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VII. Locating information Find the passages in the text where the following ideas are expressed. Give the line reference.

…… 1. Random-access circuits are used in 2 types of primary memory.

…… 2. The cache is a variant of SRAM memory.

…… 3. DRAM is more compact than SRAM.

…… 4. The time of recording is unimportant in random-access memory.

…… 5. Flip-flop and transistors are responsible for different operations.

…… 6. The transistor in a DRAM chip is some kind of a controller.

IX. Contextual reference Look back at the text and find out what the words in bold typeface refer to.

1. … in which they were recorded…

2. … it represents 0…

3. … because it has fewer…

4. … though its access time…

5. … slower than that of SRAM…

6. … and that temporarily stores…

(l. 8) ………………………

(l. 20) ………………………

(l. 21) ………………………

(l. 23) ………………………

(l. 24) ………………………

(l. 27) ………………………

X. Understanding words Refer back to the text and find synonyms for the following words.

1. order

2. to consist

3. several

4. to demand

5. faster

(l. 8) ………………………

(l. 14) ………………………

(l. 16) ………………………

(l. 22) ………………………

(l. 28) ………………………

Now refer back to the text and find antonyms for the following words.

  1. main

  2. output

  3. sequential-access

  4. faster

  5. permanently

(l. 2) ………………………

(l. 4) ………………………

(l. 6) ………………………

(l. 24) ………………………

(l. 27) ………………………

XI. Word forms Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences. Make sure to use the correct form.

  1. electricity, electric, electrical, electrically

a. A lot of … is needed to operate large computer systems.

b. Alexander Graham Bell invented the … light bulb.

c. Many students today are studying to become … engineers.

  1. representation, represent, representative, represented, representing

a. In the computer the letters of the alphabet are … in terms of 0s and 1s.

b. The Morse Code is composed of dots and dashes … the letters of the alphabet and numerals.

c. Each column of punched holes on a card … a letter, a number, or a special character.

d. The binary … of the decimal number 10 is 100.

  1. storage, store, stored, storing

a. The computer memory is capable of … a lot of information for a short period of time.

b. The recording heads of a tape drive accessed the information which was … on a tape.

c. There are now telephones that can … up to several hundred numbers in their memory.

  1. access, accessible, accessibility, accessed, accessing

a. Do you have … to the students’ files in the database?

b. To … information recorded on a disk, a disk drive must be used.

c. Tapes were a faster medium than punched cards for … information.

d. A cylinder is … by all the recording heads acting at once.