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Aerobic dancing

There's nothing mysterious about aerobic exercise. It simply refers to the kind and level of physical effort that increases the body's consumption of oxygen. In fact, aerobic means "needing oxygen in order to live".

When we exercise enough to need more oxygen, our heart and lungs are forced to work harder to provide it. When they work harder, a host of good things happen. The heart is conditioned to beat more strongly. As a result, it pumps more oxygenated blood to all our tissues, nourishing them better. Though we gain a faster heart rate during the exercise, the heart returns to its resting state quickly. In other words, it works much more efficiently. (These benefits translate into more protection against heart attacks.) Our capacity to take in oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide also improves; our lungs become better conditioned. As we gain in physical fitness, we become able to engage in more strenuous activity over a greater length of time with less fatigue.

There's confusion in some people's minds about what constitutes an aerobic exercise and what does not. Jogging is definitely aerobic. So are swimming, brisk walking and bicycling, as well as aerobic dancing. Tennis is not always an aerobic exercise because it isn't continuous. In order for an activity to qualify as aerobic, it has to be somewhat vigorous and sustained, maybe 15 minutes or a half hour, at least 3 or 4 times a week. Improvement in fitness comes over time, not overnight.

2. Match the following words and word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own

  1. consumption of oxygen

  2. a host of things

  3. oxygenated blood

  4. nourishing tissues

  5. to return to its resting state

  6. in other words

  7. heart attack

  8. physical fitness

  9. strenuous activity

  10. jogging

  11. at least

  12. overnight

  13. to engage in aerobic exercise

1) другими словами

2) заниматься аэробикой

3) бег трусцой

4) потребление кислорода

5) по меньшей мере

6) множество вещей

7) за ночь

8) насыщенная кислородом кровь

9) питая ткани

10) сердечный приступ

11) напряженная деятельность

12) вернуться в исходное состояние покоя

13)хорошее физическое здоровье

3. Translate the following questions into English and answer them

  1. Что означает слово аэробика?

  2. Что происходит с сердцем и легкими, когда человек занимается физкультурой?

  3. Почему сердце работает лучше, когда человек занимается физкультурой?

  4. Можно ли теннис отнести к занятиям аэробикой? Почему?

  5. Какие виды спорта можно отнести к аэробике?

  1. Give a summary of the text "Aerobic Dancing" using the following words and word-combinations from the text:

aerobic exercise; to refer to; consumption of oxygen; to work harder and more efficiently; oxygenated blood; to nourish; to constitute; continuous; vigorous; improvement in fitness; to engage in a more strenuous exercise, to gain in physical fitness, over a greater length of time; to nourish tissues.

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