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Unit 6 CAREER PATH.doc
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XII. Translate into English:

1. Я планую розпочати свою кар’єру в туристичній промисловості, оскільки така робота включає прямий контакт з клієнтами, різноманіття, певну свободу та роботу в команді. 2. Моя подруга мріє працювати менеджером у великій компанії. Вона просто обожнює складати плани та оцінювати діяльність інших. 3. Робота керівника вимагає найвищого рівня відповідальності за всі аспекти діяльності підприємства. 4.Менеджери виконують не тільки адміністративну роботу, вони також допомагають у скрутні часи та спостерігають за роботою працівників

5. Розпорядок дня адміністратора більш гнучкий, ніж у працівників, роботу яких вони перевіряють. 6. Енергійні люди не можуть працювати на сидячій роботі. Різноманіття та активність для них завжди на першому місці. 7. Адміністратори, зазвичай, тільки відповідають за виконання роботи працівниками, хоча можуть підмінити їх при необхідності.

Speaking Exercises

XIII. Answer the following questions to the text:

  1. What are the four tourism career path categories?

  2. What do the front line positions involve?

  3. Who is the front line position ideal for?

  4. What do the supervisors do at work?

  5. Why is the role of the supervisor so varied?

  6. What are the managers involved in?

  7. Is the job of a manager sedentary?

  8. What types of executive positions do you know?

  9. What is different\similar between them?

  10. What career path category do you see yourself in? Explain why.

XIV. Complete the following sentences:

I plan/ don’t plan to start my tourism career with one of the front line positions, because….

I would/ wouldn’t like to be a supervisor, as this position is…

I suppose, that a management position is/ isn’t a difficult one, because…

An executive position is/ isn’t the best one for me, as….

XV. Make up a plan and retell the text according to it

XVI. Discussion:

  • Do you think that tourism jobs pay minimum wage? Explain why.

  • Do those who work in tourism travel around the world for free? Will you provide such a benefit for your employees as a future executive?

  • Do tourism jobs offer only part-time employment and shift work?

  • Are tourism jobs available only in summer?

  • Does tourism provide only temporary jobs for students?

  • Are post-secondary education and training not needed for employment in the tourism industry?

  • Will a university education in tourism secure you a management position in the industry?

R eading Exercise

XVII. Read the following facts about tourism careers; decide which of them provides information for the corresponding discussion point from the previous exercise:

There are many myths about careers in tourism—here we provide the facts on only some of them . . .

FACT 1: While there are many employment opportunities available in the summer, there are opportunities during other seasons as well. Ski resorts, snowmobiling-tour operators and ice-fishing guides enjoy tourism-related employment in the winter. In addition, golf courses need people to develop business plans for the coming summer season.

FACT 2: Like many industries, front line positions in tourism may pay minimum wages; however there are opportunities to supplement one's income with commissions, gratuities or other benefits such as free or discounted accommodations. Tourism positions above front line level often pay well in comparison to other industries.

FACT 3: In today's economy, few people, even those with a university degree, step into a management or executive position. Most industry leaders want their employees to gain practical experience on-the-job first. A university degree indicates your background and demonstrates your ability to learn, think and organize yourself to complete tasks. It can help you move more quickly into supervisory and management positions.

FACT 4: Most entry-level positions in the tourism industry do not require a university degree although other forms of education and training are usually necessary. Many occupations require skills that must be learned and practiced. There are many routes to learning and, depending on the occupation you choose, you may achieve a management position through on-the-job training and through a college or university diploma.

FACT 5: Most people in tourism do not usually receive free travel as an employment benefit. While some careers may involve travel (e.g. flight attendants and travel counselors), employees usually travel on business and work hard during these trips. Although some employers offer discounts on airfare or accommodation, this is not the norm.

FACT 6: The tourism industry offers the first work experience for many people. Although employment in tourism exists for students, challenging careers with more chances for promotion also exist.

FACT 7: Depending on the tourism job, work may be part-time or full-time. Individuals in supervisory positions often work more traditional schedules. People who have a job in the tourism industry may work weekends, holidays or nights; just as community doctors, nurses, lawyers, bankers, engineers and graphic designers do!

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