 82 (107)

    13. to treat smb. (well, badly, etc.) – p. 86 (112)

  1. Find the English equivalents of the given word-combinations in the book and be ready to describe some episode from the book using them.

    1. ценитель всех видов искусства – р. 68 (89)

    2. лицо, залитое слезами – р. 70 (92)

    3. стыдиться ч –л. – р. 70 (92)

    4. настаивать на ч – л. – р. 80 (105)

    5. это всё было подстроено заранее – р. 82 (108)

    6. её бросало то в жар, то в холод – р. 83 (108)

    7. у неё вдруг защемило сердце – р. 86 (113)

    8. комок подступил у неё к горлу – р. 89 (117)

  1. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary of Assignment IV using the given grammatical structures, translate them into Russian.

Model 1. One had to think of others too.

Model 2. She could not bear the thought of his wasting his life over her.

Model 3. She did not feel at all like going to bed that afternoon.

Model 4. If the worst comes to the worst I’ll curl up in the corridor outside your door.

  1. Change the given extract into indirect speech: ( p. 85 beginning with “You promised to ring me up … “up to” … after the matinee”).Chapter 13.

  2. What kind of man was Charles Tamerley? Describe his appearance, character, manners, way of life. Speak about his relations with Julia.

  3. Why did Julia accept Tom Fennell’s invitation to have tea with him? The room where he lived reminded her of her youth, didn’t it? Why didn’t Julia want to see Tom again?

  4. Thomas Fennell appeared to be a very persistent young man. Prove that.

  5. What facts prove that Tom was a snob?

  6. Give a short summary of chapters 11 – 13.

Assignment V (chapters 14) pp. 89 – 108 (117 – 143)

  1. Transcribe the words and learn their pronunciation and meanings:

Awful, to confess, shrewd, compassion, satisfaction,, to accept, to afford, expensive, a trifle, a garage, occasionally, capable, capacity, excited, commonplace, sincere, a film-star, talkative, a chatterbox, to irritate, charming, selfish (ness), a vice, to pretend, gratitude, conscious, a debt.

  1. Reproduce the situations from the book in which the given word-combinations are used:

    1. now and then – p. 89 = from time to time - p. 98 (117 – 120)

    2. (to be ) due to smth. – p. 90 (118)

    3. to keep one’s head (kept, kept) – p. 90 (119)

    4. to be conscious of smth. – p. 91 (119)

    5. to stare at smb. (smth.) – p. 92 (122)

    6. to spy on smb. – p. 93 (122)

    7. to make friends (with smb.) (made, made) - p. 96 (126)

    8. to keep one’s temper – p. 97 (128)

    9. to make a fuss over smb. (smth.) (made, made) - p. 99 (130)

    10. to enjoy oneself – p. 106 (140)

    11. to rack one’s brains (over smth.) – p. 108 (142)

  1. Find the English equivalents of the given word-combinations in the book, reproduce some episode from the book using them.

    1. он был кожа да кости – р. 90 (118)

    2. ради кого – либо – р. 91 (119)

    3. об этом не может быть и речи – р. 93 (122)

    4. приносить кому – либо пользу – р. 96 (127)

    5. предъявлять какие – либо требования к – л. – р. 100 (131)

    6. поставить точки над i – р. 106 (139)

  1. Translate the given sentences into Russian. Make up your own ones according to given models:

Model 1: People kept on telling Julia that she was looking ten years younger …

Model 2: Why don’t you ask him to come and spend his holiday with us?

Model 3: Tom says he used to have them too.

Model 4: It’s only natural that those two boys should want to play together.

Model 5: …. He made her feel that she belonged to an older generation.

V. Change the extract into indirect speech: ( p. 92 (122) beginning with “Oh, I know people ….” up to “I don’t

know how to thank you.”)

VI. Answer the questions:

1. What feelings gripped Julia when she realized that she had fallen in love with Tom? 2. Was Tom in love with her? 3. What did Julia especially like in Tom? 4. How did it happen that Tom spent his holiday together with Julia’s family? 5. What kind of boy was Roger? Why did Julia find him a trifle dull? 6. Why was Julia disappointed with her rest at Taplow? 7. How did the people spend time at Taplow? 8. Were Julia and Tom often together? Why? 9. How did Julia take revenge upon Tom?

  1. Speak on the following using the new vocabulary:

    1. Julia’s hopes for the forthcoming holiday at Taplow.

    2. Julia’s dreams were ruined by Tom.

  2. Give Tom’s character sketch.

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